Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter twenty-nine

For the final days she spent in New York Hannah had sold her flat and most of the furniture, booked three plane tickets and organized with her father’s hospital where he would be kept.

“On the plane tomorrow…” she mumbled solemnly as she threw herself onto the sofa. Syn looked up from his pad and paper and stared at her.

“you sad about leaving?” he asked her.

Hannah shook her head, “No it’s just the fact I have to go on a plane” she grumbled earning a chuckled from her boyfriend.

“Don’t worry…” he reassured her and entwined his fingers with hers. Hannah smiled softly at him then sat up.

“What cha up to anyway?” she asked as she shuffled behind him so she was now sat behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Syn glanced over his shoulder then back onto the page. “Attempting to write this solo… the only description Matt gave was something completely insane; which to be honest! Doesn’t really help.”

Hannah rested her chin on his shoulder to read what he had written… it wouldn’t have been much use since music was pretty much a foreign language. ‘I could never get to grips with music’.

“Oh come on Brian! I mean… you’re Synyster Gates!” she chimed.

“Too right my dear!” he replied smirking. “But I don’t want it to sound repetitive…”

Hannah kissed his cheek and nuzzled her nose into his neck “I’m sure you’ll figure it out”.

“Not at this rate I won’t” he stated casually.

Hannah raised an eyebrow “really?”

“Well you are kinda of distracting… but in a good way!”

Hannah giggled then started placing light kisses on his neck “well lets call it revenge from then I was talking to Val”.

“I down with that” he replied, his smirk growing wider.

*** ***

“So tell me about your band Brian?” Hannah’s father questioned. It was early morning and Hannah, Syn and her father Alex were in a taxi going to the airport.

“Er…” was all that came out of Syn’s mouth. The car journey had been awkward between him and Alex, Hannah could tell he was nervous because he kept squeezing her hand.

‘Why he’s nervous I don’t know’ she thought to herself. “they’re a rock band dad, it’s the boys I told you about who I met at high school remember?”

“Oh yes I remember… wasn’t one of them your boyfriend at some point?” Alex asked.

Syn’s face scrunched up in confusion. Hannah always assumed he knew.

“Yes that’s right it was Zacky…”


“Ow Brian did you have to be so loud?” Hannah moaned holding her ears. Alex watched Syn in shock at his sudden outburst.

“And to answer your question yes for a bit… it didn’t last long though”

“Good!” Syn replied sternly… he had gotten extremely protective lately. Not that Hannah minded; she actually thought it was quite charming.

Suddenly Alex laughed “ah! Young love… I was just like that with your mother” Syn looked up at him with a hint of pink in his cheeks, making Hannah giggle.

“You know he’s not going to bite you?” Hannah whispered in his ear.

“Hannah this is the first time I’ve met a member of your family minus Lily… give me a break”. Hannah chuckled and kissed his ear then leaned her head on his shoulder.

“I think we’re here” her father announced looking out the window. Hannah didn’t take much notice because she was way too comfortable. Bu then Alex spoke again…

“I wonder why there’s so many reporters outside?”

Hannah’s head shot up and looked out the window… sure enough there was a huge gang of people with notepads and cameras.

“Erm… Brian? Just how successful is your band?” Alex asked with a puzzled.

“At this moment… too successful” Syn hissed.

Hannah sighed loudly… it would be like going against a stampeded, only this one has flashing lights that blind you and annoying personal questions.

“If they even try and look up my skirt…”

“Then I’ll punch them” Syn confirmed as he gritted his teeth, just the thought of it made him want to go berserk.

Hannah through him a stern look then turned to her father; “do you think you’ll be okay getting through the crowd?” she asked hinting at his health.

“Honey I’m not completely unless you know” he replied with a scoff.

“I know but I worry” she replied innocently.

“We know” both Alex and Syn replied at the same time, both wearing the warm expression.

‘okay that was weird’ Hannah thought as her Alex opened the door. Once they got out and collected their suitcases; Syn quickly paid the drive then grasped Hannah’s hand.

“There they are!!” one of the reporters exclaimed and immediately they ran towards them. Thankfully they kept their distance and just took pictures and threw questions at them; most of them were directed at Syn… asking about his health, about his stay in New York and of course… who Hannah is.

“She’s my girlfriend…” Syn replied boredly and kept walking, dragging Hannah with him And Alex following. Then all questions where directed to Hannah like “what’s your name?” “how old are you?” and “what do you do for a living?”

‘thank god I’ve got sunglasses on’ she thought to herself… she did feel sorry for Syn and her father. They had to suffer blinding flashes. Finally they reached the airport doors and walked in… leaving the reporters behind yelling.

“Well that was fun!” Alex joked.

“How you can walk through those flashes without losing your eye sight I’ll never know…” Hannah stated taking her sunglasses off and rubbing her eyes.

“I’m use to it” Syn replied simply “come on we better give our tickets” and with that the three walked to the front desk. After going through check out they finally reached the waiting area.

“Oh my god!” a group of kids yelled. “It’s Synyster Gates!!”.

“Hi guys!” Syn replied waving at them. Hannah wasn’t sure what to do so she she just stood there and smiled.

“Can I have your autograph?” the boy with long black hair and a lip piercing asked. Syn replied sure and got a pen out from his pocket. The boy gave him his Avenged Sevenfold CD.

“What’s your name?” Syn asked as he started scribbling on the case.

“Luke!” the boy replied as excited as a puppy.

“Can we Have a picture as well?” a girl asked with long blonde hair and snakebites on both her bottom and top lips. Syn nodded and she got her camera out.

“I’ll take it if you like?” Hannah asked her as she held out her hand.

“Really? Thanks!” she replied and gave her the camera. Hannah waited for Syn to place his hands on the kids shoulders to take the pictures.

“Thanks!” The kids exclaimed and walked off chattering away. Syn had a big smile on his face.

“You know fans are the second thing that brighten up my day” Syn spoke.

“What’s your first?” Hannah asked. Syn didn’t reply… instead he pulled her closer to him and gave her a soft kiss.

♠ ♠ ♠
meh... bit boring.

