Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter fourteen

It was ten minutes past two… Syn was late. ‘no surprise there’ Hannah thought venomously.

“Doctor Walker… Brian Haner is here” spoke the receptionist Lucy spoke through intercom.

“Send him in straight away” she replied pressing the button. While she waited she opened up Syn’s file to and scan read his symptoms. The list was…

Mood swings
Hits near by objects
Sometimes aggressive

Hannah felt the sickest that she felt earlier this morning, This would be the first time they would have talked to each other in years. The sound of a turning doorknob echoed through the room as it opened revealing the famous Synyster Gates with his Fredora and Bandanna, his dark sunglasses, a black vest top saying ‘SIN’ in white writing and black skinny jeans with rips in the knees.

“Your late” she stated “so hurry and sit down.” She stayed silent as she watched him take a seat in front of her desk. With complete attitude he slumped down into the chair and put his foot against her desk. Hannah moved her mouse and clicked on the cancel symbol on Brian’s profile.

"Okay Mr Haner if you just sign this sheet we will get started" she said softly whilst pushing the clipboard and pen towards him. Syn leaned forward and quickly wrote his signature and pushed it back.

"Since when the hell did you call me Mr Haner" Syn asked stressing the Mr Haner bit.

Hannah looked up "what would you like to be called?" she asked him calmly.

Syn was quiet for a bit; probably because he was surprised by how calm she was. Then again… it was her job. "Brian... or Syn".

"Okay then... Brian, I'm going to ask you a few questions. When I ask you, you don't have to answer them and you can take your time" I told him.

Brian took his glasses off to look at her properly. His now dull eyes were hard to read but he seemed relatively relaxed.

"So... describe how you feel in three words?" Hannah asked grabbing the clipboard to take notes.

At first Syn just shrugged his shoulders "confused, empty and broken"

Hannah quickly wrote on her clipboard and put a stray hair behind her ear.

"I see you still got your long hair" he suddenly pointed out. Hannah chose to ignore him and asked another question about what he meant by empty.

"Something is missing from my life".

"Do you know what that is?"

"No I don't!!" he snapped glaring at her.

But Hannah remained composed and wrote more notes on her clipboard. “Brian there’s no need to yell so stop trying to be threatening” she told him casually.

Syn relaxed a little and slumped even more into the chair, knowing he was defeated he brought his hand to his forehead "I can't sleep" he mumbled.

Hannah glanced at him "can't you?" She already knew he couldn’t sleep but she wanted to know why.

Syn shook his head "I have nightmares, and if you don’t believe ask the others" he said forcefully.

"I never said I didn't".

Syn laughed suddenly "you actually just stuck up for yourself... I'm impressed" he commented.

“What do you see in the nightmares?” she asked choosing to once again ignore his comments. Syn suddenly became fidgety and glared at the window. He stood up and walked around the room, taking in the painting on the walls and the shelfs jam-packed with different books.

“Would you rather not talk about it?” she spoke watching his every move. Syn stopped at one pictures.

“This one was drawn by Gerard Way…” he stated looking at it.

“Yes, he was my client for a little bit. Well done for getting it right”.

“I recognize that signature anywhere”.

“Can you sit down please?”

Syn looked at her before sitting back down on his seat. “Aren’t you spose to have some sort of sofa… like in the movies?”

Hannah looked up at him, he seemed generally curious. “It’s coming tomorrow”.

Syn fell silent again and played with his shoes "are you going to give me anything?" he asked.

“For what?”

“My sleeping problem…”

Hannah started to type something on her computer and then replied no; making Syn slammed his fist on the table.

"Why?!?" he demanded.

Hannah looked at him straight in the eye "Because it will only make it worst". But Syn only got more aggressive.

“I’m not fucking stupid you know! I know you think I’m just gonna overdose when I’d never stoop myself so fucking low!!”

“Stop swearing Brian…”

“No Fuck you!” he spat “You don’t know me! So don’t fucking judge me” and with that he kicked his chair and went over to the window, leaning his head on the glass condensation started to appear from his heavy breathing.

Hannah ripped off a piece of paper and walk to him.

"On there is what I want you to do in the day” she told him handing him the paper. “I will send Matt an email so he knows and he can tell me if your doing it or not. It's basic really, just write a diary on your feelings that day then give it to Matt to send to me" She explained to him.

Syn read the paper as he listened to her; his face scrunched up in confusion.

“The reason why I’m not giving you any drugs is because you don’t need it. You have Insomnia which is cause by PDS which stands for Post Dramatic Stress. What you need is good healthy sleep; but because you keep your emotions locked up inside it prevents you from sleeping. By writing a diary… your releasing all your negative energy onto the page”.

“Does it have to be a diary” he asked, finally starting to calm down.

“At first yes… because I want to know what to know what’s going through that head of yours. But afterwords it can be anything, a poem… maybe even a song!” she suggested… knowing it that it would cheer him up a bit.

“What about playing my guitar?” He asked looking at her.

“Of course! Just don’t be a total rock-star and smash it” she joked earning a small, timid smile from him, but it quickly disappeared.

Syn looked at the paper then back at her. Suddenly her watched beeped… “Your time is up, your appointment is the same time next week so don’t be late. But if you need to talk to me your welcome to call me”.

Syn just nodded and walked slowly towards to door, but then suddenly turned to her.

"By the way Hannah... I could never hate you"

And with that he walked out the door. Hannah froze on the spot as his words kept repeating in her head. Suddenly her eyes watered up and soft sobs irrupted from her. The words she had so wanted to hear for ten years were finally spoken. Suddenly her phone rang.

Hannah picked it up as she wipe her tears away. “Hello?”

“Hannah have you been crying?” a deep male voice spoke.

“No I just had something in my eye… so whats up?”

“Can you come visit… I’m starting to feel paranoid again” he spoke.

Hannah took a deep breath “Sure dad… I’ll be there as soon as I finish work” and with that she said goodbye and hung up the phone, unknown to the fact that Syn had heard everything through the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yea big twist lol

