Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter sixteen

“WHADA YOU MEAN WE’VE GOT TO GO BACK?!?” Syn exclaimed to his band mates.

“Dude it’s too early for volume…” Jimmy moaned whilst holding his head. Syn was just told that the band had to cut his appointments short due to the record label demanding the band to get back into studio. But of course… Syn wasn’t to please with the sudden decision.

“Brian just listen…” Matt started but he wasn’t listening.

“Guys I’m not ready to go back yet! I’ve only been seeing the Doc for like a month….”

“Which is why if you don’t shut up; we won’t get this sorted!” Matt snapped. Finally Syn calmed down and took back his seat next to Michelle. She placed a hand on his tattooed arm and rubbed it. In the past Syn’s muscles would relax and he’d feel heat rise to his face… but lately it never happened; not with Michelle anyway.

“Well we came up with the idea of… er…” Zacky started but paused, as if he couldn’t believe what he was about to say.

But Val became impatient “WERE GOING TO FORCE HANNAH TO COME BACK WITH US!!” she suddenly blurted.

Syn’s face screwed up in confusion but for some reason… Michelle looked like she was about to start a massacre.

“NO!! I don’t spend enough time with Brian as it is... I don't want her making it worse!”

“What’s that suppose to mean?!” Syn suddenly snapped, making everyone fall completely silent.

Michelle stood up “Don’t get me wrong babe, I like her and everything and I thank god every day for her helping you but you spend hours at the sessions and now everyone wants her to come with us?! Can’t you see she might ruin our relationship?!?!”

“Don’t you dare pin the blame on her. If it wasn’t for her... hell I’d still be in the same depressive state I’ve been in ever since I was nineteen...” Syn suddenly boomed after standing up as well.

“Then who Should I blame Brian!?”


Everyone including Michelle stared at him in complete shock; all that could be heard was Syn’s heavy breathing. Michelle gazed at him with sad eyes “Brian I...”

“Save it! I would have thought you of all people would understand...” Syn snapped venomously and stormed out of the door. As soon as he reached outside he punched the brick in anger and slid down to the floor.

“Brian...” came Jimmy’s voice from beside him.

“I need to speak to Hannah...”

“Course bro... I call her now” and with that Jimmy got his phone out and dialed the number.

“Hey Hannah...” Jimmy spoke on the phone.

“Jimbo! How are you?” she asked.

“Er... I’m fine but Brian isn’t...”

There was a long pause... “What’s wrong?” she finally asked.

So Jimmy quickly explained to her what had happened between Brian and Michelle, but missed out the whole making her come make to Huntington part.

“Okay... can I speak with Brian please?” she asked softly.

Jimmy mumbled sure before handing the phone to his distressed friend. Just at that point Michelle walked out with huge concern on her face, but Jimmy stopped her and told her Brian was busy.

"Let me speak to him Jimmy" Michelle ordered trying to push past him.

"No Michelle! if anything.. you've done enough" he replied just as sharply. Michelle stayed still till she heard Syn say...

“Hey doc...” Syn whispered, feeling his emotions going up and down like a lift.

“Brian... is everything okay?” Hannah asked. Even though she knew it wasn’t.

“To be honest... no nothing’s okay...”.

Hannah sighed and told Syn to let her think... so he waited till he became impatient. “Can I see you?” As soon as Syn asked that question Michelle stormed back inside... not wanting to hear anymore.

“Of course you can... But I’ll come to you okay? Stay right where you are” Hannah ordered then asked to put Jimmy back on. After discussing the location Jimmy said goodbye and hung up the phone.

“She’s on her way... feeling any better?”

‘I am now...’ he thought. Whilst walking back into the building he couldn't help but feel excited to see Hannah again.

@Wait What?!!?' He screamed at himself... Syn sat down on the sofa to notice that the others were gone... maybe back into the studio to give him some peace. He decided to use this time to take a nap... and once he did Hannah snuck into his mind as he slept.

*** ***

“Brian?” a soft, smooth voice spoke. Making Syn slowly open his eyes to meet the pair he had grown to know over the past month. Hannah knelt down in front of him as he sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

“I’m sorry... I fell asleep” he mumbled still feeling groggy.

Hannah laughed softly “it’s okay... I’m here now so what’s up?”

Syn took a deep breath “me and Michelle had a fight... like a huge fight. It resulted to me exploding at her”.

Hannah nodded whilst listening “And it upset you?” Syn nodded making Hannah sigh.

"Brian this is going to sound unfair but I'm just seeing the situation through Michelle's eyes... Exactly how much time do you spend with her?"

Syn looked up at the ceiling to think... Syn was out of the house most of time due to touring. But this is the first time they had a proper argument.

"Well not much... but that's mostly because of touring. It's never really bothered her before" he answered.

Hannah was silent for a second... "if there is one thing about girlfriends Brian... is that they crave attention. They want to be treated special, like they're the luckiest girl on earth... I know it sounds ridiculous but trust me. Take her out some where, go have fun. remind her that your her man okay?"

Syn nodded taking in the advice... but for some reason he had a bad feeling about this. That Michelle wasn't going to let this whole pass... in fact it was far from over. Syn could feel himself getting depressed again as he leaned forward and rubbed his face.

"We have to go back to Huntington..." he suddenly mumbled.

"Already?" she asked puzzled. "What happened to the two months?"

Syn shrugged "you know just as much as I do..." Hannah nodded before standing up.

“Wait here...” she order calmly and walked out of the room. Syn could hear her talking to his band mates through the walls.

“There’s no way he can stop therapy so soon...” Hannah spoke, her soft voice as clear as anything.

“But you said he was getting better...” Michelle stated with a sigh.

“Which is correct he is slowly improving... but therapy doesn’t work like that. These things take time Michelle and he is not capable of not coming to my sessions” Hannah carefully explained.

“So what do you suggest?” Matt asked.

Hannah sighed “It looks like I’ll be staying at my grandmothers for a little while...”

“Wait what? Your coming back with us?” Zacky asked, excitement oozing out of him.

There was a long pause... “At least till Brian is better” was all she replied. Syn froze... she was coming back; she was leaving behind her job, her house and her life for him.

Hannah walked back into the room with a timid smile on her face... “I’ll see you at the airport Brian...” and with that she left the room and went home.
♠ ♠ ♠
