Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter fifteen

‘Shit! Shit! SHIT! I’m so late’ Hannah cursed in head as she literally jumped out of her car and power-walked to her office. Thankfully… she only had one appointment today. She greeted Lucy as she rushed past and walked into her office to her deck… not hearing Lucy shout to her that her client was already waiting in the office.

“And you tell me off for being late…” moaned a very familiar voice but because she wasn’t expecting it, it caused her to scream and hold her hand on her chest.

“BRIAN!!! You scared me” she snapped as she turned to face him. He was sat on the new sofa which was mentioned the first session with foot across his knee and his head resting on his palm with his elbow on the arm of the sofa. Today he was dress white t-shirt with zombie hands on the shoulders, baggy blue jeans, whit Nike trainers and was wearing his black beanie with skulls on his head.

“Sorry… but what’s her face did tell you I was in here”

“Brian if I’m running late you wait outside in the waiting room… understand me!” she ordered like a mother to her naughty child…

“Okay! Okay jeez…” Syn held his hands in defensed and immediately Hannah’s anger faded. Syn had been her client for about four weeks now; despite the on and off mood swings… Hannah could proudly say he was slowly getting better; But over these few sessions he was beginning to grow on her.

Syn waited quietly as Hannah grabbed his folders and the feeling dairy… every session Hannah reads through it and they talk about it. “I’m thinking of getting my hair done” Syn suddenly spoke.

Hannah glanced up from the dairy to look at Syn… “Really? Want you do you want done?”

“Er… well I know I want it shorter… long hair is too difficult to handle. I don’t how you deal with it; mind you I suppose it’s a girl thing.”

The last comment made Hannah chuckle and she sat down. As she rearranged her things she didn’t notice that Syn was watching her every move… as if he was trying to mesmerizing her gestures, movements and habits… he already knew tucking her hair behind her ear was a common habit… but she wouldn’t be able to do that today because it was in a bun.

“You your hair looks a lot better down…” Syn stated.

“Well I was running late today… I’ll make a mental note to have my hair down when you come visit”.

Syn knew she was only joking… but somewhere inside of him wished otherwise ‘wait what am I thinking!?!’

“Okay Brian…” Hannah spoke softly bringing him out of his thoughts “On the Wednesday… you’ve mentioned another nightmare.”

Syn stiffened, he never really liked talking about this and he didn’t want to explode at her because he always felt terrible afterwords. She always said that it didn’t bother her… but it bothered him greatly; and he didn’t know why.

“Brian I know you don’t like talking about it… but your dreams are concerning me”

Syn leaned forward and rubbed his hands over face, he could feeling the anger boil in him, but he was trying to hold it in. “I can’t tell you…”



Syn was becoming distressed again so Hannah sat next to him and grabbed his face into her hands.

“Sh… Brian it’s okay” She whispered making Syn look at her. “I’m not saying you tell me now. And understand it’s private but if you ever want to get better you need to tell me things that are troubling you… that’s what I’m here for.”

Syn slowly started to relax but then did something unexpected… he leaned his head into Hannah’s neck and started to breathe slow, deep breaths. Hannah was surprised at first but then realized that he was just exhausted from his outburst so he was resting on the nearest thing to him… which happened to be her shoulder. It was quiet for a little bit till Hannah’s watched beeped telling her session with Syn was over.

“Do I really have to go?” he asked knowing what the beep meant.

Hannah smiled “No… you can stay as long as you need to”.

Syn looked up at her and nodded “thank you… I’m sorry”.

“For what?”

“For yelling… I was trying not to” but Hannah hushed him.

“Brian if anything… I’m glad you did because you’re not bottling up your emotions. If you need to yell then be my guess.”

Brain finally pulled away from her to look at her “but what if I hurt you?”

Hannah was slightly surprised at that question. “Brian don’t be silly you could never hurt me”.

“But I’ve hurt you in the past…”

Hannah froze; her gaze was fixed no Syn’s. “Brain…”

“I’m sorry…”

Hannah’s breath got caught in her throat. It was as if time had stopped completely.

“I’m sorry for treating you like shit in high school. I’m sorry I pretended I didn’t care for you… I’m-I’m”

Hannah watched Syn very closely… he now had tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry for everything” and with that he started sobbing into his hands.

Hannah could only do the thing that her head was screaming to do… and that was hug him, let him release the sadness and grip onto her for support.

After a few minutes Brian stopped crying and they were both sat there in silence… Hannah rubbed his shoulder to sooth him whilst he laid his in the crook of her neck, inhaling deep steady breaths.

“Feeling better?”

Syn pulled out of her embrace to look at her “Yeah… I’ve been wanting to say that for a while now.”

Hannah smiled “I forgive you…”

Syn looked at her in surprise “W-what?”

Hannah’s smile got bigger “Brian Haner Jr… I forgive you…”
♠ ♠ ♠
yea it's a little shit... but the next is gonna be loads better I promise you that

