Don't Fall

Chapter 5

That next day was Friday and it was raining as usual in forks. I dressed in a pink coat and dark jeans with cute boots.


I let my hair flow freely as I put a pink hat lightly over it. All 5 of us were in Alice’s car on our way to school. I got stuck in the middle in the back as usual. Dang me for being the second smallest compared to Alice. A lot of people asked me if me and Alice were twins, I just smiled and said we were best friends. And we were. She understood me, not just because of the special power, but because she actually cared.

I walked to class and took my seat in French.
That day at lunch I sat with the group as usual. While we were sitting there, Alice had one of her visions. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, sometimes she gave us an update on Edward, which was hard for me because he didn’t plan on coming home soon. But when Alice reacted to this one vision, she flipped. She looked at me in panic.

“the dog?”she asked sharply.
I looked dumbfounded. “uh what?”
“you are going on a date with the dog?” she asked me. She spat out the dog part.
“I am?”I asked.
“I thought you couldn’t see the dogs?” Jasper asked.
“exactly, Ayden was at dinner by herself talking to who? Imaginary friend?” she said
I just sat there.”I just met the guy yesterday.”
“but you’re going on a date tonight.” She said.
I just shrugged. “so…?”
“goodness Ayden! Fine, do what you want, I guess this is your way of dealing with sadness.” Alice said sitting back down.

That made me mad.

“You think I’m dating him because I’m sad?” I asked my voice rose slightly.
She nodded once.

“Alice, I thought you knew me better than that. You knew I loved your brother, you know I’m never going to be the same without him. I am agreeing to the date because I need someone to talk to because you sure as hell don’t listen.” I said with as much scorn as I could.

I got up and walked away from the table walking quickly outside to the surrounding forest. I got to the edge and started to run, I ran and ran so far. I finally stopped and fell onto the ground. I dug my hands into the dirt and ripped a tree to pieces with my fingers. I screamed. I was so mad, but I missed him so much. I laid there on the dirt and looked at the clouds and the tops of the trees.

It started to get dark. I got up slowly and ran home. I walked through the door and set my bag down. I had finally gotten my own room. It was a champagne color with a black couch with a white blanket draped loosely to one side. Pictures were everywhere across the walls. Carlisle gave me a very expensive camera and I enjoyed it very much. I looked at the left wall and saw a picture of Edward. I took it a while back. It was a profile view of his body as he stood there facing the forest. I took it one day when he wasn’t looking. I put it up after he left.
I stared at the picture for a bit until my phone rang. I flipped it open.

“hey Ayden its Jacob.”
“oh hey Jacob what’s up?”I asked as normally as possible.
“hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight, there is this bonfire and it would be killer if you came.” He said with enthusiasm
“I don’t think your friends would like me…” I replied
“I already told them and they said any vegetarian without an annoying power is welcome, as long as they follow our rules.” He added
I giggled.”Alright. I will be there at 8.”
“sweet. See you there.” He said. Then hung up.

I put my phone down and laid across my couch. It’s been a crazy day…
I changed into a grey shirt and black sweater along with flats for my bonfire night.


I adjusted my makeup and ran my fingers through my hair. Then Alice walked into my room.
“Ayd…I’m sorry…”she said.

I looked at her and set my hands gently on the bathroom counter so I wouldn’t break it.

“Alice, you are my best friend, you know me and know that I would never actually date the werewolf. I just need a distraction something so I’m not always thinking about Edward; a non-vampire friend.” I said
She nodded. “okay Ayden, if it makes you better then it’s absolutely fine with me.”
I hugged her tightly. “thanks.”
“oh and Ayden I have something for you!” she said excitedly.

I let go of her and she came back with what looked like a bottle of perfume.

“oh thanks Alice but I already have some perfume on..” I said.
“No. this perfume makes you smell more human. I know weird right? I made it myself. Spray it on you and he might invite you back again.” She replied
I smiled and hugged her again. She sprayed some on me.
“oh you smell yummy, like honey and wild flowers!”
I laughed, “bye Alice!”
And with that, I was gone.

I arrived at the beach minutes later. I walked to the large fire and saw a tall boy walking towards me.

“Ayden! So glad you could make it! You look great and you smell-human?” he asked/said.
I giggled.” Is that an annoying power?” I asked
“no way. I might invite you back again.” He laughed.
I rolled my eyes. Alice knew he was going to say that…
We walked to where everyone was at and he introduced me to all his friends which welcomed me in. They ate and talked while I pretended to drink a water. I met Billy who was very nice but I could tell he knew about my true self.
“hey Ayden want to go for a walk?” Jacob asked me.

I nodded and he lead me closer to the water’s edge. We were walking along side of each other.

“thanks for coming Ayden.” He said to break the silence.
“oh my pleasure, everyone is so nice.” I replied with a smile even though it was dark.
The silence came back to us again.
“Ayden, I want you to know that this isn’t a pity date, even though at first it started to be…” he said
“well thanks…”
“no Ayden! Ha sorry. Its just you seem much different than the other bloodsuckers and I think we can become really good friends.” He added.
“thank you Jacob so much. I mean with Edward gone I’m a wreck and you still take me in…” I said hugging his stomach.
He laughed a little.
“so you are with Edward?” he asked.

I bit my lip and let go of him. “technically no, I never told him that I loved him, I was mean and rude and horrible and then when he asked me how I felt I couldn’t answer and that broke him. But now that he is gone I know for sure that I love him…” I gave him the brief summary
“how come you didn’t answer him the first time?” he asked.

“well, I used to love a human boy, and I don’t think I really ever got over him. I’m still not over him…” I sighed.
“I’m sorry…” Jacob said softly
“its fine I mean my life is going to keep moving, it’s all a learning process.” I said
“I like your optimism.” He said laughing quietly
I smiled and laughed too.
We started to walk back to the bonfire.
When I had to leave, Jacob walked me to the road.
“thanks again.” He said

“ no , thank you for inviting me. Tonight was great and I hope there are more to come.” I replied.
He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. He was very warm.
“bye Jacob.”
“call me Jake.” He smirked
“well buh-bye jake.” I smiled then ran towards home…

I got home and lay on my couch. I secretly took my camera to the bonfire and took a few snapshots when no one was looking. I went through the pictures and saw a picture of 4 of the wolf boys laughing. It was funny. I decided I would put that one up.
I spent the rest of the night in a dark room developing photos. I posted the last one on the wall. It was a picture of Jacob and Quil trying to see who could eat a hot dog faster. I laughed quietly and then Rosalie came in.

“well well Ms.Photographer.” she said.

Rose and I were close. Not close like me and Alice but close. I loved her wardrobe and often borrowed from her and she didn’t mind.

“you like it?”I asked
“I actually do. Very artistic. Hey is that Me?” she said pointing to a picture.
It was a picture of rose and Emmett’s back side while they were holding hands.
“yeah. Cute huh?” I said
“yes! Do you have a copy?” she exclaimed
I nodded and went into a box to retrieve her copy.
“thanks Ayden.” She said and skipped out of the room.
I smirked. I was so glad rose was happy.
There was only one thing missing in my room… a picture of me and Edward.

I sighed and sat down looking at all the pictures. Edward was my missing piece…
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