Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter thirteen

“How long are you going to be in New York” Hannah asked the band. Their mumbled replies were ‘as long as it takes’.

“Guys I need a more accurate answer than that” she reminded them with a chuckle.

Val got out her diary and flicked through the pages… “Er… well the guys go back to California in a month”.

Hannah frowned. Depending on how bad Syn is she wasn’t sure if she could make him better in a month before he’d have to go back. “Guys are you hinting something here?” she asked them finally catching on to what they were trying to do.

Zacky started talking “What do you…”

“Guys I’m therapist I can read your body language like a pop-up book.!”

Everyone looked down to the feet. “Hannah we miss you… we want you to come home” Jimmy mumbled miserably.

“Jimmy this is my home.”

“No Hannah it’s not!” Val snapped. “Why would you want to stay close to the place you hate”.

“Because as weird as it seems to you guys I have a job! I can’t just get up and leave…I promise I’ll visit as much as I can” she told them hoping it would reassure them.

“Hannah you don’t belong here… and it’s because not your job cause you can just get transferred easily. What’s going on?!” Zacky demanded.

“What makes you think there’s something going on? I live here guys!!”


Zacky’s yelling echoed through the hallway and everyone fell silent till the sound of the door opening.

“Hey guys what’s with all the yelling-oh hi Hannah” Michelle spoke as she walked in. Hannah turned to the door to she the brunette beauty standing in the doorway. Behind her was a tall figure with a fredora on its head and a leather jacket.

‘Syn…’ Hannah thought. She needed to get out of here, before everything got out of hand. But she had to get passed everyone first.

“Hey Michelle!” she spoke with a smile. “How ya been?”

Michelle walked in further “I’m great! Yourself?”

Hannah shrugged “meh I’m alright. Work is a little stressful”

“Michelle who are talking to?” asked the velvety voice of Syn. He walked in the room and immediately froze when he saw her.

‘Oh my god he’s even better looking than before’ Hannah thought as her eyes widened. Syn’s face didn’t change at all… but he’s body did. He had a lot more muscle and his arms were covered in tattoos. His hair was also a lot longer. Hannah looked straight into his eyes, they no longer had that softness, and they just looked dull as if there was no life behind them at all.

God knows how long they stared at each other, but it was Michelle how broke their gaze. “Babe what’s wrong?”

Hannah’s stomach muscles tightened at the word babe. According to her ‘Babe’ was a terrible name… especially for your partner.

Syn didn’t reply, instead he just looked down at her and gave her a fake smile before kissing her temple. Hannah wanted to gag at the sight. ‘Wait what’s wrong with me!!’

“I better get going…” Hannah suddenly mumbled pulling her jacket on. Everyone protested but she didn’t listen, she picked up her bag and went for the door.

“Your appointment is at three o’ clock, Monday. Don’t be late!” Hannah told Syn simply without looking at him.

Hannah walked down the hall and walked out the doors after she heard Michelle suddenly exclaim…


*** ***

Hannah woke up Monday morning feeling sick… from nerves. For once in her life she wasn’t looking forward to work, because of him.

‘Might as well get it over and done with’ she thought to herself. Hannah had a quick shower and was now looking through her wardrobe. Pulling each hanger to the side, she decided for some obscure reason… to make an effort. The voice in the back of her head was screaming questions at her why but she pushed them away and pulled out a long sleeved v-neck red jumper, black flared trousers and black boots. With her hair she decided to straighten it and to just leave it down. Her makeup would consist of brown eye shadow, a thin layer of eye liner and deep red lipstick.

Hannah picked up her black handbag and looked in her mirror. Please with her outfit she grabbed her car keys and walked out of the flat.

The drive to work usually took about ten minutes… but it felt like an hour. Finally she reaching the city center she parked in her workplace’s car park. Hannah took a quick look at her watch. It was now nine o’ clock… she had five hours before Syn came… she hoped it would be the slowest five hours of her life.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's a little short.... so sorry about that... but hte next chapter is a lot more interest :P

