Don't Fall

Chapter 8

I walked back home slowly, not wanting to face the others. But I had school tomorrow and I was already weird enough as it is.

I approached the driveway to the Cullen house. I stopped suddenly and looked at freshly printed tire tracks. I hadn’t noticed any new scents so I suppose it was Carlisle. I undid my hair and let my waves fall. I slung my coat over my shoulder and carried my bag in the other hand. I continued my slow pace down the drive.

When I approached the last bend I smelled an all too familiar scent. I started to walk quickly across the grass. I walked up onto the porch and walked into the house. In the living room I saw my whole family sitting with Travis.

I stood as still as stone.
“Ayden, you’re home. We were so worried.” Carlisle said.
I didn’t speak. I glided across the room and set my coat and bag down.
“please sit with us Ayden.” Esme asked
I took a seat as far away as I could from everyone. I didn’t dare look at Travis.
“Travis came by to ask a few questions, “ Carlisle added
I looked over at Travis and saw his scared eyes.
“I’m worried about you Ayden.” He said looking me straight in the eyes.
I stared at him and tried looking for a passageway into his mind. I couldn’t find one.
“Ayd, we should get you cleaned up before we have a talk.” Alice said taking my arm and saving me.
I followed her up the stairs and into her room.
“Ayden, what’s going through your mind?” Alice asked grabbing my shoulders.
I stared at her blankly. I couldn’t think straight. Everything was too much. Overwhelming.
“oh no... please talk to me, I’m here for you.” She said
I felt the sting come to my eyes again and it got worse and worse. I started to feel a wetness on my cheek.
“Are those tears? Vampires cry? What’s wrong? CARLISLE!” she spoke quickly
In a moment Carlisle was in Alice’s room looking at me. He noticed my tears.
“is it normal for Vampires to cry?” Alice asked moving out of the way for Carlisle to look at me.
“it’s never been done, but it could be possible.” He replied looking into my eyes.
He touched the wetness and rubbed it between his fingers.
“it’s venom?” Alice asked.
Carlisle nodded.
Everyone was staring at me like I was some specimen or something. I turned my head away and walked towards the window. I tried to wipe the tears away but they kept coming. A hole developed in my chest and I felt empty.
“Ayden, Are you alright?” Carlisle asked.
I turned to face him. I Took one look into his golden eyes and collapsed into his chest.
I started to sob.
Carlisle stood there and tried to comfort me. Alice tried also. It wouldn’t stop. The blubbering wouldn’t go away no matter how hard I fought it…

When I looked up I found I was sitting with Esme in my room. I must’ve been crying so much that I hadn’t noticed the change. I sat up and looked at Esme. She looked at me with sorrowful eyes.
“Ayden, what is bothering you so much?” she asked
I stared at her unable to make myself speak. If I did the emptiness would enclose me in its trap.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a picture of Edward face down; so I didn’t have to see his face. I handed it to Esme and she looked at me with pity.

“Ayden sweetheart, he will come back. I know Ed- him. He would never desert you like this. He loves you.” She tried to comfort me.

She did not succeed. The emptiness enclosed me in its depths. I started to cry again. I really got sick of the crying and hated how the slightest thing set me off. Esme held me close and cursed herself for mentioning the subject.

I didn’t stop the stupid crying until deep into the night off and on. I told Esme that I wanted to be alone and she didn’t mind. I went over to the window and looked at the cool night. I changed out of my dress into a grey sweater, jeans, and sandals.


I combed my hair and jumped out the window landing swiftly on my feet. I started to slowly walk into the forest admiring the night and taking in the scents. Rain was coming soon. I decided I would continue my slow pace to La Push and surprise Jacob in the morning. We needed some one on one time.

I continued my walk and stepped over tree trunks with ease. I was walking along silently when I smelled someone coming. It wasn’t the rich smell of human blood nor the almost satisfying smell of animal blood. I stopped.

Another vampire was approaching. I stood my ground.

The vampire was very close now not even 50 feet away. I stood still and waited for it to approach me. Once close enough, I caught a scent of the northern wilderness lingering on its clothes. I strained harder to see the vampire. Once I almost caught sight it vanished

I spun around and tried to find it again. Was I imagining things? Oh no…

I took a step and then caught sight of a figure not even 10 feet away from me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I dropped my hands and relaxed my stance.
The white figure walked closer to me, it was arms distance away now.


