Don't Fall

Chapter 4

I looked across the room to meet the eyes of Edward Cullen’s.
My mouth dropped. I turned to yell at Alice but she wasn’t there. She was going to get it when we got home. Edward hadn’t shifted his gaze. I crossed my arms and walked toward a different random guy. I started to dance with the guy.
It was absolutely disgusting. After one song I pulled myself away and excused myself to the restroom to reapply lip gloss. I turned the hall and found Edward standing there. I jumped.

“hey there princess” he said smoothly through his perfect teeth.
“whatever. Idiot.”I replied.
“you know if you wanted to make me mad then go dance with that guy again. I heard his thoughts crystal clear and boy, does he love your dancing.” He said.
I turned my head slightly to the side and smiled.
“let’s get out of here.”I said and grabbed his arm.

Edward drove me home. I looked out the passenger window and watched the dark night slip past me. I enjoyed the comfortable silence that settled in the car.

When we got home I went upstairs to Alice’s room and looked out the window silently. Rain was beating down roughly on the windows making almost a song…
I gazed at the beautiful greenery and let my mind wander.

Edward,Edward,Edwa- wait NO!

I couldn’t be thinking about him! NO! hes so ignorant, and rude, and so so so perfect…
The way his smile light the whole room up and how his laugh was a melody that I rewound in my head over and over so I could enjoy the sound. How his golden eyes pierced you and left you in his control and how you could just get lost in them wondering what he was thinking.

I let my mind drift off for just a bit more. Then I heard a sound so beautiful it made me close my eyes and sigh.

I followed the noise to the banister. I laid down on my stomach and looked through the railing downstairs and found Edward playing the piano.

I closed my eyes again and felt the notes floating through the air as they created a story.

A man and woman love each other so very much. Then they are separated and each one of them are suffering a great deal. The man can’t take the pain anymore and sets out to find his true love again. He over comes so many obstacles to get to his love and then-

Edward stopped playing. I opened my eyes and saw him with his head in his hands.

I felt my face turn into a frown.

I kicked off my heels and walked downstairs and out the front door. I stopped on the porch and sat down on the wooden bench and watched the rain fall. I admired each drop as it fell to the ground.
I closed my eyes and took in the piney oaky scent of the whole place. Comforting, yet foreign.
Edward walked out the front door and took a seat next to me. I enjoyed his presence.
We were silent for a long time.
“Ayden…” Edward said softly.
I looked at him and half smiled.
“I just want to know if you already have a companion?” he asked
My breathing stopped. My lungs screamed to say NO! I love you!
I stammered and stuttered.
“no I don’t.”I managed to get out.
“what was the delayed answer for?”he asked.
I sighed. I might as well tell him the story.
“I’ve been with many vampires, trust me. Too many bad dates, too many jerks, too many creeps. Then I met this human boy named Peter, and I fell in love. I wanted to be with him forever and I never thought any different. He was aware of my state of being and still wanted to be with me.”

I paused and looked at Edward.

“then, one day he died. Humans are very fragile. But then when I found out it was another vampire who killed him I went crazy. I wandered around the earth for 30 years and vented my anger and sadness where I couldn’t be heard or seen. I never thought I could recover…but I did. I am very over the fact that he is gone and I accept. I couldn’t be with him forever anyways…” I finished.

Edward looked at me for awhile then opened his mouth to speak.

“I want you to know that I love you and I always will, for eternity and longer. And I am fully aware that you don’t feel the same way but I have to say it.” He said staring at me with his golden eyes.

I stared back motionless trying to find the perfect thing to say, but I couldn’t find it. I couldn’t say I loved him because I didn’t know if I did. I didn’t know if he would turn on me like the Volturi who killed peter. It just was too much emotion for me to put into words.
After a minute or so Edward got up and walked down the steps to the front lawn.
“where are you going?!”I yelled after him.
He didn’t answer.
I ran after him and grabbed his arm.
“where are you going?”I asked.
“I need to get away, to think. But don’t worry, I will always come back to you.” He said over the booming rain.
My hair and dress were getting soaked but I didn’t care, I just concentrated on Edward’s face and looked at how much I hurt him.
“no don’t go.” I said softly. “I need you.”

He looked into my eyes. He searched for something. Some passageway into my mind but ended up short, again.

“and I need you, but I need this first.” He said strongly.
He grabbed my face lightly in his hands. I looked up at him our faces inches apart. The rain was pelting down onto our faces making his hair drip.
He turned away quickly and walked to the edge of the forest. He turned around to look at me.

I stood there like a statue, there was no way to stop him now. He turned back around and was gone.

I stood there hoping that maybe

He might just come back…

One Month Later
I woke up that morning feeling the same I’ve felt ever since Edward left. Alone and regretting everything I’ve ever said to him. All the rude things I said weren’t really true.
I got dressed for school in brown and grey and Alice drove me to school.


I walked with her to class and found my classes even more boring than usual. I didn’t have a partner for chemistry so that class was exceptionally quiet.

I had to get away from it all.
Even my new family saw me struggling.
I drove and drove.
I found a beach and parked my car. I walked down to the beach and kicked off my stilettos. I sat down even though it was the middle of January and no one was there. I listened to the waves crash and tried to match the notes with Edwards beautiful piano playing.

I opened my eyes suddenly and a dog scent crept towards me. I didn’t move. I’d be happy if it killed me. I couldn’t stand my life anyways.

“what are you doing here bloodsucker.” Some deep voice asked me.
I didn’t turn around. “looking at the waves…”
“leave our territory.” It said behind me.
I stood up and turned around. I saw a very tall darker skinned man with long black hair.
“sorry.”I said dryly.
I walked past him and grabbed my stilettos.
“aren’t you with the other one. The mind reader.” He asked
I faked a laugh.
“no. he is gone. It’s just me. The odd one. The odd bloodsucker.” I said
“you are really that upset?” he asked
I turned around. “what makes you think I’m upset?”
“why else would you be here…” he asked
I sighed. I started to walk back to my car.
“wait- uh I mean is there anything I can do?” he asked
“I don’t need your sympathy.”I yelled back.
“trust me its not. You are really pretty and I guess I could stand your smell.” He said trying to make a joke

And for the first time in a month, I truly smiled…
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