Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Twenty-five

“Hannah… can we have our session now?” Syn asked as they walked back into the flat.

“Session? Oh right! Yes okay if you want…” she replied and walked further into the flat. She threw her bag onto the sofa and asked Syn to sit down. As he sat down she quickly rushed out of the room and back in again only this time she had a pile of papers in her hand and a huge folder.

“Okay Brian I’ll just quickly scan read through these and we’ll begin” she told him as she sat next to him. Syn waited patiently… watching how her perfect eyes move across the words she was reading.

“You’re improving…” she mumbled “increasingly”. Syn froze, this was suppose be happy news that would make him smile and think he could go back to normal. But his life was never normal… especially since Hannah came into his it. A pang of sadness went through his body; a part of him wished he was still yelling and throwing chairs.

“You don’t seem too pleased about it?” Hannah asked calmly… but Syn could see she was feeling just as much pain as he was. He didn’t answer her… so she changed the subject. “Have you talked to Michelle lately?”

Syn gave her a look of disbelief… but then he remembered that she probably had no clue. “Er… I wouldn’t know, we split up…”

Hannah’s eyes widened “what!?! Why?!?” she snapped. Syn didn’t reply at first, if anything he didn’t a want conversation about Michelle and him to ruin this moment.

“Hannah I need to ask you something…” He stated, starting to feel the nerves build up. Hannah threw him a puzzled look, but leaned forward slightly to tell him is was listening.

‘Here goes nothing…’ he told himself. “Why did you cut yourself?”.

Hannah’s breath got caught in her throat… she wasn’t expect that. The memory of him discovering her scars flashed into her mind; “I was going through hard times Brian” was all she replied.

“No Hannah I want the truth… the whole truth” Syn told her sternly edging closer to her. Hannah inhaled deeply… he wasn’t going to let this go.

“As all teenagers… I was foolish; but I what I went through should never happen to anyone. I never had any support, so I just dealt with it… and the way I dealt with it was unfortunately self-harming.”

“I understand that… but why did you do it?” Syn stressed.

“Many reasons really. Stress at school, my mother dieing, living with an alcoholic father, being taken away by social services... My feelings for you” the last one just slipped out of Hannah’s mouth, immediately she covered it with her hand.

“What did you just say?!” Syn asked, frozen on the spot. Hannah nudged away from him and turned so he was now looking at her back, her hand still covering her mouth. ‘Idiot! Shit I can’t believe I just told him that!!’

Syn took a nervous gulp and took interest in his shoes. “W-why didn’t say anything before…” he whispered referring to her feelings; his breathing ragged and unsteady.

Hannah’s breathing too, was uneven and sharp… “I didn’t think you cared”.

Syn’s head shot up. “I’ve always cared…” he breathed as he nudged closer to her; Hannah could hear him move across the sofa, coming closer to her. “I just didn’t know how to show it…” he whispered whilst picking up a loose strand of her hair… feeling its softness. Hannah turned round to find Syn deathly close to her… their forehead’s almost touching.

“Brian what are you doing?” but Syn cut her off by shushing her and placing his index finger on her lips. Hannah could feel his hot breath tickle her face as he started to run his finger across her lips.

“You don’t know how much it crushed me when you said I thought I hated you…” he whispered to her slowly moving his face closer to hers. Hannah had been waiting for this ever since she saw him, and by the looks of it… so was he. Syn gently kissed her upper lip; as if he wanted to see if he was allowed. Hannah replied by closing her eyes and slowly wrapping her arms around her neck, to make the kiss deeper. She could feel him smile as he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other hand on the side of her face.

This was a kiss Hannah had never experienced before, it strong and passionate… both of them were pouring there hearts out to each other. Time seemed to freeze around them as their souls finally became one. Much to Hannah’s dislike… Syn pulled away slightly so they could catch their breath; but it didn’t last long because immediately he started placing small kisses around her lips and down her neck. She ran her fingers through his short, velvety hair and took in his scent… it was a mix of cigarettes and aftershave; it drove her crazy. Syn stopped attacking her neck and claimed her lips again, this time it was very demanding and forceful… yet it still had a loving quality to it. This time Hannah pulled away and rested her forehead against his with her eyes closed.

“You’ve been helping people all your life…” Syn whispered in her ear… sending shivers down her spin. “Isn’t it time someone helped you…”

Hannah pulled back slightly to look into his brown eyes; they were sparkling with love and devotion. “I-I don't know what to say…”.

Syn gave her another peck on the lips… he had become addicted to them “Say you’ll have me”.

Hannah was speechless. Synyster Gates… no! Brian Haner just confessed he wanted her in his life. Not has his doctor or his friend; but as his partner… his soul mate.

“I should have told you this long ago…” he said with a hint of sadness. “I’m in love with you… since the day I saw you”.

Hannah stroked the side of his face, tracing from his forehead to his cheek to his chin. As soon as her hand brushed against his lips he turned his head slightly and kissed the palm of her hand.

“I don’t even deserve you…” he mumbled suddenly and casted his gaze down. This made Hannah put both hands on either side of his face and made him look at her.

“You may not deserve me… but what do I deserve?” she questioned.

Syn didn’t break eye contact. “everything…”

“Well I don’t want everything. I want you!” She told him sternly. Syn’s lips curled into a smile and he went kiss the side of her head, but she moved it so he claimed her lips again. Syn chuckled slightly in the kiss and pulled away.

“We should get some sleep…” he whispered. Hannah nodded and stood up, at the same she slipped her hand into his, pulled him up and led him into her bedroom. Syn smirked slightly as he closed the door behind them.

“Er… Brian. I’m a little shy about my body…” she mumbled feeling the heat rush to her cheeks; thinking that Brian would just laugh at her. But he did the opposite, he just smiled at her and turned his back so she could get changed. Hannah made a mental note to be as quick as she could to get into her PJ’s and sat on the edge of the bed. “Erm… okay I’m done”.

Syn turned around, the warm smile still painted on his face. He didn’t seem to care whether Hannah was watching or not… because straight away he removed his shirt and jeans… only leaving him in his boxers. Hannah knew he was physically fit… but she didn’t realize how well sculpted he was. To her he was God’s greatest creation… the perfect man.

“Like what you see” he teased as he walked towards the bed. Hannah watch as each muscle moved so smoothly it was like he was walking in slow motion. Hannah didn’t reply because she still couldn’t get over the fact that he told her he loved her; so she nodded instead.

“Good” he chimed as he climbed on the bed and kissed her shoulder “because its all yours.”

Hannah turned to look at him and placed another soft kissed. Syn lifted up the covers over them and pulled her to his chest… “Goodnight my Hannah” he whispered. Instead of replying she kissed his bare chest and snuggled closer to him, falling into one of the best slumbers she had ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
woo! whoo! it finally happened... I decided to post this early cause my readers are legends!!