I stared at him not able to believe my eyes. I had a loss of words. My mouth open but my eyes scanning his face. His beautiful features. I couldn’t believe it.
“Ayden.” He said softly in his velvet voice.
I let out a small sigh.
“I hate you.” I replied.

I threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I felt the wetness in my eyes come back. I let one tear fall and then stopped.
We stood there for a long time taking in each other’s scent. I couldn’t stand to be away from him any longer.

Once we finally let go, I looked into his eyes.
“Why are you back?” I asked seeming this was all too good to be true.
“I told you. I will always come back to you. You need me.” He added with a smile.
I smiled too.” I do need you.”
He touched my face with his hand softly. He grazed my cheek. I closed my eyes softly letting his touch send shivers through me.
His face inched towards mine slowly. I could feel his breath on my cheek. He let his hand touch my neck. His breathing was now on my neck. He kissed my neck softly.
“Edward…” I said softly.
“hm?” he answered while kissing my neck
I gently pulled away. “ we can’t do this…”
“and why not?” he asked
“it’s all too soon. Do you know how much you hurt me?”I replied raising my voice slightly
“but you hurt me when I was here.” He said
I glared at him. “that doesn’t give you a right to just leave me stranded.”
“I wasn’t trying to get back at you Ayden.”
“then what in hell were you doing?”
“I-i-I had a few situations that I needed to get in order…”
“for what?!” I replied angry
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I have you.” He said reaching his arms out to me
I didn’t make an effort to stop him.
“Edward, please don’t ever leave me again. Please, I’m begging you.” I said choking on my words.
“I give you my word.” He whispered softly in my ear.

I didn’t care where he was or what he was doing. He was here now and that’s all I needed. All I needed was his love and that alone was enough to last me eternity.

We walked the rest of the night through the forest. The sun rose but was soon covered in clouds and rain. It started to drizzle softly and I let it get my hair wet and my clothes soaked. It didn’t matter to me what I looked like, I just wanted to be next him. Take in his scent. Love him.
We finally arrived home after the rain got heavier. We walked through the front door. I pushed my wet hair away from my face. I smiled a toothy grin when I saw the family looking at me.
“Edward!” Alice exclaimed. She ran and hugged him. I smiled.
Everyone gathered around him and exchanged their welcome back greeting. I was about to sit down when Esme stopped me.
“you better not sit on my couch with those wet jeans.” She snapped.

I stopped and raised my eyebrow at her. I went upstairs and changed into my school clothes. I changed into jeans and my favorite rain coat. I ran a brush through my hair and stared at myself in the mirror. Edward walked in while wearing his new dry clothes.


“absolutely perfect.” He said and kissed me softly on the cheek.
I smiled softly.
“race you to your car?” I challenged
He smirked and I was off. I ran and arrived at the passenger door. Edward was holding it open for me.
I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted my lips.
“nice try.” He whispered in my ear while going to the other side of the car. I sighed softly and got into his car.

When we arrived at school, everyone was shocked to see Edward back at school. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I laughed softly.

He walked me to French. I looked at the door then spun around to face Edward. But when I turned around, he was nowhere to be seen. I smirked and went to open the door.

School passed by slowly. When school was over I walked quickly to Edward’s car. I found him leaning against it smiling that gorgeous smile. I smiled too and walked towards him.
He drove home at the speed limit.

“lets go somewhere tonight.” He said
“where would you like to go?” I asked
“well it’s our first date, where do people usually go?” he said laughing softly
I scrunched my eyebrows slightly together. “we could go to a movie.”
“do you honestly want to do that?”
I shook my head. Movies were boring.
“I say we take a road trip. And go to a private place for awhile.” He said
My eyes light up. “where?”
“I have a place in mind…” he said while smirking.
“well tell me”
“how about we let it be a surprise.” He said
I glared at him. “you do know I’m 10 times stronger than you?”
He nodded and chuckled. “you won’t beak me.”
I sighed and sat back in my seat.

I guess he was right…
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