Don't Fall

Chapter 7

I stared at myself blankly in the dressing room mirror. I didn’t see a vampire. I saw a beast.

“come on Ayden let me see!” Alice whined from outside the dressing room door.

I sighed and opened the door. I spun around.
“very cute Ayd!” Alice exclaimed.
“I don’t like it.” I grumbled.

I had on a blue long gown. Way too boring for me.

“what about this one?” Rosalie asked. She was wearing a turquoise gown that complimented her skin perfectly.
“you look amazing Rose. Now Ayden go try on this one.” Alice said and pushed me into the dressing room again.
I growled and looked at the pink dress she handed me. I slid it on and walked out of the dressing room. I twirled around and let the dress circle me.
“Ayden, it is beautiful” Rose smiled.
“I Love it Ayden. Buy it!” Alice exclaimed.
I smiled. I liked it too.
After we made our purchases we left for home.

“well well Alice, No Travis today. Guess your vision was wrong…” I mocked.
“shut up Ayden and go answer your phone.” She snapped back
I stared at her. Then my phone started to ring. I ran back to my room and took it out of my purse and pressed the green key.

“hello?” I rushed
“Ayden?” someone asked.
“yes. Who is this?” I asked
“Travis. Sorry to call so late but I can’t make it to the movies tonight.” He said
My face fell.
“it’s because my parents are having this banquet and I have to be there. So I was wondering if you would like to come?” He replied
“banquet? Tonight? That’s sorta short notice don’t you think?” I said. I bit my lip.
“I know. You don’t have to come but it’s just an offer…” he said solemnly
“I’d love to come.” I replied
“great! Its pretty fancy. Do you have a cocktail dress?” he asked
I bit my lip again. Hopefully rose has one…
“yes, of course.” I replied
“okay sweet pick you up at 7?” he said
“sure. Google my address or something.” I replied
“no problem. See you soon.”
“bye Travis”
I hung up the phone and sighed.

“haha sure led you on didn’t I? and Rose’s dress is gorgeous.” Alice chirped while walking past my room.

I growled.

“okay come show us” Rose called.
I walked out of my closet in my black dress attire. “how does it look?”
“Fantastic!”rose yelled
I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror. I did look pretty fantastic.


My hair was half way pulled back letting my natural waves come out with a little bit of curl.
I applied a soft red lipstick while Rose fumed over me trying to adjust my hair. I grumbled.

“okay Ayden, I get it.” She said letting her hands fall.
I smiled at her then stopped. I caught Travis’s scent from the end of the driveway.
“he’s here.” Rose said. “and gosh he smells delicious. When is the last time you hunted?”
“like last week.” I replied
“you’re strong. He smells like a Ralph Lauren model.” Rose replied
I laughed and ran to my room to grab my bag. I looked around the room and couldn’t seem to find it.

I remembered I put vanilla lip gloss in the pocket and smelled it out. I ran next to the window and got it off of my dresser. I looked above my dresser and saw the picture of Edward. My face fell. I reached my hand up slowly and touched the photo. I closed my eyes softly and tried to remember his scent before he left.

It was like it was yesterday. His face was wet and his hair dripping.

“and I need you, but I need this first.”

I turned my face away. How could he hurt me so deeply?

“AYD!” Rose called me.
I opened my eyes to find just a picture.
That’s all it would ever be. A picture.
I ran down the stairs at a human pace.
“thanks Rose, Hey Travis.” I said.
He smiled.
“these are my two sisters Rose and Alice.” I said introducing them
They both smiled sweetly.
“well we should go.” He said
“alright. Bye guys. Tell Carlisle I will be home before 12.”
They both nodded as I put on my coat. I walked out the door and too the car where Travis opened my door.

We made small talk during the drive. Travis was wearing a black Tux and his hair was brushed neatly with a little bit of gel. I smiled as I smelt the Ralph Lauren cologne. We arrived at a nice house in Port Angeles. We pulled around a long driveway and stopped in front of two big red doors. Travis opened the door for me and I held onto his arm as we walked inside.

I looked around at the house and gawked at the luxurious furniture and priceless paintings. This guy was loaded.

He lead me out back and I looked at how luxurious it kept getting. There were tables set up around the pool and lots of people sitting at them. All the guests were nicely dressed and conversing happily. I smiled.

