Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter nineteen

“Are sure you’ll be okay Gran?” Hannah asked whilst walking into the living room. Her bare feet were making a pattering noise as they made contact with the wooden floor. Lily looked up from her book. She was sat in her great big arm chair with her left leg across over her right.

“Hannah if I can look after myself for six years of you not being here I’m sure a night won’t be a problem”.

Hannah frowned; her Grandma could be so stubborn some times. “Yes but you’re a lot more fragile now… just don’t do anything too extreme” she ordered whilst checking that she had everything she needed in her huge white Chanel bag.

“Also dear… I thought you were going to a beach party” Lily pointed out putting her book down on the side table.

Hannah stared up at her Grandma, then down to what she was wearing. For some reason… she wanted to look incredibly girly today. It was actually a gift from Val last year but Hannah never found any use of it since there was hardy any good weather in New York. The dress was white and thin, a little like the dress that Nelly Furtado wore in the ‘all good things come to an end’ video. Around the skirt of the dress was a line of a flower pattern and it went down to her ankles, so it would float with the wind when ever she walked. The straps tied around Hannah’s neck in a bow and it had a V-neck. Hannah glanced at the mirror on the wall, she decided to let her hair dry naturally it was slightly wavy her make up was brown eye-shadow, a thin layer of eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. She turned her head back to Lily

“Gran my bikini is underneath…” she replied casually. Lily made a ‘o’ shape with her mouth and went to pick up her book, but Hannah’s focus changed when she heard the door bell ring. “Okay Gran I’ll see you tomorrow…” she said softly as she picked up her bag.

“Have fun!” Lily cheered after her. Hannah picked up her brown flip-flops and answered the door. There was Syn in a black t-shirt that was his own design, dark green combat cut-offs and flip-flops. On his head were his large sunglasses with his hair….

“YOU’VE CUT YOUR HAIR!!” Hannah suddenly squealed. It was now very short… and sticking up all over the place. Hannah wanted nothing but to run her fingers through it, her heart raced at the thought of it.

‘Oh stop it your not at high school anymore!’ she snapped in her head.

Syn looked at her in shock from her sudden outburst… well that’s what she thought at first. “Hannah… you look…”

“Shut up about me! What about you!?!” Hannah blurted cutting him off, thinking he was gonna make a rude comment to tease her.

Syn laughed “I told you I was getting it cut… do like it?” he asked… nervously? He ran his left hand through it and took interest in his shoes.

“Like it? I love it! It suits you…” Hannah replied with a huge grin, once again making Syn laugh.

“Thanks… Michelle doesn’t like it” he suddenly muttered, but loud enough for her to hear.


“Yeah… fuck knows why! She never seemed too bothered about what I do with my hair before….”

Hannah thought for a moment as she closed the door behind her… “Maybe she just preferred it long.”

Syn scoffed; “I doubt that… grr girls are so confusing!! No offense…” he moaned saying the last part more softly.

Hannah giggled “none taken”. Syn flashed a smile at her making her melt inside. “Oh yeah I cut you off what were you gonna say?” she asked not wanting to seem rude.

Once again Syn took interest in his shoes and took his sunglasses off… “er… I was about to say how... pretty you looked” he mumbled, a light blush creeping to his cheeks.

Hannah’s heart skipped a couple of beats but then smiled “Thanks Brian” and then kissed him on the cheek, but only in a friendly way; well he did it same thing earlier that day. Syn touched his cheek where she kissed him a smiled before they both walked down the street to Syn’s house.

*** ***

“You didn’t tell me you lived on the beach?!” Hannah yelled. Syn chuckled at her reaction as he opened the front door. The house was to put it simply... humongous! She could get over the size of it. Syn let Hannah go first and then grabbed her bag...

“I’ll put your bag in the living room, you go ahead to the back” he told her then disappeared into another room. Hannah scanned her surroundings as she slowly, the walls were a rich red color and there were a lot of pictures and plants, which must have been Michelle behind all that. Suddenly she heard a small bark bellow her. Hannah looked down to see a little Westie dog staring at her with it’s big brown eyes that twinkled in the sun and waging its little tail wildly.

“You must be Pinkly...” Hannah stated softly whilst bending down to the dog’s level. Immediately Pinkly put her front feet on Hannah’s lap and started sniffing and licking her face. Hannah giggled and scratched behind her ears. She always wanted a dog, but she never found the time to go out and get one.

