Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

I Could Be Mean, I Could Be Angry

Katelyn’s P.O.V
After the rest of that eventful day, I got to go to work and spend time with Adam and the guys. Adam had chosen to sympathize with me about the whole school issue. I had claimed I hated it, and he said high school kids were punks. And now it had come full circle again, it was Monday morning…and Mikey was driving his car with Frank and I was going to school with Nikki. “I don’t wanna go, the first thing they are gonna do is bitch me out,” I stated with a sigh.

Nikki sighed as well as I listened to another demo of a Three Days Grace song. I liked it, Adam said it was called ‘Just Like You.’ It was really good, and if I must say, I am gonna be so sad to see them leave for tour. But, excited for them. I don’t know…I think all in all I’m just scared of losing my friends…oh well. I smiled brightly as the song ended but then frowned when I realized that we were at school. I got out and immediately got a text from the coach to come see her. When I walked into her room, the principal was in there standing with her. As was Brian Haner Jr. and Zack Baker…they both looked pissed.

“You wanted to see me, Ms. Koelper?” I asked softly. She nodded before gesturing to the principal.

Mr. Jameson spoke up. “We need someone to bring Ms. Haner her homework,” I fought off a scowl as he looked at me with a look that told me it would be me.

“Why not her brother?” I asked fighting off anger as Nikki walked in having walked me there and not wanting me to blow up and get in huge trouble.

“Her parents asked that we have someone else bring her homework to her. They’re afraid their son will lose it or get her in worse trouble,” Mr. Jameson spoke evenly as I began to shake in anger and clenched my fists.

“And if I have more important things to do?” I asked through gritted teeth. He gave me a look that told me that wasn’t an option. I glared at the ground, pissed off that he thinks that he can just tell me I have to do something and I have to. “I not only have cheer practice and the homework for my classes…I have a job that is very important to me. If I get fired…you will wish that you had changed your mind,” I threatened quietly before walking out of the room and punching a locker nearby in anger.

I heard Nikki mutter evilly at them in Italian before walking out and pulling me away to look at my sore fist.

I sighed deeply as the last bell rang. I had put up with Matt, Val, Zacky and Brian’s bitching, and then had to put up with Jimmy’s evil smirks. I sighed more when Nikki said she had to stay after to get a test make up done for a day she was gone. That meant I had to hurry and catch Mikey and Frank. But, I had to go collect Ashley’s homework. I went to the teachers that were listed on the schedule that Mr. Jameson had given me and by the time I got outside, Mikey’s car was gone. “GOD DAMNIT,” I yelled frustrated as Matt walked by and snickered.

Okay, that’s it. No one other than people who know me well…which are limited would know and believe that I had punched him in the face. I heard the satisfying crack of his nose breaking and shook out my right hand before starting the walk to the address that was only a block from my house. I walked up to the door after the twenty minute walk to her house. And let me tell you, I’m sore…stupid AP and Honors books. I knocked on the Haner’s front door and rolled my eyes as Brian came to the door. “Where’s your sister,” I spat still pissed with the fact I had to walk and Matt had dared to mock me.

“Fuck off cheer slut,” Brian spat back. I glared up at him as Ashley walked up smirking. I rolled my eyes and shoved her homework to her chest before walking to the end of the driveway and cursing the time before calling my boss.

“I’m gonna be late…okay…thank you so much and I’m sorry sir. It won’t happen again…I’ll just wait later to give her the homework tomorrow,” I stated as Nikki pulled up. “Thanks Nikki. Gotta get home and changed before going to work…nice clothes,” I stated with a soft giggle. Nikki nodded with a smile before I got in and went home and then let her drop me off. She promised she would pick me up at ten to take me home. “Thanks Nikki,” I whispered as we left.
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Alright...short I know. Anyways let us know how we're doing. And next one is Ashleys.