Sequel: Reasons to Be Missed
Status: Completed.

Everything is Not What it Seems

I Love You, Standing Out There in a Black Coat

Ashley's P.O.V.

Not only was I practically a prisoner in my own home, but now I’ve got the fucking cheer bitch bringing me my homework! Jesus, don’t they understand SHE was the reason as to why I got kicked out of school the last time?

They could have just given it to Zack. Or Brian or any of the other guys and Val and Leana. Just anyone but her.

Oh well, it’s only a week. Maybe I can get her to just.. Put it into the mail box… Yeah right.

Today I was supposed to play “day care”, but having some of both Brian and I’s younger cousins, Lexi and Tyler, who are not in school, and Zacky’s baby nephew. Greatest part of it all, I was getting paid for it.

Right now we were watching a movie in our downstairs, and two out of the three were asleep. I was thanking whatever God there was, because they were the two that were the most crabby.

“Ashley, when is Uncle Zacky going to be back? I wanna ride on his sho-sho’s.” Little Colton asked of me. Sho-sho’s meaning his shoulders.

“He’ll be home in two hours. Now let’s go get some lunch ready for these hoodlums.” I smiled.


God, I loved these kids.



“Annnybody miss me?”


“Hey Colton! Did you have fun today with Ashley?” Zack asked of the three year old.

“CHyeah! We finger-painted! And we made lunch!”

“Oh really? What’d you make?”

“Grilled cheese, MY FAVORITE!” Colton screamed. “Uncle Zacky?”

“Yes, bubby?”


“Of course, little V.” He laughed, raising Coltons little bum above his head, and onto his shoulders.

“Hey Colton, where’d y- Oh. Hey Zacky.” I smiled, leaning onto the side of the wall. Brian and I’s cousins left an hour ago for a doctors appointment. “How long have you been here?”

“About, three minutes. Colton opened the door for me.”

I gasped. “Colton! You silly boy. You could get into some real trouble doing that for just anyone. What if it was a stranger, and they ended up taking you? Then you couldn’t ride on Uncles sho-sho’s anymore. We’d all be so sad.”

Zacky was holding a laugh, but made it sound like he was about to cry.

“Uncle, would you be sad? Why are you crying?” Colton asked.

“Yes, I’d be sad. I’m crying because I’d miss giving you sho-sho rides.” He smiled in my direction.

“Okay, Colton, did you get all your things ready to go? I think you still have something’s in the kitchen. Make sure you go get those before you leave.” I asked Colton making sure he remembered his things this time. Last time he came over, I had over 400 pieces of Lego’s in my room for a month.

“Okey-dokie!” He said, getting ready to get off of Zackys shoulders. He walked out into the kitchen, and instantly Zacky was in front of me, giving me a sweet, slow kiss.

We pulled away from each other, with Zacky reaching for my hands at my sides, and putting his forehead on mine.

“I missed you. So much. I hated sitting in Coopers class with that sell-out bitch. I wanted all day to come over and be with you and Colton, Lexi and Tyler, but I couldn’t.” He confessed quietly.

“I missed you too. I wanted to haul all the kids into my car and sit outside the windows and just watch you all creepy-stalker like, but I couldn’t. Brian took my car today. By the way,” I said pulling my head away, “Was he being stupid In it at all? If he was.. His dick is going up the flag pole first hour Monday morning.”

Zacky just laughed, “yes, he was really careful with it. He wouldn’t even let us turn the system up! That was a bummer…”


“I’ll get it!” Colton yelled, running through the foyer and to the door.

“T’ello, this is the Haners, how may I help yo-hooo!”


“Oh good Lord. Just drop it and go.” I told her.

“And don’t touch the boy.” Zacky ordered.

I stifled a laugh.

She dropped the homework and walked back to who-ever’s car she rode in with, and went on her way.

“Woohoo, Math homework!” I unenthusiastically exhaled.

“I can help, babe.” Zacky said, putting his head on my shoulder, and Colton walked up in front of me, trying to read the back of the paper. For a five year old, he was awful smart. He knew his numbers and colors, and some letters of the alphabet.

“Nah, it’s okay. I’m sure I can get Brian’s homework. I’ll just copy what he put down.”


“You guys look like a little family. It’s so cute. I had to.” My mom said, holding her camera.

She turned it over to where we could see the photo. I had to admit, it was a cute one.

“Oh, by the way. Did I tell you Katylyn broke Matt’s nose?” Zacky told me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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