Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty-two

Hannah was asleep for most of the plane journey… her head resting on Syn’s shoulder and holding on to his hand firmly; as if she was scared he was going to go away and leave her. But of course Syn would never do that. Syn almost choked on his drink when a Stewardess complimented on how cute a couple they were.

Syn stayed awake for most of the journey… He was too worried to sleep. Suddenly he felt Hannah stir.

“What time is it?” she mumbled rubbing her eyes.

“Just going on two o clock… did you have a nice sleep?” he asked as he tucked a loose strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

“Yeah… your shoulder is the best pillow” she joked. Syn smiled and took a deep breath.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we are about to reach our destination. Would please fasten your seat belts and but your trays and seats in their right position. We’d like to thank you for flying with us and hope you enjoy your stay in New York city”

After doing what the captain instructed Hannah once again gripped Syn’s Hand. “I hate this part…” she cursed under her breath. Syn chuckled quietly and gave her hand a squeeze… assuring her that he was here.

*** ***

“Home sweet home” Hannah spoke dryly as the entered the flat. Syn scanned the flat, it was the complete opposite to his home. It was small and cosy… and very feminine. “you gonna come in then?” she asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

Syn snapped out of it and through the house till he reached the living room, it was small with just a white leather sofa, a glass coffee table and a medium sized HD television. He placed his bad on the the floor and sat down on the sofa.

“You want some coffee?” she asked. Syn nodded; to tired to speak. Hannah walked into her kitchen and grabbed her kettle. As she filled it up with cold water she glanced at the time.


‘It’s way too early to call now… I’ll wait till eight o’clock to call them’ she told herself. Once the kettle boiled she poured out the water into two mugs and made to hot coffees with milk and sugar. As she slowly walked back into the living room, making sure she didn’t spill the drinks. She noticed how quiet it was. I wasn’t until she put the mugs down on the coffee table and looked at the sofa… she found that Syn was sound asleep. H sprawled himself on the sofa with his head resting on the pillows. Hannah couldn’t help but smile as she saw his chest go up and down and hear his light snoring. Hannah walked into her room to grab a blanket and laid it over him. Immediately Syn snuggled into the sofa more and sighed softly.

‘He looks so peaceful’ she thought as she softly stroked his face. She decided to leave him on the sofa and went into her room to get some shut eye herself.

*** ***

“Hello?” Syn called as he walked down the beach… his voice echoing with the wind. “HELLO?!” he called again… but still nothing, no birds… not even the sound of the waves crashing against the sea bed. Suddenly he saw a figure lying on the sand. It looked familiar with the white dress and long brown hair.

‘Oh no!’ he thought as he started running, ‘no please no!!’

He finally reached the figure and felt his heart smash into a million pieces. There laid Hannah… completely lifeless, her skin pale and her soft lips an icy blue.

“NO!!” Syn cried as he knelt beside her and picked her up… she was freezing. “NO HANNAH PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!!”

“You killed her Brian…” a voice suddenly hissed.

“No I would never hurt her… NEVER!” he argued back.

But the voice made a shrill laugh “did you honestly think you could protect her… when you can’t even look after yourself…”

“SHUT UP!!” Syn boomed, feeling hot tears fall down his cheeks.


“Hannah please…”



“BRIAN WAKE UP!” the voice suddenly yelled.

*** ***

Syn’s eyes shot open as he bolted upright, his breathing was heavy and and he scanned the room in panic.

“Brian…” a soft voice whispered. Syn looked forward to see Hannah sitting next to him with a look of concern on her face. Still believing the dream was real he stood up backed away from her… too frightened to speak.

“Brian?” she called again as she stood up also. But Syn continued to back away from her; but it got to a point were he couldn’t because his back was against the wall.

“It’s me…” she soothed stepping closer to him. Syn looked away from her, fearing he might see her cold, lifeless face again. Suddenly he felt a pair of soft warm hands take a hold of his face and made him look into her piercing grey eyes.

“Brian it’s me” she reassured stroking his face. Syn immediately relaxed and pulled her into a hug. He felt her heat radiate off her… she wasn’t dead.

“Promise me you’ll never leave?” he asked.


“PLEASE…!” he pleaded, hugging her tighter. Hannah gulped but nodded, she could never promise that… but if it calmed him down; then she had no choice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh... dont really like this chapter... only gd part is the dream... r well wot do u guys think

