Don't Fall

Chapter 2

I looked at Edward and tried to figure out why he was smiling so weirdly.

“what’s so funny.” I more stated than asked.
“I can read minds.” He almost chuckled.
“but I’m not thinking of anything funny…”
“but Alice. Her last vision was quite the scene.” He said toning down the smugness.

I brushed it off and we kept walking at an extremely slow pace. Then Edward started to run. He ran very fast but I was right on his tail keeping up with him. I smiled at the challenge and kicked it into high gear so I could beat him. He quickened his pace too I tried hard to keep up. Then he stopped and pinned me against a tree .Our faces were roughly an inch apart. I was about to spring into action when he said something.

“besides, I can’t read your mind anyway.”
He smiled and let go of me. He turned his back and started to run again. I kept up with him.
I probably didn’t realize it but we ended up at the ocean side.
“why did you bring me here…” I asked
He didn’t answer and kept walking. Then I smelled dog. Really strong scent.
“don’t go any further.” Edward said.
I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.
Then I saw 3 wolves appear out of the brush. I planted my feet and was about to jump when Edward stopped me.
“we have a treaty Sam. She will be staying with us.” Edward said to the wolf.

It made a huff sound and I kept an icy glare on it. Edward nodded and we left.

“what the hell was that all about?”I asked when we were running back.
“those are wolves Ayden.” He said in a matter of fact tone.
I glared at him. Something inside me just didn’t like this guy.
“we have a treaty line with them. Where we were is the border. You cross it and you are breaking the treaty which gives them the right to kill you.”
I smiled. Like they could.
We continued to run until we came into the clearing and back to the Cullen house. Edward walked inside and I followed suit. We saw everyone in the living room.
“all taken care of Carlisle.” Edward said and walked out of the room.
Dr. Cullen looked at me and smiled briefly.”Alice would you mind telling Ayden a bit more about us. She seems confused.”
I looked at Alice and frowned. Not the perky one…
Alice nodded and grabbed my hand taking me to what I assumed her room. I looked around at all the nice things she had.
“now Ayden, us Cullen’s are masters at blending in. we go to school at Forks High School as juniors and seniors. We will enroll you tomorrow morning for school.” Alice told me.
“but I don’t want to-“
“Ayden I already know you are. So hush. “

I glared at her. She was such a know it all. How could I stand living with these people? One of them thinks he can treat you like your stupid and the other knows what you’re going to do when and how you are going to do it. Isn’t there any privacy in this house? Geesh…

“I suppose you need clothes…” Alice trailed off. “…my closet is your closet.”

I nodded once and walked over to the window. I gazed at the greenery and forestry. It was all so dense and majestic.
“I haven’t seen anything like these forests since Switzerland 1946…” I said to Alice.

I gazed out across the horizon and tried to see into the forest. I saw a small animal licking its paws. I heard the steady thump of the heartbeat. Then it got faster and faster. Then in a matter of seconds the small heartbeat was gone and bigger much faster once replaced it. I opened my eyes to find a bird eating a mouse.

I sighed softly and turned around. Alice was gone and Edward stood in the doorway.
I walked swiftly past him.

“Ayden.” Edward called.
“what.”I hissed
“I’m just curious how come you can put up such a strong wall to protect that little mind of yours” he said while lightly touching my head.

Our faces were close again and I could smell exactly how enticing he smelled.

“so I can keep jerks like you from getting into it.” I snapped.
“oh feisty. Do you always insult people when you’re scared?” he said with a small smile.
I stopped. I wasn’t scared. Well maybe a little…
“the funny thing is you don’t scare me, you disgust me.” I shot back
His smile got bigger.
“am I really that bad looking? I always thought I was quite the charmer…” he said smugly.
I looked into his gold eyes and couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his adorable smile…wait no!
“don’t think so highly of yourself.”I managed to get out.
“what do you think then?” he asked suddenly serious.

I stopped and put my words together perfectly.

“you are the most obnoxious, rude, unappealing vampire I have ever met! You talk to me like I have no idea what I’m doing when I clearly do and it’s you that needs a reality check! And for as many attractive vampires I’ve been with, you are the most shallow of them all!” I yelled in his face.

His serious face was gone and a small smile escaped.

“so you think I’m attractive?” he asked.
“don’t rearrange my words.” I spat.
“okay fine. Hear me. You are the most attractive vampire I’ve ever set eyes on. You have a strong almost magnetic hold on me and I can’t break it. You drive me absolutely insane when you stand this close and I think its hard to take you seriously because you are so appealing when you get mad. And most of all it drives me crazy that I can’t figure out what is on your mind.” He said loudly and inched even closer to me.

I was not expecting that. I paused for a moment and felt my smile form.

“so you think I’m attractive?” I asked

He smiled a big grin. “in the most highly possible way.”

I smiled and started to walk away. I was about to leave the room when I stopped and turned around.

“I still think you are obnoxious and rude.” I added and left the room.
I walked down the hall and into the living room I found Esme and Dr. Cullen in there.
“I just want to thank you guys again for letting me stay. I’m really enjoying myself. Can I bring my car in?” I said
“already taken care of.” Dr. Cullen replied smiling.
I nodded and went back to Alice’s room.
Hello new family…
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