Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twelve

The venue was bigger than Hannah expected it to be. She parked her car into the car park and looked at the queue of fans.

‘I’m gonna look so stupid standing with a bunch of kids’ she grumbled in her head. Then suddenly she had a thought and got her phone out of her pocket.

I’m ere….
Do I really need 2 stand in line?

Hannah searched the contact list for Z, as soon as found Zacky’s name she pressed send and waited. Less than a minute later her phone beeped.

Er wer r u now?

Hannah pressed her finger firmly on the numbers of her phone replying

Car park

Once again in less than a second she received a text back.

Go to straight to the door…
a guy named Thor will be waiting for you

After reading the text Hannah got out of the car and started walking to the venue. She felt like a sore thumb due to most of the kids wearing a lot of black clothing, Van shoes and deathbat tattoos. It made her remember how she used to dress; of course rock fashion back then wasn’t as dark as it is now a days. Whilst walking (earning weird stares from fans in the process) she caught sight of the door. There standing in front of it was a tall man who must have been in he early forties, he had long black hair and had a beard. He carried all kinds of tattoo art on his arms and looked a little intimidating. Hannah gulped as she approached the man.

“Er… Thor?”

The man smiled warmly and then held his arm in front of the fans so I could get past. A lot of them started moaning and yelling as they both entered the venue.

“I wondered when I’d meet you Hannah” he spoke in a deep voice.

Hannah smiled “surprised!” she replied making jazz hands. Thor laughed and guided her backstage… were she immediately got jumped on by someone… she didn’t see who it was but the blonde hair kind of gave it away.

“HANNIE!!!!” Val exclaimed hugging her.

Hannah giggled “nice to see you to!”

Val let go of her old friend and grabbed her hand “come on the guys are waiting to see you”.

Val dragged Hannah into one of the changing rooms, where a chorus of “HANNAH” was yelled. Hannah didn’t recognize them at first with all their tattoos, but as soon as she looked at their faces she knew they were still the same goons from high school.

Jimmy was the first to greet her “Hannah Banana!” and hugged.

“Jesus Jimbo you still remember that?” she asked as they both pulled back.

“Course! How could I ever forget you!”

Hannah chuckled and pulled out of the embrace and saw Johnny standing behind Jimmy.

“Hey Short Shit!” she greeted.

Johnny glared at her playfully “Stop! I get enough of that with these lot.”

Matt then walked over and enveloped her into a bear hug “I missed you sweets” he whispered.

“Not as much as I have…”

“HEY QUIT HOGGING MY BEST FRIEND” a very familiar voice ordered. Knowing the voice Hannah let go of Matt and ran straight to that person.

“Zacky!!!” she exclaimed and hugged him tighter. Zacky chortled at her sudden change in attitude. Hannah then looked around to find that someone was missing.

“er… where’s Brian?”

Everyone turned quiet for a second and looked at each other. “Erm… he’s with Michelle” Val replied.

At first Hannah was puzzled “as in your sister?” she asked Val.

Val nodded in reply “Yeah… there dating”.

Hannah’s eyes widened slightly. She can slightly remember Michelle every time she went round to Val’s. They were both completely identical to each only Michelle had long brown hair. When ever Hannah saw her she always greeted her with a kind smile… she even some times joined the sleepovers.

“That’s cute” Hannah replied simply. “How long have they been together?”

The group gave threw her a confused glanced. “Aren’t you bothered about that?” Matt asked.

Hannah scrunched up her eyebrows “No why would I be?”

But the group just mumbled nothing and changed the subject by asking Hannah how she’s been, what Uni was like and if she had any crazy patients. She answered all the questions but then remembered why she was here.

“So what do you guys need my help for?”

Everyone fell silent again… “We’ll talk about after the show” Zacky replied.

*** ***

The show was great! Hannah got to watch it from the side with Val and Gena who was Zacky’s girlfriend. Michelle was on the left side watching Syn as the three of them watched from the right. Funnily enough Hannah didn’t pay much attention to Syn, she was to busy watching Zacky. After the show Zacky pulled her aside, he must have been nominated to tell her.

"Well Hannah.... we need your help" he whispered.

“I kinda guessed that…”

Zacky threw her a stern look so Hannah nodded and asked what was wrong.

"Well you see... its Brian... he's been well... he's depressed" Zacky told her.

"What? Why is he depressed?" she asked confused.

"We don’t know for sure but... you may not know this but it all started after your argument in the hallway when he found... You know." Yes Zacky did find out in the end about the cutting and he was one of the reasons why she stopped.

“Hm! Like I’ gonna believe that” she spat.

“Hannah come on we’ve tried everything and it hasn’t worked... you’re his only hope”.

"Well what can I do Zack!? You know he won't go an inch near me" Hannah said angrily.

"Please Hannah-bear just try" Zacky begged using her pet name. But she was going to be stubborn.

“Give me one reason Zack! One reason why I should help him...” she ordered, her voice booming through the halls.

Zacky stayed silent for a second till finally he answered. “Because no matter how much you may dislike a person Hannah... you’ll always be there for them, to encourage them and to have a shoulder to cry on...

"And I 'll be honest with you Hannah. I think ever since that day he saw your scars it knocked some sense into him. He changed... and now he's getting worse".

Zacky’s words hit Hannah hard, because he was right. But one question ran through her mind... did she dislike him? He was an asshole to her in school but maybe he’d grew up a little. She sighed deeply and nodded "send him to my office tomorrow" was all that was said and she walked off to talk to Val.

‘But it doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven him’
♠ ♠ ♠
I had completely writers block so sorry for the wait...

