Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

Goin' To California.


“Hold on. I’m roomies with HER?!” Val screamed.

Normally Val was a very cal person, but now she was PISSED. I didn’t blame her, cause hello. It is Katelyn.

“Why can’t we all just sleep in a big room? Or, have the girlfriends with the boyfriends? IT MAKES MORE SENSE!” This time Zacky beckoned.

“I can switch rooms if you want me too.” I offered, trying to keep all the trouble to a minimum on the first week. Plus, I just wanted to be with Zacky and my brother.

Speaking of my brother, he’s been pretty upset lately. It’s about to drive me insane if he doesn’t tell me soon. Maybe I should just have Zacky ask him about it…

We all went out to eat after we got our things situated. Deciding on Red Robin, I wore this while Val wore this. Even if it was just a normal restaurant, we still wanted to look presentable.

We all ate, talked, and tried to get to know each other without causing a dispute. I was sitting to the left of Zacky, and to the right of Matt. Across from me was Matt, and across from Zacky was Val. Next to Matt was Brian, and then Adam and Neil. To the right of me was Berry, he apparently was a pretty cool guy, and next to him was Jimmy, and then Brad, with Johnny and the managers at the heads of the table.

“So, how long have you guys been a band?” Matt asked Adam. They were destined to be good friends, despite who each others friends were.

“About eleven, twelve years. We started out as a different name, so.. Coming close to 5 years of being a band. It’s been a pretty interesting ride, might I tell you.” Adam confirmed.

“Oh yeah, we’ve all grown apart once in a while, and now back together musically and friendship wise.” Brad told everyone.

“We’ve gone through a lot too, mainly with Justin, and how literally insane he was. Then with Matt’s voice, and how that all went down. We won’t even start with Jimmy.” Valary laughed. We all laughed, when Jimmy yelled a loud 'HEY!'

“But we’ve all stuck together when times got tough. Through thick and thin, right guys.” Matt said, looking at us all.

“I remember listening to the first demo, right before and after Jimmy joined and I was like, wow. They’ll never make it. And now, with me, we’re gonna make it somewhere.” Brian said confidently.

“Psh, they were gonna make it anytime.” I laughed. “It just took a while for people to realize that.” Grabbing on to Zackys hand. He kissed it, and I smiled.

The whole time Katelyn was nodding to herself. She looked like she was in deep thought the whole time, but, at the same time, I don’t think she really knew much about Avengeds’ history.

We were all getting pretty tired, so we went back to our hotel. I changed into my pj’s and in the process discovered that all the rooms had an open wet bar.

Oh how much fun that will be. Especially that they all have some Jack Daniels.
♠ ♠ ♠
:\ Nott too happy with this one.

Ashley's Outfit for Red Robins

Val's Outfit for Red Robins

Ashley's PJ's

Katies next.

Thank you guys so much for the comments. They make us both feel so happy. :D