Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter seventeen

“Hannah you’re looking a little green…” Zacky stated turning in his seat. Hannah hadn’t moved throughout the whole plane journey… griping the arm rest on her right and Zacky’s hand on her left. Gena leaned forward and stared at her in concern.

“Hannah… why didn't you say you didn’t like flying? Val said you were stubborn but I didn’t think you were this bad” Gena asked desperately.

But Hannah didn’t look at her… she just kept her gaze forward. “I’ll be fine Gena… I just need to stay still and I’ll be fine”. Gena shock her head with a smile on her face and went back to reading her magazine.

“Er Hannah-bear… you’re cutting off my blood circulation” Zacky squirmed whilst trying to pull his hand out of her death grip. Hannah slowly let go and scanned her surroundings. The plane was quiet due to many people being asleep… in a row sat Hannah, Zacky and Gena. On the row behind were Jimmy and Johnny. And in the row in the middle was a four seater which had Matt, Val, Michelle and Syn on the end next to Hannah.

Hannah glanced at him to see he was reading a magazine with earplugs stuck in his ears; Michelle was asleep on his shoulder. Hannah could feel the jealously run through her veins… by the fact that both of them had someone to care for, to kiss… and to love. Because she became so dedicated to her work, she never really had time for dating. She had one boyfriend in uni… but that didn’t work out to well.

Syn shut the magazine and threw it on the take in front of him. And turn his head to side, only to have his soft brown eyes lock with her piercing Greys. Hannah immediately felt the heat rise to her cheeks and she looked away.

“You okay?” asked his smooth velvety voice. Hannah turned her head back to face to see he had now removed his eye plugs and had a worried expression on his face. Hannah was about to reply when she suddenly realized his hand was placed n hers. Hannah froze and was completely speechless… she wasn’t used to this kind of contact from him.

‘Oh pull yourself together!!’ she screamed in her head. ‘You hugged him a couple of days ago.’ But that was only to comfort him… this time he was trying to comfort her.

“Hannah are you afraid of flying?” he quietly asked. Hannah couldn’t lie to him… but she couldn’t speak either so she just nodded. Syn face screwed up in annoyance.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he hissed, but not in a horrible way… in a ‘your-so-stubborn’ kind of way.

“Brian it’s fine…” she reassured him. She slowly slipped her hand out of his grasp and sat forward… sleep slowly taking over.

*** ***

“Hannah?” came Zacky’s voice as he shook her awake. Hannah’s eye lids slowly opened to see Zacky next to her and people walking around on the plane. “Come on… we’re home” he spoke softly.

Hannah sat up slowly and stretched her arms. She then glance out the plane window… sure enough. Outside were bright blue skies, a blinding sun and palm trees all round the tracks. After waiting for the doors to open, Hannah, Val, Gena and the band walked down the stairs into the Californian heat. Hannah’s hair flew all over the place as the engine of the plane began to slow down. The sun made her eyes quince from the sudden brightness.

It was official… Hannah was now back in California… she was now back home.

*** ***

“Grandma?” she called through the house. Hannah’s call echoed through the hallway she longed forgotten. It still had to warm colors and paintings on the wall, as if time stood still when she left and it was still the time era when Hannah was still attending high school.

“Who is it?” came a weak, feminine voice. Hannah put down her bags and followed the source to the back garden. There sat Lily in wooden chair, a lot older than Hannah saw her last. She now had to wear her glasses.

“Hannah? Is that you?” she asked pushing her glasses up her nose. Hannah smiled warmly and nodded.

“Oh Hannah my dear girl!” she gushed as she held her arms out. Immediately Hannah went to her and hugged her, feeling the warmth of her body against her. Lily pulled out of the embrace and took Hannah’s face in her hands…

“my goodness Hannah what happened? You grew up didn’t you?”

Hannah laughed and sat down in front of her “I’m still the same seventeen year old Gran”.

“That I’m sure my dear… so what brings you back?”

Hannah glanced down… “One of my clients lives here in Cali, so I made a deal to move here for a little while till he’s better. I’m sorry for this sudden visit but can I stay here whilst working with the client?”

Lily chuckled “Honey I may be old but I’m not stupid. Its Brian Haner isn’t it? And yes of course you can stay”.

Hannah looked at her in shocked, but thinking about it now… Brian’s step mom Suzy must have told her.
“You know…” Lily spoke. “That boy was never the same when you left… he never truly smiled, always hid his emotions. He always tried to mask his sadness, but I could see it. Better than anyone.”

Hannah didn’t like were this conversation was going, “well we all know he good you are at reading people Grandma… but I’m here now and I’m going to help him”.

“Yes I know… and I couldn’t think of anyone better. Do you need to use my office?”

Hannah nodded “if that’s okay with you?”

“Nonsense I haven’t used that room in years” Lily chimed slowly getting up. Noticing her struggle Hannah stood up to help her.

Once Lily stood up straight they both heard a call from the house.

“There you are…” Zacky breathed with a small smile. Zacky stepped outside and turned to the old woman. “Hello Lily… how’s the old back doing?”

Lily hobbled forward “none of your cheek Zachary… and I’m fine”.

Zacky chuckled warmly… “I was wondering Lily could I borrow Hannah for a while… we want to treat her for a drink.”

Lily scoffed “she’s not seventeen anymore… she can make her own decisions. Now if you excuse me I need a nap.” And with that she hobbled into the house and out of sight.

“Told you she’s more stubborn…” Hannah joked.

“Yeah… Who does that remind me of” Zacky teased looking over at her. Hannah gave him a playful hit before they both headed out to the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
bit short...