“Way-hey Hannah pulled!!” Jimmy suddenly exclaimed through the hall. Hannah looked up to see Jimmy grinning like a mad man. Hannah stood up ans walked towards him with Pinkly right behind her. “Wow Hannah banana you look stunning!” he compliment. Hannah blushed and mumbled thank you before following Jimmy into the back where right away she saw a deck, the beach and the sea; it reminded her of the beach dream for some odd reason. There was a chorus of his and hellos as Hannah walked through the crowd.

“OH MY GOD HANNAH YOUR WEARING IT!!” Val suddenly blurted before jumping on her.

Hannah laughed at her friends reaction “I knew you’d be pleased”. Just then Syn had walked out with Michelle close behind him, somehow she didn’t look like see was in a good mood.

“Is Michelle okay?” she asked Val.

Val shrugged “I don’t know she’s been pissy all week. I’m guessing she’s just PMSing.” Hannah nodded but was then suddenly dragged across the deck by Jimmy.

“Hannah you have to meet my fiancée!!” he yelled. Hannah was pushed in front of a short woman, she had long hair much like Hannah use to have when she was in high school but the hair underneath was red. She was very skinny and had a wild child look to her.

“Oh my god is this Hannah?” she asked Jimmy was a huge grin. He nodded vigorously and she squealed. “I’ve heard so much about you! I’m Leana.”

Hannah laughed at her excitement “it nice to meet you...”

Again Leana squealed “Jesus Christ the guys weren’t kidding... your absolutely gorgeous”. Hannah once again laughed; not realizing that she was being watched.

Syn was standing near the barque with Matt and Zacky, taking in how her dress floated in the wind and how her hair shone in the sun.

“EARTH TO BRIAN?!?!” Zacky suddenly yelled bringing him out of his gaze. Syn turned to his friends, Zacky had a smirk on his face but Matt was unreadable.

“Dude stop it...” Matt told him sternly.

“Stop what?”

“You know what man!!”

Syn scrunched his face in confusion “honestly I don’t so would you be so kind and tell me” he hissed, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

“Look Brian your my best friend, but just think about what you’re doing. You do have a girlfriend remember?” was all he said but then stopped because Hannah and Leana walked over.

“How long are the burgers gonna be shads?” Leana asked him.

Matt smiled as if the conversation with Syn never happened, “in a couple of minutes ladies. So Hannah been up to much?”

Hannah shrugged “work, work and more work and also trying to keep on top on all my clients”.

“How so?” Zacky asked.

“Guys Brian isn’t my only client you know...”

Syn smiled at her, he loved the way she could come up with quirky remarks so quickly.

“So Hannah bear you gonna go swimming? I’m sure plenty of guys would like to see you in a bikini” Zacky said smoothly whilst glancing at Syn gave him a glare when Hannah wasn’t looking.

“I’m not sure I’m in the mood, I feel uncomfortable as it is...”

Leana then suddenly laughed “honey I do not see why... nearly every single man’s eyes haven’t left you. Syn could see the blush creep to Hannah’s cheeks, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the fact that men were aloud to look at her and he wasn’t, he didn’t like that fact that she could go with any man she wanted and he wasn’t.

Hannah laughed nervously “ha-ha I never thought of it that way. Oh I think I here Val calling me” and with that she rushed off.

“Is she always that negative?” Leana asked.

“Yeah... she’s never been a confident person, not after what she’s been through...” Zacky replied. Syn was now curious, what he talking about him picking on her? cause if it was he would beat him to a bloody pulp.

“How so?” Syn asked.

Zacky and Matt through him a puzzled look “you don’t know?” they questioned.

Syn gave them a ‘dur!’ kind of look and urged them to tell him.

“No man it’s not our place to say...” Matt said sternly.

“Why do you guys know about it and I don’t?”

By this time Leana left not wanting to get in the middle of it.

“Why should she fucking tell you?!?” Zacky snapped.

“Because we’re friends!” Brian shot back.

“Since when?! And it doesn’t look like your ‘just friends’ from were we are standing” Matt hissed.

Syn shot them both a glare and stormed off, first Michelle and now his band mates were suspicious of his feelings for Hannah.

‘She’s just a friend! JUST A FRIEND!’
♠ ♠ ♠
I'll be honest... I dont like this chapter... wot do you guys think?

