Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty

Two hours had gone at Syn’s beach party, and already a lot of people were tipsy. Hannah was sat with Val, Gena and Leana near the pool.

“He-he look at that tree” Leana giggled while still holding her shot glass. Both Val and Gena laughed with her and Hannah just shook her head and smiled; she decided to take it slow today since she had a session with Syn tomorrow. Speaking of Syn he was no where to be seen, which was odd since it was his party.

‘But then again… I can’t see Michelle either’ Hannah thought.

“So anyway…” Gena slurred bringing her out of her thoughts. “A little birdy told me there has been some unfaithfulness going on…” Hannah frowned; she never really liked gossip, because of the fact people always talked about her when she lived in Jersey.

“Was it a cute birdy?” Leana asked with a hiccup.

“Yeah… it was a fucking o-me-gooly bird” Gena joked sending the girls into laughing fits. “But anyway… you know that Richard guy who owns the guitar shop in town?”

“The one the guys go to?” Val asked.

Gena nodded “yep! That’s the one. Well he’s been in the company of a lady who is already in a relationship…”

“Gena I don’t mean to be rude but were exactly do you hear this shit?” Hannah questioned… yep she defiantly didn’t like gossip.

“Because my beautiful Hannah my eyes told me” she stated pointing at her eye.

“You mean you saw it yourself?” Hannah chuckled.

“That too! But yeah Zacky wanted to get some guitar shit so we went there; but he couldn’t find what he wanted and there was no staff around. Since Zacky is a regular costumer we decided to go see if anyone was at the back and that’s when we saw it.

“It was full on kissing dudes! Since we wanted to find out who it was we didn’t just burst in there. But then she suddenly said she had to go and meet her boyfriend and then just went out the back.”

“Whoa! Did you see who it was?” Leana asked.

Now Hannah was curious, since she had already listened to most of the story she might as well find out the rest.

“This is what sucks I don’t know! I never saw the bitch” Gena replied heatedly. “All I saw was her long brown hair and… this is the weird part! She was wearing one of Syn’s designer labels.”

Now Hannah was definitely puzzled. ‘That is a bit weird’ she thought. She didn’t know many people who wore Syn’s label apart from the band and… ‘Michelle? NO DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!!’ she screamed in her head. But still she could shake the feeling.

“Guys where’s Brian?” she suddenly asked the girls.

Gena shrugged “last time I saw him he was stomping off on the beach… why?”

“I… er… need to talk to him about tomorrow” she lied quickly and then went to look for him. Hannah walked a steady pace, greeting people and smiling at them as she went past. As she finally saw the golden sand in front of her, she slipped off her flip-flops and started walking again. Her dress dragged on the sand behind her leaving a slight trail and floated with the gentle wind. Not wanting to get her dress dirty she grabbed a ball of it in her hands and held it up slightly. She kept walking till she felt the coldness of the sea water hit her feet. Hannah looked down to her feet gradually sinking into the wet sand. Loving the feeling she looked ahead at the horizon and took at deep breath. For some reason… the dream beach crept into her head. Sighing she turned her head to the side and side a figure sitting on the sand.

“Brian?” she called. Immediately the figure turned his head to reveal Syn’s hansom face. Once he saw her he gave her a soft smile and then stared out at the sea.

“You do realize your running a party right?” Hannah joked playfully after she reached him.

Syn looked up at her “Michelle should be there so its fine” he replied, still having that soft smile. Syn patted the sand next to him to tell Hannah to sit down; which she did.

“So is there any specific reason why you’re out here all alone?”

Syn shrugged “I come out here to clear my head sometimes... there are advantages in living on a beach”.

Hannah chuckled softly “I suppose your right...”. There was a long pause, but it wasn’t awkward at all. The silence was comforting for them both as they watched the sea floated into the sand. Once again the beach crept back into her mind, there were too many similarities from it and now.

“What are you thinking about?” Syn asked bringing her out of her thoughts. Hannah turned her head to face him. He was looking at her with gentle eyes; eyes that she had grown to love.

“Do you remember this morning when you asked me about dreams?”

Syn nodded and turned his body slightly so he could look at her better.

“Well sitting here... right now. Reminds me of them; its like they were predictions” she explained.

“How so?”

“In the dreams... I was sat on the beach, looking out at the horizon”.

Suddenly Syn’s body stiffened, his eyes scanned the beach nervously. Hannah was puzzled by his sudden change, but she chose to ignore it.

“Was someone with you in the dream?” he asked out of the blue. The questioned stomped her...

“Erm... Yeah... wait a minute! How did you know that there was someone in the dream?”

But Syn completely ignored her. “Who?!” he demanded.

Hannah was completely baffled, why was Syn asking her these questions. His sudden harshness reminded her of how he use to treat her, the name calling, the glares... that day when he found her shameful scars.

“Brian please...” she pleaded feeling tears well up in her eyes.

“Hannah you have to tell me!!” Syn ordered and grabbed hold of her shoulders.

“Brian please you’re hurting me!!” she cried as she felt his fingers dig into her skin. Syn’s eyes widened and immediately he let go, he was breathing heavy and shaking like a leaf. Hannah started to get away from him but soon felt his hand grab her wrist and yanked her back down to the ground.

“No Hannah don’t go!! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!!” he blubbered. But the tears started to pour down her face. Syn’s face struck with even more panic so he did the only thing he could think of.. and that was bringing her to his chest and wrapping his arms her fragile frame. Hannah froze for a second but then realized he was only trying to comfort her... so she snaked her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.

“I’m sorry, so sorry” he kept repeating. But Hannah only hugged him tighter; she was liking this too much. She knew that Syn meant no harm but it suddenly brought back bad memories, maybe it was because that they were on the beach; were her dreams occurred.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you... you don’t have to tell me” he whispered sending shivers down her spine.

“No!” she replied bluntly “you have a right to know...”. Syn pulled back from the embrace slightly to look at her. When their eyes locked he brought his thumb to her face and wiped off the hot tears.

“It was you Brian...”

Syn expression was unreadable but then he started chuckling.

“What the hell!?! I’m telling you about it so you laugh?!?” she snapped. But the anger was drained when he pulled her back into another hug.

“I wasn’t laughing at you silly... I was laughing at coincidence.”


Syn pulled out again to look at her with a warm smile on his face “Because I had those dreams to”.

Hannah’s eyes widened, she did remember his brother Brent mentioning that he mumbled her name in his sleep.

‘This is too bizarre’ she thought. “I don’t know what to say...”

“A scientific reason would help...” Syn suggested.

“That’s the thing... there is no logical explanation for this” she explained. Hannah knew the dreams were odd... but now it was completely fucked up.

“Have you had the dream recently?” she asked.

“erm.. sorta, its still on the beach but... darker” he replied.

“What do you mean?”

But before he could answer they heard their names being called. Pulling out of the hug they turned their bodies to see the gang (Matt, Val, Zacky, Gena, Jimmy, Leana, Johnny and Michelle) running to them.

“H-Hannah...” Matt panted “Your Grandma just called... something’s happened”.

Hannah stood up “is she alright?!” Hannah demanded.

Zacky finally caught up “She’s fine... it’s your dad”

“Dad?” Syn asked without realizing he said it out loud.

“Hannah...” Val puffed “he tried to kill himself... he’s in the hospital now...”
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhhh interesting! my fab chapter so far... so many questions now

what has Syn been dreaming?
who was the girl in the shop?
will her dad survive?

also if no one got the oh-me-gooly bird just tell me and I'll explain it

