Don't Fall

Chapter 6

Another week passed and still no Edward.

I hung out with Jake a good portion of the time. We would talk and sometimes I’d have dinner at his house. It was a good friendship.
I was in my closet dressing in a white shirt with a skirt.


Once I was satisfied with my outfit I went into my dark room and started to develop pictures. Developing and taking pictures was my way of calming me down. You had to be gentle and patient, two things I never had before.

I stepped back and looked at my collage. I stared at the picture of Edward and let my mind imagine things…

looked down the banister to find Edward standing there in a dark green short sleeve shirt with his hands in his pockets .
I stood there for a moment. I covered my open mouth and gasped a little.
Then I did what I wanted to do for the past month. I flew down the stairs and ran into his arms.
He embraced me in a big hug. I didn’t want to let go. I took in his scent and realized how much I missed it. I let my head rest on his chest as he slowly ran his fingers through my hair.
“you’re home.” I sighed.
“for good this time.” He replied and squeezed me tighter….

My phone ringing awoke me from my thoughts.
“hello?” I answered
“hey Ayd! It’s Jake. Wana go to Port Angeles with me today? There is this new store.” Jake said excitedly into the phone.
I walked out my door and looked downstairs. I walked back into my room and sat down. “sounds great.”
“sweet. Meet me at my house in 15 minutes?” he asked
“sure. See you son. Bye.”
“see ya.”

I threw my phone on my couch and decided the window was easier than walking down stairs, and then I ran to Jacobs house and met him out front.
“Ayden! Ready? I will race ya!” he yelled

I smiled and took off towards Port Angeles. We arrived at a small store booming with people. I realized it was a book store.
“what makes this so special?” I asked.
“I guess some author is here and is signing autographs.” Jake replied and held the door open for me.

I walked in and saw the new store. The walls were a pale white and books were stacked to the ceiling. From children’s books to Adult novels. I smiled. I loved to read. I pushed myself past a crowd of people. I grabbed a photography book and flipped it open. In the book were photographs of landscapes and animals. I set it down. I was more interested in portraits. I looked around for a shop keeper.

“excuse me.” I asked a guy in a buttoned shirt and name tag. He turned around and looked at me.

I Melted.

“yes mam?” he asked.
He was gorgeous. His hair swung slightly to the left and his brown eyes were so kind. He was a whole 6 inches taller than me and his shirt was loosely buttoned with a nametag that said “Travis”.
“I want to know where you uh keep the portrait books.” I stuttered for the first time ever.
“you a photographer?” he asked. I nodded my head.
“well then try these.” He said reaching to get 3 books. He handed them to me
“thanks.” I said and he flashed me a smile.
“no problem.” He replied and turned around.
“AYD!” Jake called
I swung around and saw Jake there. He was easy to spot out anyways. I glanced back and found Travis gone. I frowned.
“coming Jake.” I called

I pushed myself past the beating hearts. I reached Jake and asked if I could buy the books. He waited patiently as an old lady started to ring up my books at the speed of snail.
“hm well I can not find the barcode on this one.” The lady said
I grumbled.

“let me get help.” She replied and left.
I looked at Jake and shrugged my shoulders. When I turned back, I saw Travis working the register. I stopped breathing. I reminded myself to breathe and caught his scent. It smelled of oak and ink. I smiled slightly.
“sorry about that.” He said and scanned the book with no trouble.
I nodded.
“thank you and have a nice day.” He said and flashed an adorable smile towards me. I returned the favor and smiled back. I walked out the door with Jake and looked back once to find him staring at me.

“Ayden what’s going on?” Jake asked on the way back
“nothing. Why?”
“I saw the way you undressed that guy with your eyes. Disgusting.” He replied
I laughed. ”undressed him with my eyes?”
“you know what I mean. You like him don’t you?”
“no, I don’t.”I replied with assurance
“shut up! Yes you do liar!”
“I don’t! really, believe me, Edward is enough heartbreak for right now.”
It hurt to say that. I wanted him back so bad…
The conversation was over after that.
When I got home that night I found Alice waiting for me in my room.
“yes Alice.” I asked
“you met a boy today, Travis, I want to go with you tomorrow when you go back to see him.” She said
“Alice, I’m not going to see him tomorrow.” I reassured
“psh. I believe I’m the one who tells the future. And yes you are, you will run into him when you go to Port Angeles to go shopping for the spring prom with me! Oh and your dress is beautiful!” she replied
I sighed. “fine..”

She smiled brightly and walked out of my room. I just rolled my eyes and set my books on my couch. I opened the first one and flipped through the pages. I admired the pictures and read how each photographer used a certain angle and lighting for each genre of photo. I was fascinated with my books and ended up re-reading all of them 3 times that night.
When dawn broke I decided I was going to go back to the book store secretly and see if I could buy a lighting and angle book. I dressed casually in light jeans and a pink shirt with my heels as usual. I pulled my hair back letting a few pieces fall casually. I applied some lipstick and was on my way.


I crept silently out my window. As I ran to Port Angeles I saw that it was only 8:34 AM and people were probably still sleeping. I approached the book store and looked at the store hours.


I frowned, whoever was running this shop was a whole 4 minutes late.
“excuse me.” Someone said behind me
My attack instincts took over me and I turned around and jumped closer to the person.
“woah sorry I just –I’m –I sorry” Travis stuttered.
I realized I scared him.
“oh my. My sincere apologies, I didn’t know who you were.” I replied

He was shocked still. I moved aside so he could unlock the bookstore. He held the door open for me. I smiled gracefully and glided across the floor to the photography section. I looked at the shelves and saw how unorganized they were. I started to rearrange them and make them go in alphabetical order according to subject and relevance.

“um can I help you?” Travis asked.
I looked at him and smiled.
“oh no I’m just organizing.” I replied and continued my procedure.
“I think that’s my job, but be my guest…” he said.
He leaned against a shelf and watched me.
“soo why are you here so early?” he asked trying to make conversation.
I hadn’t come up with an excuse.
“I forgot my sisters’ birthday…” I came up with.
“hm. So why a book?”
“she is a real bookworm. Loves novels.” I said.
He smirked. “me too.”
I looked at him and smiled softly.
“so, I was here yesterday and I found some portrait books and I want another on lighting. Do you have any?” I asked placing my hands gently in my pockets.
“Were you the one with the really tall boyfriend?” he asked
I laughed. “Jacob is just a friend.”
“oh, good. He’s intimidating.” He said smiling
I smiled. Our eyes locked for just a moment, and I felt a sensation I haven’t felt in awhile…
“so about the lighting books, I suggest this one.” He said and grabbed a book off the shelf.
I took it gently. “as for your sister I suggest something from Charles Dickens. He is my favorite.”

I smiled sweetly. I looked at him and our eyes locked again like magnets. I kept my gaze on him and was mesmerized by his hazel eyes.

“do you wear contacts?” he asked breaking the silence
“um yes nice aren’t they?” I replied and started to walk towards the cash register.
He rang up my books in silence. I grabbed my bag and was about to head out of the store when he stopped me.
“what’s your name?”
I looked at him.
“Ayden.” I replied
“Ayden what?”
“miles. Ayden Miles.”
“Well I’m Travis Jackson.” He replied with a smile.
“nice to meet you Travis.” I smiled

I gave him a last look and grabbed the handle of the door.

“Ayden. Wait. There is this new movie out, its supposed to be really scary, do you want to go….with me?”
I turned around and smiled.
“I’d love to. I will meet you here tonight at 8?” I asked
He nodded and smiled.
I walked out the door and started my walk back home.

That's when i realized what the hell i was doing...
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