Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty-four

“Hannah is that you?” croaked a deep male voice. Hannah looked down at the pitiful excuse for a man. There laid her father... back when she was a little girl he had strong, vibrant black hair, Grey piercing eyes and a warm smile. But now his head was shaved (to prevent pulling his hair out), his skin deadly pale and his eyes dull and lifeless. He arms were thickly wrapped with bandages from where he attempted to take his life.

“Yeah dad it’s me...” she mumbled and sat in the chair next to the bed. Her father breathed a weak sigh and held his hand out... knowing the gesture Hannah slipped hers into his and grasped it.

“I knew you’d find me...” he muttered.

Hannah tightened her grip “Why?!?” she snapped more than asked. Her Father looked at with wide eyes.

“The nurses were trying to kill me anyway...” he answered.

“No one is trying to kill you dad” she told him sternly. ‘Why do I bother...’ she asked herself. 'It’s like talking to a child’.

Her Father looked down, “I’m sorry” he murmured and began sobbing. “I-I just missed you... I thought you abandoned me.”

“Of Course I didn’t...” she whispered softly. “I would never aband...”

“Why is that young man staring at you?” he asked suddenly. Hannah followed his gaze and looked out the window... sure enough there was Syn watching them. Whether he could hear them or not she didn’t know... but she knew he was only looking out for her.

“He’s a friend...” Hannah spoke and turned back to her Father. “He came with me from Cali...”.

Her Father continued to stare at Syn... whether he was glaring at him or just plain curious; either way it didn’t really matter. It’s not like he had knew much about her love life.

“Hannah I may be depressed but I’m not stupid” her Father stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Dad what are you talking about?”

“He cares for you Hannah... a lot.”

Hannah could feel a smile tug at her lips. “He’s one of my clients, you could say we’re pretty close.”

“No you’re missing my point. He cares for you... I can tell. He looks at you the same way I looked at your mother.”

Hannah froze, her Father never, NEVER! Mentioned his wife... because it was too painful to even think about.

“Dad did you do it because of mum?” she asked him suddenly; referring to his attempt of suicide.

Her Father gave her a puzzled look... “Your mother? No... I told you already. I’d did because I thought I was never going to see you again”.

Hannah felt a huge weight being lifted from her shoulder, what just came out her fathers lips was the words that she had been praying to hear all her life. The happiness was indescribable, the warmth she felt in her chest was warm and comforting.

“Hannah are you crying?” her Father asked.

Hannah snapped out of her thoughts and touched her cheek, she could feel hot tears. She pulled her hand back and started laughing. Her father’s face twisted in confusion and asked what was wrong with her.

“Nothing dad... everything is... brilliant!!”

“Hannah?” called the familiar, velvety voice from the door. Both her and her father turned to the source to see Syn peeping his head through the door. “Sorry I didn’t want to interrupt... but the nurse said visiting hours are over... er...”

“Thank you Brian...” she spoke softy... knowing it would reassure him. Syn smiled nervously then closed the door.

“See what I mean...”

Hannah turned back to her Father.

“that boy is head over heel for you...” he stated.

Hannah laughed and stood up “I’ll see you later dad and I’ll call everyday” she spoke and kissed his forehead.

“Don’t let go of him Hannah, follow you’re heart...” he whispered to her. Hannah was puzzled by what he said but decided to shrug it off.

“Bye Dad” and with that she opened the door. She heard him reply before closing the door.

“Sorted?” Syn asked with a smile. Hannah turned to him, this time she really took him in. Not just his hansom face or his well sculpted body; but the very soul that was Brian Haner Jr... he had become a big part of her life an like her father advised... she wasn’t going to let him go.

“Doc?” he questioned waving his hand in front of her face. Hannah shook her head then smirked at him.

“Brian... why did you kiss me?” she suddenly asked. She could his cheek flush a light shade of pink.

“well er...” he began slowly whilst scratching the back of his head. “I er... well... erm... sorry”

Hannah giggled “it’s okay Brian I’m not mad at you for kissing me...”.

Syn sighed loudly “Listen Hannah I need to ask you...”

“Wait until we get home okay? We’ll talk about it then” she told before grabbing his hand and walking out of the hospital together.
♠ ♠ ♠
lol brian blushing... why do I find that hard 2 imagine lol

