Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

There's A Fine Line Between Love & Hate

Katelyn’s P.O.V
I yawned tiredly. I still felt pretty lousy, but on top of it…Avenged were all eating food that made me feel like throwing up. I was on Adam’s lap as he smiled absentmindedly. I buried my face in Adam’s neck so the smell would stop making me want to puke. I closed my eyes tight as Adam whispered into my ear. “You okay Lyn?” I shook my head no and he gently pulled me off of him before standing up and offering me his hand. I took it and the two of us walked off the bus and he pulled out his cigarettes. I smiled as he lit one up, I took a seat before speaking up when I noticed his questioning look.

“The smell of their food was making me feel sick. I felt like I was gonna puke,” He nodded in understanding as Brian walked out with Matt and Zack. All three had packs of cigarettes in hand. I yawned again before pulling out my phone. I began to text Frankie and Nikki and laughed at a picture Frank sent me. “Dorks,” I stated with a giggle before pushing myself up as Ashley and Val walked out holding the same food from before. I bit my lip before walking behind Adam and hugging him from behind. I buried my face in his back. I heard Brian scoff but didn’t say a word as Adam sighed.

“Why you think it’s making you feel that way babe?” I shrugged and kept my face buried.

“Who knows…I fucking hate being sick,” I stated defiantly as he chuckled. “So,” I said with a smile since today was June twenty third.

He turned me around so I was facing him before grinning. “Happy seventeenth birthday babe!” He exclaimed as I smiled. He handed me a wrapped small box, when I opened it I smiled at the chain inside it. It had a treble clef encrusted with diamonds. I smiled as he turned me around so my back was to him. I lifted my shoulder length light brown hair, and handed him the chain. He clasped it behind my neck and smiled. “There ya go sweetheart,” I smiled before turning around and hugging him.

“I love you so much Adam!” I exclaimed as I watched Brian storm off. I frowned before noticing Jimmy walk out with more of that food. I couldn’t hold it back anymore, I walked around the bus before sprinting to the nearest garbage can, and I puked my guts out into the garbage can. I wiped my mouth before popping in a piece of gum and walking around aimlessly, I came across Brian sitting on a bench and took a seat next to him. “What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing. It’s hard to miss how depressed you’ve been acting,” I explained as he shrugged.

“I really like this chick…and I don’t think she likes me back,” He sighed as I looked over at him sympathetically. I patted his shoulder lightly before speaking up.

“You’ll never know if you don’t try. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen you back down from a challenge Brian,” I stated with a soft smile. He looked up to me confused as I got up. “Well we should go. Your set is soon,” I stated before jogging off towards the stage with him hot on my tail. I laughed when I collided with Neil’s back. Neil fell forward and I fell on top of him. “HI NEIL,” I shouted gaining everyone’s attention.

I giggled as he laughed before standing up with me still on his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. I smiled as Neil flipped me over and hugged me tight. “Happy birthday lil one,” He stated as I giggled. Me and Neil had a brother/sister relationship.

“Thanks Neil,” I giggled as Avenged went on stage and played their set. Adam spoke up with an evil grin.

“I bet you can’t play the guitar part for Unholy Confessions,” I gave him a defiant ‘hmph’ before claiming I could and I would prove it tomorrow morning. I looked up as they ended their set and walked backstage all sweaty and gross. Val and Ashley had grinned happily and hugged them as Adam walked out and the guys followed. I watched as Adam spoke up.

“First off…I wanna make sure that my friend knows that I’m wishing her a happy seventeenth birthday. You do right Kate?” I nodded with a huge smile before he spoke up. “Well let’s get this started. Shall we?” Everyone cheered and they began their set.

I smiled as they ended it and came off stage. “I’m gonna go boarding. Okay? See you fuckers when I get back,” I stated kissing Adam and Neil on the cheek before grabbing my skateboard and leaving. I skated around Atlanta and let me tell you, since I’m in a good mood. I didn’t wipe out, and when I did I caught myself.

When I came back, I walked onto the bus and went to get my pajamas. When I reached into my and Adam’s bunk I heard a girl moaning above my head. That could only mean one thing, Brian is having sex with some random girl up there. I dropped my bag and walked out after grabbing my laptop. I felt sick to my stomach and hurt…which was weird cause I shouldn’t be feeling hurt. I don’t like him…right?

I popped my ‘Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special’ DVD in my laptop before hooking my headphones in. I smiled as I clicked character select and chose Achmed. I loved him…he was my favorite puppet. I giggled as I watched Achmed complain about scoliosis and then one of my favorite parts came up.

“We were playing twister. I got left hand green. I reached too far and my arm popped off. Walter laughed, peanut kicked it. Fucking dog ran out the door with it,” Achmed stated in a whiney tone. I giggled and fast forwarded to my next favorite part. The part with Brian’s dad. Or as Achmed called him…guitar guy. I giggled as Achmed changed his answer from guitar hero to Halo. I smiled before the best part came up.

“Well anybody with poliosis should certainly,” Jeff stated before realizing he fucked up.

“What the fuck is Poliosis?” Achmed shouted making me giggle.

I giggled and watched that before turning it off and listening to music on my laptop. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being shaken awake by Adam and he was holding a guitar as Neil held an amp. I walked outside with them and we plugged it in as Brian, Ashley, random whore from last night, Matt, Val and Zacky walked out. I pulled my pick out of my pocket and let Adam hand me his guitar. They plugged it in and Neil counted for me before I began and played a pretty good version of the guitar part from ‘Unholy Confessions’ I laughed as they all looked shocked. Well, aside from Adam, Neil, Brad and Barry.

I smirked at Adam who handed me twenty bucks as I smiled. I tucked it into the back pocket of my skinny jeans. I laughed as Neil grinned. I randomly played the few chords that went with a song, me and my friends from the random garage band had written. I smiled before opting to write them down later. I then played a bit of what Adam said he wanted ‘Never Too Late’ to sound like. And I then played a little bit of ‘I Hate Everything About You,’ before finishing up with my favorite guitar part from Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Train.’

“Well that was fun. Always love taking money from ya Adam,” I said with a grin as I handed him his guitar and stretching out. “I’m so sore…and Brian…that was disgusting,” I stated with a roll of my eyes as he immediately got defensive.

“You’ve done worse,” He snapped and I felt my face drop and then raised my eyes to meet his.

“Actually. Guys just assume that. I have only slept with two guys. The first guy guilted me into it. And the second…I thought he was really sweet but he turned out to like me as a punching bag better than a girlfriend. So don’t you dare assume I’m some fucking whore,” I seethed before clenching my fists angrily. “You’re lucky I don’t break your fucking hands. And if I were the girl…I know I wouldn’t like you. You stupid assclown,” I growled before walking onto the bus, I grabbed my H.I.M messenger bag with my sketchbook, phone, iPod and keys in it before grabbing my board and skating away.

“Nice going dickwad,” I heard Adam growl as Neil held him back as I skated off faster. I skated across the street and almost got hit by a semi truck. Did that stop me? Nope.
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Uht ohz...