Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

I Don't Ever Wanna Come Back Down


I was currently trying to sleep in both Zacky and I’s bunk after the show, when all of the sudden I hear a loud ‘thump’. I knew most of the guys, plus Valary were all in the bus because I could hear them all playing Guitar Hero in the lounge area of the bus.

But when I saw Brian run out through the bunks, I knew something had happen.

To the best of my abilities, I crawled out of the bunk again, and to the window that showed down the line of the side of the bus, where I saw Katelyn and a mysterious looking man. She was resisting him with everything she had, when finally Brian broke up the fight she was losing.

She skated off after he left, and Brian just stood there. Both Adam and I were confused, and looked at each other with a weird face. Brian came back into the bus after that, and plopped down across from me.

“She ran off. On her skateboard.” Was all that was said.

I stood up, and limped with my crutch back to the bunk, and crawled in. Reaching for my pain meds, I took two and fell asleep.

A few hours later I realized that we were moving, and Katelyn was back. She also, like me had a limp to her, but… hers almost slightly worried me.

We were stopped outside of a hotel, when the managers told us that there was only going to be the three rooms, two for us, and one for the roadies and the technicians.

I was excited to be in a room with Zacky and my brother, but it also meant that we were with Katelyn and Brian. Things were bound to happen then.

“ASHLEY AND I CALL THIS BED!” I heard Zacky scream as I walked into the room. Valary had my bag, because my stupid boyfriend was more worried about finding a bed then my bag.

“Thank you Val, just give my bag to my douche bag of a boyfriend. Then you can go see your boyfriend in the other room.” I smiled, as she handed my bag to Zacky.

“You’re welcome, Ashley. Hey, if you want, maybe we could have a girls day in a few stops. Just me and you. Maybe it’d be good for both of us.” She smiled, touching my shoulder.

“yeah, that sounds really good. How about, the stop in Cleveland? Sound good?”

“Sure thang, baby doll.” She laughed.

As I was trying to sleep, Zacky had various other plans for how we could spend our time “alone.” He was currently trying to get me to suck his dick, but, I really didn’t feel like it. I felt tired, and warn out from the usage of my new and improved crutch life.

“Zacky, just. Stop. It’s hard enough maneuvering with this big… THING.” I said pointing to my leg that was incased in a plaster shell.

“I’m sorry, baby, just… I’m just really, really horny. And you know I just make you wanna scream.” He smirked.

“You’re such a nerd. Quoting your own song. But you do make me wanna scream… when I’m not on my pain meds.” I smiled back.

I kissed his soft pouty lips, and it turned into a make out session. Then it became more heated as he started to pull off my shirt, and the basketball shorts that I stole from one of the guys.

“I’m only doing this now because I love you.” I said right before he entered me.

“And I love you too. More than you can ever imagine.” He said right before he thrusted again.

I don’t think I’ve screamed so loud because of him in the longest time.

He’s my ecstasy. He’s my heroin. And, he’s my love of a lifetime.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tsk, tsk, Zacky. Tempting her while she has her cast.


Guess who's going to California! :D :D :D :D