Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter eighteen

“A beach party?” Hannah questioned looking up from her laptop.

Syn nodded as he sat down. “Everyone’s invited!” he mused. Hannah put her hand to her chin to think… she hasn’t been at a beach party since she was eighteen. A there was also another problem…

“I don’t have a bikini….”

Syn stopped playing with the pile of papers that were on the desk in front of him and looked like he was about to choke on his on breath.. “Hannah are you serious?!”

“Er… yes?” she asked more than replied.

Syn stayed silence and stared at her, but then exploded into laughter… it was warm and like a chortle. He had his eyes closed and his hands on his sides. Hannah watched him in shock and demanded what was so funny.

“PHISSE! I’m s-sorry Hannah b-but, but I mean you live at Long ‘beach’ HA HA!” he giggled exaggerating the beach part. Finally piecing it together in her head, Hannah could see the comedy in it… it did seem a little silly her not having a swimsuit when she lived literary cross from the beach. As it sunk in she could feel her cheeks redden like a tomato.

Syn noticed her embarrassment and immediately shut up “Er… I didn’t mean to make you feel an idiot”

“No it’s okay Brian. I guess it is a little funny; I’ve just been stuck in the house nearly all the time.”

“Then come to the party… I’ll even pick you up if you want?” Syn pressed.

Hannah looked at him, he seemed determined to get her out of the house and have fun. But she couldn’t shake to feeling that something bad was going to happen.

“Please! Hannah” he begged and pouted, making Hannah laugh. Syn got up from his chair and hugged her from the side.

“Please! Please! Please!!!” he whined in his little kiddy voice rubbing his cheek against hers like a cat. Hannah could feel her muscles tense up from Syn being so close to her but in less than a second she relaxed.

“Okay! Okay I’ll come jeez…” Hannah snapped playfully trying to prey him off her.

“YAY!!” Syn exclaimed then gave her a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

“Ahh! Get off me you bone head” she ordered and wiped her cheek. Syn was grinning like a chestier cat and sat back down. “Now let’s get on shall we…” she said with a smile.

Syn sat back down and waited for her to quickly scan read through his feeling diary. “Brian?” she called not looking up. Syn made a “ahem” noise letting her know he heard her.

“You haven’t mentioned the nightmares at all… Have they gone now?”

Syn’s smile dropped… what was it with her and asking about the dreams. “Well not exactly…”

Hannah rose an eyebrow at him “Explain please?”

Syn took a deep breath, “Well I still have them but… they’re not as bad anymore. Just weird…”

Hannah jotted down some notes “Brian bad dream or not. I still want you to write them down… as I stated many times your dreams are concerning me”.

Syn frowned “I don’t see why… I mean they’re just dreams”.

Hannah threw him a stern look “yes but dreams can affect the brain just as bad as real-life experiences, sometimes they reflect what you truly feel about something… no matter how much you deny it. Trust me I know”.

“What you mean by that? Did you use to have nightmares?”

Immediately Hannah froze, the last part of her sentence just slipped out. Remember how she’d wake up most nights with sweat pouring off her, after dreaming of him. It seemed like yesterday when the dream revealed her true feeling for Syn… whether they were still there; she had no idea. A part of her feels that they are better off as friends (and also because she doesn’t date clients). But she couldn’t help but feel her body up with envy when ever Syn was with Michelle. At first she thought it was because they were a couple… but she didn’t feel like that when she saw Val and Matt were together (minus the fact they’ve been with each since they were twelve).

“Er… Doc? You’re spacing out on me…” Syn said whilst waving his hand in front of her face. Hannah snapped out of it and mumbled sorry.

“So you gonna tell me?” Syn pressed.

“About what?”

“Your nightmares…”

Hannah panicked, what was she suppose to say ‘oh it wasn’t much just me and you making out on a mysterious beach. Yeah I don’t think so’ Hannah thought to herself. She was here to help Syn… not freak him out.

“Brian I don’t like talking about it.” She spoke as casually as she could “it brings back bad memories”.

“Well you said to me it’s better to talk about things rather than bottle it up. Its unhealthy remember?” Syn replied using her knowledge against her.

Hannah glared at him “I’m the therapist here!” she snapped making Syn chuckle.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry...” that comment stomped her for a second, she wasn’t expecting that. She felt the anger fade away from her and was replaced with embarrassment, ‘grr I hate being shy!’ she hissed in her head.

Syn notice her sudden change in mood and smiled “Hannah Walker are you blushing?”

Hannah stared at him blankly, “no!” she squeaked. But she could feel her cheeks getting hotter. Hannah turned in her chair so her face was hidden from Syn’s sight.

“Oh come on Hannah I was only teasing! Don’t be like that” Syn mused standing up and kneeing in front of her. But she continued to avoid his eyes.

“Hey…” he whispered taking her hand in his “you can tell me anything you know? I trust you with my secrets…”

Hannah finally met his soft eyes; they were twinkling in the sunlight. She was speechless at this sudden move of affection that he was giving her. “You trust me?” she breathed.

“Of course I do! Hannah if it wasn’t for you I would still be this lifeless thing who just tours around country feeling like completely shit. I trust you with my life.”

Hannah inhaled deeply, she knew Syn had grown fond of her over these past couple months; she was always the first one he’d go to for support. It even seemed that he trusted her more than his own girlfriend since her hardly talks about her.

“Brian I don’t know what to say…”

“Then don’t say anything… just promise me to trust me as much as I trust you…” he whispered softly.

Hannah thought for a moment… could she trust him? After all the pain he caused her, the name calling, the ignoring and the neglect. She looked up at him to see him with a soft smile.

‘Of course I can trust him’

“I will tell you about the dreams when I’m ready… but! I only will if you tell me about yours”.

Syn stayed silent for a little a while… as if his was thinking. “Alright deal… so do you trust me?”

“Yes Brian I trust you now haven’t you got to set up a beach party tonight?” she stated with a giggle.

Brian stood up laughing and went to the door, but before he left. He turned around to face her.

“I’ll pick you up a six…” and with that he walked out he room.
♠ ♠ ♠
cute! the next chapter might not be out for a while due to school work and making a music video for my uni vid... so you guys are gonna have 2 be patient with me

