Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

Accidents Can Happen


I still couldn’t believe that Brian had brought a fucking whore onto our bus. On top of that, right in front of Katelyn, his “biggest crush.”

AND had sex… Right over her head! Now, that’s just fucking wrong.

“Katelyn, are you okay?” I asked her the next day, as we were on our way to Memphis, Tennessee. “I know we don’t talk much, or get a long… at all, but I just want you to know that I’m here for you. Whenever you need me.” I put my hand over hers.

“As weird as it sounds, I’ll take you up on that sometime.” She smiled.

That’s when I knew, that little miss cheer-bitch, actually had a heart.

“Okay guys, all together now.. Smile!” I said to all the guys of Avenged Sevenfold while trying to fit them into my eye-view of my camera. Right now we were standing in front of Elvis’ house, and we all wanted to get out of the bus, and the venue, and just be normal tourist.

I snapped the photo, and smiled.


“Okay, now Three Days Grace buddies! All in front of the gate! Come on now, we don’t have all day!” I laughed as Neil jumped onto Barry’s back. Those guys were crazy.

“Okay, one. Two. THREE!” I said as I snapped the photo.

Right when I counted to three, someone from behind pushed me, making me lose my balance, and footing as I fell to the ground.

“OW! My leg!” I rolled around, holding onto my leg.

“Ashley! Oh my God, are you okay?!” I heard Brian scream.


It took us around an hour just to get a doctor to look at my leg. Because I didn’t have any type of insurance with me, I had to wait. Why? I have no fucking clue, what else was I supposed to do with a broken leg.

That’s right. Broken. In two places.

Now, I was getting a plaster cast. I chose to get a bright green, so everyone could decorate it. I knew Zacky was going to do his ever famous switchblade, and more than likely, one of them was going to draw me a Deathbat. One of them promised.

I couldn’t even tell who was talking to me most of the time, because of all the pain medication they were giving me. But, I did know that Zacky had my left hand in his, and all the guys were sitting around in the chairs, and Val was at my right.

It was always so nice to have my best friends all in the same rooms.

“Ooh, that one hurt.” I said as someone accidently bumped my leg that was resting above a mountain of pillows.

“I’m sorry Ashley, I didn’t mean to.” A female voice said. I think it was Katelyn.. Or it was Johnny. Johnny always did sound like a girl…

“It’s okay.” I said, before dosing off for the fiftieth time that day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. So, tomorrow (I haven't told Katie this, so SORRY KATIE!!!) I have an orchestra concert, and possibly go over to one of my friends' house to spend the night.

So, there may, and may not be an update from me tomorrow, so, you all got a Christmas present from me. :D


But, boooo. Her legs broke!