“I want you to meet my parents.” He whispered.
We walked toward a couple.
“mom dad. This is my friend Ayden.” Travis introduced.
I smiled as sweetly as possible and stuck out my hand to shake.
His father shook it gently and his mother grabbed it softly.
“oh dear! Your hands are colder than ice cubes!” she exclaimed. I pulled my hand back quickly.
“I have bad circulation, no catastrophe Mrs. Jackson.” I replied
She looked at me questioningly. I just smiled softly and looked down. I shouldn’t have been so foolish…

Travis lead us to a table in a group of people. I remembered not to shake anyone else’s hand. Travis and I sat silently there while we ate. I pushed my food around the plate. I was too embarrassed to say much.

“you must excuse my mom.” He said
“its alright.” I replied trying to convince myself that it was.
A band started to softly play.
“would you like to dance?” he asked smiling.
I took his hand and smiled too. He lead me onto the dance floor and took my hip and hand.
“ballroom. Very impressive.” I said
He smirked. “so I impress you?”
“ Woah there Romeo, I said your dancing skills were impressive.” I replied with a playful smile.
We danced a few songs then we stopped.
“I’d like to show you the rest of the house.” He insisted.

I grabbed his arm as he lead me into the house. We walked up the grand spiral staircase. He lead me into a large room with a couch and entertainment center.
“this is where I spend most of my time.” He said turning the light on.
I walked around the room eyeing the posters and running my fingers across the pool table.
“very nice.” I replied
He walked over to the window and looked out aimlessly.
“lets go back outside.” I offered.

He nodded and took me back outside. We walked along the edge of the pool. I saw a large man and dainty woman talking ahead. Everything was normal.

Until the Large man started to stumble. He tripped over a microphone cord. He was about to crush the woman and break his neck. I didn’t know what I was thinking or what I was doing until I was under the man lifting him up easily and saving the little woman.

“Are you okay?” I asked
He just stared at me. The band stopped playing and everyone stared.
“ oh my god…” the woman said behind me.

I turned around to face her.

“are you okay?” I asked her
“don’t touch me. You are not normal!” she yelled and walked away scared.

I stood there with my mouth open. I looked at everyone. I started to run away. I made it through the house and grabbed my coat and purse quickly. I was almost out the door when someone grabbed my arm.

I spun around to find Travis.
“come with me.” He demanded
I decided not to fight back and followed him to the closest room.
We got into the room and he faced me with confused eyes.
“what’s going on?” he asked
I looked at him and frowned.
“you wouldn’t understand.”
“try me.”
I looked around the room and thought I felt tears coming.
“I’m not who you think I am.” I replied
“so you’re not Ayden?”
“yes I’m Ayden, just not completely Ayden.”
“I don’t understand.” He said starting to get angry.
“exactly.” I replied.
“Ayden! What is going on? I really like you but you are scaring me. If you can’t be honest with me now you never will.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But it’s safe if you didn’t know about me or even met me.”
“Stop that! Are you sick?”
“no…” I replied softly
“you’re hands are always cold, no matter how much I hold them, your eyes are a color I’ve never seen, and from the scene you just created I can tell you are amazingly fast and outrageously strong.”
I felt sick. I felt the hurt and every emotion I’ve ever had come to the surface. My eyes stung and my breathing shortened.
“Talk to me Ayden.” Travis demanded
“I need to leave. I can’t be around you anymore. Don’t talk to me or try to contact me. It’s for the best” I said as sternly as possible.

I turned around to grab the door handle. He grabbed my arm again.

“wait-“ he yelled

That’s when I lost it. I threw him across the room. He landed on the bed on the far end.
He stared at me scared to death.
“I’m sorry.” I said softly.

I gave him a last look and walked out the door. I ran out of the house and down the road. I ran to the nearest forest. I stopped and let my senses take over. I smelled a grizzly bear. I ran as fast as I could and took down the bear with grace.

I drank and drank. When I was finished I looked at the bear and felt the stinging in my eyes again.

I began to run again. I didn’t stop until daylight broke and I was watching the sunrise at La Push.

I watched as the sky turned from grey to orange.

I didn’t move. I didn’t speak. I let my emotions take control…
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Long Chapter.Subscribe?:]