Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty-seven

This had to have been Hannah’s laziest day ever. If this was any other day she would be in her office, reading through paper work and seeing clients come and go. But today she spent most of it in bed with Syn. Lying on her front and feeling his rough fingertips draw patterns on her bare back made her think back to the moment they had together, the passion, the lust… the love. Hannah always knew that Syn had a certain charm when it came to women… but his way in the bedroom was spectacular! It is wild and passionate… a very rare mix.

“You know that was my first time…” Syn suddenly spoke making Hannah look up at him in confusion.

“Brian you were with Michelle for nearly three years” she stated in a ‘matter-of-fact’ tone. “I’m gonna hardly believe that this was your first time having sex.”

A soft chuckled escaped Syn lips as he continued to draw patterns on her back, creating a picture that only he could see. “No petal, I meant that it was my first time I made love to someone”.

Hannah made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and turned so now she was lying on her back. She brought the duvet over her torso and looked up to see Syn hovering over her by holding himself with his elbow and resting his head in his hand. The other arm was placed across Hannah’s stomach.

“What about you? Was it your first time that you made love and not just a pointless fuck?” Syn asked.

“Yes and I’ll be honest with you… I’ve never had a pointless fuck. In fact you’re only my second”.

Syn stared down at her with raised eyebrows. He’d already guessed that she hadn’t done it in a long time because it took her ages to relax; but once she did it was great. “When did you actually lose your V?” Syn questioned.

Hannah thought for a moment “eighteen… maybe nineteen. It was horrible! The guy I was with at the time was just so rough it put me off it completely.”

“I fucking hate it when guys do that” Syn hissed gripping the sheets slightly. “It’s the most unmanly thing known to man. I would beat his ass if I was around at the time”.

Hannah could sense his anger growing slightly so she changed the subject “What about you? When did you lose it?”

“Fifteen…” he quietly replied.


Syn laughed at her outburst and kissed her forehead. “Yeah… but I don’t remember it much. I was pissed out of my brains.”

‘And I thought mine was bad…’ Hannah mumbled in her head. “I guess both of us didn’t really have good first times eh?”

Syn chuckled again, making Hannah melt inside. “Yeah… well we weren’t exactly fortunate.”

Hannah took a moment to admire him then remembered something. “Shit!” she cursed.


“I forgot to call my office… to say I could make it to the meeting with the boss”.

Syn gave her a stern a look “What about? And how can you forget something like that?” he asked firmly.

“Oh give me a break! You’re quite distracting you know. And as for the meeting… I haven’t slightest idea. He wasn’t too happy about me going to Cali and he ordered me to come back as soon as you were better….”

Then it finally hit her. She was stuck in between the two things she loved the most… her job and the love of her life. Of course her life’s ambitions were to help people with depression and mental illness, it was one of the only things that drove her through life; made her work hard at school. It was her life.

But Syn was her soul mate, her partner… her lover. She wasn’t capable of living without him and knew a long distance relationship would never work for either of them… and Syn knew this. Because he needed her more than anything in the world; she was his morphine and was hooked on it like a junkie. He couldn’t just let her walk away from his life.

“Hannah?” he called sounding extremely concerned.

Hannah snapped out of her thoughts and noticed she was crying… Syn’s face was written with worry “I can’t have both of you and it.”

“Hannah what are you talking about?” he asked sitting up and dragging her up with him.

“You and my job Brian! I can’t have both you and my job here I need to choose!!” she snapped but not because she was frustrated with him… but with herself. Syn was gob smacked at her sudden outburst but then quickly recovered and attempted to calm her down.

“Chill out Hannah! Lets just talk about this” he spoke as softly as he could.

“How can I chill out!?!? I don’t want to throw away everything I’ve worked for my whole life!!!” she snapped.

Syn sighed heavily. “Yes I know but I...”

“But I need you as well!!! I can’t live without you!!”

“I know sweets I feel the same but you...”

“AND WHAT ABOUT DAD!?!?! I JUST CAN’T LEAVE HIM....” But her increasing jabbering came to a sudden halt when Syn crashed his lips onto hers. Hannah froze at froze but then figured out that he was only doing it to shut her up. Slowly he pulled away leaving her breathless.

“Jesus women...” he whispered. “at least listen to what I have to say.”

“Sorry” she mumbled feeling the heat rise up in her cheeks. ‘Great job Hannah you damn fool!’

“As I was saying...” Syn finally spoke. “You are now a fully qualified therapist right?”

“Right?” she asked more than answered.

“So... instead of working for someone you could... you know. Start your own business or something?”

Syn’s words slowly sank into her head; her own business? It never really crossed her mind before.

“Where would I have it?” she questioned... immediately going into denial.

“back in Cali of course...”

Hannah shook her head. “Brian I can’t just leave dad here...”

“Then bring him with us!”

Once again she fell silent. She probably could do that... if she and Lily kept an eye on him.

“Brian I don’t know...”

“Hannah come on. I’ll support you every step of the way! And Guys will have your back as well”.

“How can you support me when you won’t be there?!” Hannah suddenly snapped. She could see the hurt in his eyes and straight away she felt pang of guilt.

“Now that’s not fair Hannah” he told her strictly.

“...I know... I’m sorry”.

Syn inhaled deeply and brought her against his chest. “Please Hannah... just give it a try. You could even be the band’s personal agony aunt when we go on tour.”

“I can’t just top work and leave when I wish...”

“You can if I’m your boss”.

Now Hannah looked up at with confusion. “I don’t follow?”

“Our management could pay you to be our own personal therapist, and we could possibly need it. We’re bound to get down in the dumps at some points.”

Hannah tried to piece together what he was telling her. ‘Would they even consider me doing it?’[i/]

“Hannah” he whispered taking her hand in his. “I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t think it was possible. Your dad could live with Lily... I’m sure she’d love to see him again...”

“And where would I stay?” she questioned cutting him off at the same time.

“With me obviously” he replied in a ‘dur!’ tone. Hannah’s heart fluttered at the thought of it. She could see this working... but she could shake the thought of it become more ridiculous.


“Do it or I’ll never kiss you again” he threatened; making Hannah giggle. “Do it!!” he ordered in his ‘Johnny Christ’ voice and started tickling her making Hannah squirm about and cackle.

“HA-HA S-STOP” she choked through her fits of laughter. But it only made him do it faster.

“Say you’ll do it” he demanded still tickling her. Finally she gave in and yelled fine. Syn did what he was told and stopped.

“Jeez... how I’m I gonna quite my job.” She mumbled under her breath.

“Well...” Syn started as he leaned over. “Let’s start with a phone call...” he finished, grabbed her cell phone and gave it to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
awww cuteness!

