Don't Fall

Chapter 3

That next day i was feeling exceptionaly girly and decided on a nice skirt and cream top.


I let my hair flow freely down my back and adjusted my bobby pin in my hair.

"stunning."i heard a voice say
i turned to find Edward standing there looking absolutely amazing in a plain grey shirt with a black coat and dark jeans.
i smiled softly and raised my outfit.
"not so bad yourself Cullen." i replied
"oh harsh.last names."he said gripping where his heart should be.

i grabbed my grey bag and slung it over my shou.der. i walked up close to his face.
"would you like the honor of driving me to my first day of school?" i asked smiling as innocently as i could.

He held up the keys."Race ya?"

with that i was off.and i made it to the car....second.
"damn you are fast."i snapped.
he smirked and backed out of the garage smoothly...

We arrived at Forks High School and i saw how over dressed i was. oh well. i looked good.
i walked along side of Edward. i held my head up high and took all the looks with a positive attitude even though i wanted to dismember everyone in that high school.

I walked into the office and retrieved my schedule and books. I had three classes with edward.

only three.

i frowned a bit.
"what?edward asked.
"i have three classes with you. thats three more hours i have to spend droning out your insensitivity."i said with a slight smile.
"ah, you forgot lunch..."he smiled and walked me to my first class.

he had English and i had French.
i walked into the classroom and handed the teacher my note.she was a plump lady with rosy cheeks and sensible shoes.i smiled sweetly and she directed me to a seat next to a boy in a lettermens jacket.

oh great. A jock.

"I'm Brent." he said while i took my seat.
"Ayden." i said and turned my attention away from him.
he eyed me up and down and i clenched my fists tightly.i wanted to show him up right there.
"so where are you from?he asked
"If i said France would you stop bugging me?"i snarled.
his smile faded just a bit.but not enough.
"no but i would ask you out to help with my french homework wether you were or weren't from france."he replied and winked.
"get out of my face jock."i snapped with dryness.
"fiesty-" but thats all that came out of him.
i got out of my seat and sped out the door.
how dare he call me that.

i didn't know if i was more mad that he called me fiesty or that it sounded more sexier when Edward said it in his beautiful voice.

i ran my fingers through my hair and tried to calm myself.i couldn't freak out yet. i walked back into the classroom at a normal human speed.

"miss Miles?" the teachr asked me
"i dropped an earing."i said and took my seat.
the Jock looked stunned and didn't say a word after that. he gave me many glances and weird looks.i ignored them and listened to a lesson i already knew. i was very fluent in 32 different languages but still...

i walked to lunch with the cullen clan and sat at their usual table. It was moderately boring and the day seemed to never pass.

Edward and I had the next three classes together, Chemistry, Calc., and History.

I sighed and took the only seat open in Chemistry.Next to Edward.
"hello."he said
i nodded.
"did i tell you that you looked beautiful today Miss Miles?" he asked smugness clinging to every word.
i smiled a fake smile and turned towards the teacher.

Edward drove me home and i set my bag in Alice's room.I started my Homework to kill time since i didn't want to socailize at the moment.

"Ayden come on!"Alice yelled from the hall way.
i groaned."Why?"
"party.Seattle.Tonight!"she said going to her closet and fumming through her clothes.
"but i have homework..."i delayed
"its Friday!please Ayden..."she asked facing me.
i sighed. i would regret this."is Edward going?"
she shook her head.
"fine i will go."i got out and put my Calc. book onto the desk and went into the closet and fummed through clothes with alice.

I chose a nice grey ruffled dress with a big black flower.


We appeared at the party and i was having so much fun until i gazed across the room and saw someone i was nottoo excited to see...
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like the clothes?