Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty-one

Hannah felt as if her heart was torn out from her chest, everything was moving in slow motion…

“Hannah talk to me please” Val pleaded but Hannah couldn’t hear her, she couldn’t hear anything. Hannah could feel her legs go weak as she collapsed in a ball onto the sand. She just wanted to bury herself and never come out again. Everyone immediately went to her aid; calling her name and trying to get her up.

But still Hannah stayed in the ball and attempted to block the whole world. “Come on lets get her inside…” Syn stated. “Michelle go and tell everyone to leave”. Hannah felt herself being lifted from the ground by a pair of big, strong arms. She recognizes the monster tattoos anywhere. Hannah buried her head into his chest as he carried her, ignoring the emotionless stares she was receiving from Michelle.

“Okay people party’s over! You gonna go home!” Matt yelled.

‘were back at the house already?’ Hannah thought, then again she wasn’t really paying attention to the people around her. But she could hear footsteps shuffling around her and then slowly fading. Finally she felt herself being laid onto a sun bed.

“Hannah?” whispered Syn, looking down at her with sad eyes and a worried expression. But Hannah didn’t reply; she just continued to stare at nothing.

“Michelle can you go get her a drink?” Syn asked out loud. But there was no reply So Syn started looking around to find his girlfriend no where to be seen. “Where’s Michelle?!” He snapped asking no one in particular.

“Her phone rang and she went to answer it… Some dude named Richard called…” Jimmy replied.

“What are you talking about Jim she doesn’t know a Richard…”

This brought Hannah out of her trance and she immediately shot up, scaring Syn in the process.

“I need to go…” she mumbled then went to stand up. But she was pushed back down by Syn.

“You’re not going anyway Missy” he ordered.

“Brian stop it I need to go back to New York!!” and with that she pushed past him and headed to the door, but was only blocked by Matt’s large frame.

“Matt move!” she snapped but he stayed exactly were he was and crossed his arms. Hannah let out a frustrating sigh and sat back down.

“Hannah just sit and think about this for a second…” Syn suggested as he knelt in front her.

“He needs me Brian…” she whispered to him. But Syn was right she couldn’t just take off and leave him now; she couldn’t bare the thought of him getting depressed again. But it was her father they were talking about, he needed her help.

“Brian I’m sorry but we’re going to have to put our sessions on hold for a while” she told him making him… scoff?

“Ahem do honestly think I’m gonna let you go on your own?”

Hannah’s head shot up to look at him. “Brian no! You have the recording to do! You need to stay here!!”

“Actually we could probably continue without him for a couple of days… we still need to finish laying down the drum tracks” Zacky popped in earning himself a glare.

“Brian I don’t know, I don’t want to cause even more trouble…” but she was cut off by him telling her to shut up and that he was going with her. She couldn’t help but smile, Syn was being nothing but sweet and understanding about the whole situation. Most guys would get freaked out and bail out, but not Syn.

“When do you want go?” he asked her.

“As soon as we can…”

Syn nodded. “Okay wait here while I go get some stuff together”.

*** ***

“Where’d you think your going?” a stern voice asked. Syn looked up from his bag to see Michelle leaning against the door frame with an unreadable expression on her face.

Syn returned to packing his bag “where do you think?” he asked sarcastically. He was now wearing his dark baggy jean’s a white t-shirt with a cross on the front of it and his black blazer jacket. “I’m not letting her go on her own Chells” he told her using her pet name.

“Ugh stop calling me that!” she suddenly snapped. Syn was taken back by her sudden harshness.

“What the hell’s up with you?!” he demanded.

“Syn I’m seeing someone else” she replied simply. Syn’s eyes widened in shock yet… he wasn’t heart broken. Yes he was angry she kept this behind his back but shouldn’t he be feeling his heart shatter? Michelle continued to stare at him blankly… waiting for his reaction.

“Richard’s his name isn’t it?” he asked leaving her stomped. But even so she nodded in reply.

Syn suddenly laughed “you know Gena saw you with him yesterday… in the back of the shop”. He could see the confusion and embarrassment written in her face, in fact he found it quite funny.

“And you accused me of cheating…” he mumbled loud enough for her to hear. Syn zipped up his bag and threw it over his shoulder. “You know, if you wanted to end it you should have just said to my face rather than behind my back…”

“Syn I’m sorry” she muttered pathetically. “I was just lonely… and he was there for me…” but Syn cut her off.

“And I’m glad for you… but we’ll talk about it another time” Syn brushed past her to leave but then suddenly stopped.

“oh by the way… I don’t want you living in my house when I come back…” and went down stairs where Hannah was waiting for him. He watched as she fidgeted nervously and was inhaling deep steady breaths.

“Okay I’m ready… we’ll stop at yours then head to the airport” He told Hannah nodded and followed him to his car.

*** ***

After reaching the house Hannah got changed into a her light blues skinny jeans and white t-shirt with a couple of owls on it, packed her stuff and checking on Lily... she and Syn were back on the road. The drive was silent apart from the rumbling of the engine and both there breathing. Every now and again he would glance at her just to make sure she was okay; but not once did she look back, only glaring at the window.

“Hannah?” Syn breathed. As soon as she heard his voice she twitched her head to him like a mere cat.

“I’m fine Brian don’t worry, it’s still sinking in that’s all” was all she replied. But Syn couldn’t stop worrying because the fact that she was a terrible actor. Then he glanced down to see her hand quite close to him.

‘should I?’ he asked himself…

It could work either way. She’ll either find it really comforting or yell at him and say that this isn’t the time for that. Syn gulped nervously and tapped on the steering wheel.

‘oh for fuck sake just go for it!!’ he screamed in his head.

Syn slowly brought his hand from the wheel to just next to Hannah’s. very carefully he slide his hand over to hers; but his nerves were getting the best of him. But as he went to put his hand away; Hannah to much of Syn’s surprise, gently grabbed it and entwined her fingers with his. Syn stiffened for a moment but soon relaxed. He could feel the tingling warmth from her hand transfer into his, her soft fingers against his rough ones.

Syn glanced over to see Hannah still staring out of the window but she looked a lot more calm than before. Syn held her hand throughout the whole journey, occasionally stroking his thumb across her soft skin. Once they finally reached the airport, Syn let go of her hand to park the car. Once they got all their stuff Hannah once again grabbed his hand as they walked into airport.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha Michelle got owned!!

Note: I have nothing against Michelle, I actually think she's pretty cool and I tried to not make her such a villianous character... hopfully people will understand were she's coming from (well I do cause I wrote it :P).

also cute moment in the car!!!

