Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

chapter two

"Okay everyone pay attention, especially you Matthew Sanders!" ordered the annoying English teacher.

Lazily Matthew (known as Matt to his friends) lifted his head up from his deck to look at his teacher. Matt was known as the rebel of the school, he always got into fights, never did his school work and either skipped lessons or fell asleep in them. He was very much into the punk scene and liked bands such as rancid and AFI but he also liked metal. Matt was... to simply put it... huge! He was tall and extremely bulky with a few tattoos on his arms (which were hidden of course); he Defiantly wasn't the person to cross and see on a bad day. Although his body was big and quite menacing his face was the opposite (well.. when it wanted to be). His expression was soft and when he smiled it brought a sparkle to hazel eyes and dimples on his cheeks.

"Now class we have a new student joining us, I want you welcome her nicely. You know how scary it was for you on your first day" the teacher lectured.

'Ahem yeah right' thought Matt 'as if anyone will do that'. The first picture Matt had in his head was either a a prep girl with bleach blonde hair, mini skirt and heels or and real nerd with thick glasses and flower printed dress.

Everyone's head turned sideways as they heard the door slowly open to reveal a girl with long brunette hair up to her mid-back, it was all brushed to the left side and on the right was a hair clip with a large ice blue flower. She wore a thin black jumper with long sleeves and a white vest top underneath. Her jeans were A light denim blue and black converses on her feet. She wore black fingerless cloves so you could see her black, shiny nail polish. Matt could not get a good look at her face because her long hair was hiding it.

'Well I wasn't expecting that' he thought 'she looks kinda cool'.

She walked over to the teacher and gave him a note, he slowly read it and smiled at her. "I understand.. no rush my dear. Why don't you take a seat next to Sanders" said the teacher directing her towards the seat.

Matt sat up straight when the teacher told him to show himself to the new girl. The girl looked directly at him, she was cute he thought with her oval soft face, small lips and piercing Grey eyes; but he was more into blondes. But he could not deny that she was attractive... almost doll-like. As if she was suppose to be an eye-candy or top cheerleader... but no she was the opposite.

She gave him a small, timid smile and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

'Aw... she's shy. Well Val will soon change that' he thought as he watched her take the seat next to him; she didn't make any eye contact whilst arranging her things.

"You’ve got good taste in music" Matt commented pointing at her bag which had sewn band logos on it, most of them were Metallica and Guns 'n' Roses.

She looked up then stared at him. "Oh.. thanks..." she spoke softly.

He smiled back and held his hand out to her "I'm Matt by the way".

She smiled and took it "Hannah...".

'Hannah... suits her'. Matt looked at her books and picked up the biggest and heaviest one of the lot. "Psychology? higher grade?" he asked reading the cover.

"It's my favorite subject, I got high marks in middle school" she replied "it's my last lesson today I think".

Matt stared at her in amazement "you must be fucking smart then... I can't even do that subject let alone know what grade I am".

Hannah giggled "trust me your not the first to say that".

Matt placed the book back on the table "What do you have next?" he asked her.

"Maths I think... class 2B?" she said unsure.

Matt smiled "I'm not in that class but Val is! I'll take you to meet her."

"Who's Val?" she asked curiously tilting her small head to side.

Matt chuckled "Val's my girlfriend... don't worry you'll love her and I know she'll love you..."

Hannah smiled again "Thanks..."
♠ ♠ ♠
feedback PLEASE!!! LOL
