Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter three

"So where'd you come from?" Matt asked as he and Hannah were walking down the hallway. Their English lesson just finish and they were now heading to Val's locker.

"I lived in New Jersey with my dad... he er... had problems so I'm living with my Gran" she replied.

"Whoa that’s like the other side of the country... what about your mum couldn't you live with her?" Matt asked as curiously took over his mind.

"No... She’s dead" Hannah mumbled...

Immediately Matt felt terrible "oh shit... sorry. You probably think I'm a right nosy bastard".

Hannah laughed "don't worry; you didn't know. I'll tell you some other time okay?"

Matt nodded and felt reassured, 'at least she understands'.

Suddenly Matt grinned like a chasseur cat as focused his gaze forward.

Hannah followed his gaze to see a girl leaning against the lockers. She was perfectly thin and had the looks to go with it. Her shoulder length blond hair was tied into a ponytail so you fully see her face. Her small but plump lips made them look kissable in any young boys mind and had very soft, deep brown eyes. Hannah could defiantly see the attraction and also felt a bit of envy of her cuteness.

"Val! Over here look I found" Matt yelled whilst waving his right hand in the air and used the left to point at Hannah. Val turned to look at her boyfriend and then at what he was pointing at; as if on cue she smiled sweetly and walked over.

"Well hello stranger!" she mused once she walked over "Matt hasn't done anything to scare you has he?"

Hannah laughed at her comment "no... Not yet. I'm Hannah" she replied and held her hand out to her.

Val immediately grabbed it and shook it "awesome! I'm Valary but just call me Val... Everyone else does".

'She seems nice enough' Hannah thought as the three started walking with Val in the middle, Matt on her right side holding her hand and Hannah on the left.

"Val… Hannah has maths with you next... you think you can look after her?" Matt asked simply. Val turned her head to Hannah "sure... I was gonna skip but now I've got company so it should be Okay.." she replied with a smile.

Hannah returned the smile "thanks... I'm usually not good at meeting people" she admitted embarrassed.

Val looked at her surprised "really! A pretty girl like you? You must have had a boyfriend at your old school".

But Hannah shook her head back and forth leaving Val and Matt gob-smacked.

"Well that's surprising... then those dudes are idiots!!!" Val exclaimed loudly "I'd turn lesbian for ya!!".

Hannah looked at her with wide eyes but with a smile "erm... thank you?" she asked more than replied.

Matt laughed at her reaction "trust me sweets, wait till you meet the other guys then you'll know what crazy is..."

*** ***

Hannah spent most of the lesson talking to Val... turns out that they both have a lot in common (music, taste in boys etc) and became close in a short amount of time.

"So... where abouts to you live... PCH?" Val asked whilst doodling on her notebook.

Hannah nodded "number 49... I'm living with my Gran".

"Oh cool you live near Zacky and Brian! You'll meet them later" Val chimed.

Hannah suddenly turned shy and fiddled with her hair "erm... I'm usually not good at talking to guys..."

Val chuckled softly "oh don't worry about those bone heads... if you can talk to Matt then they'll be a piece of cake".

Hannah smiled and agreed... feeling a little better. The annoying bell ran loudly and all the students began to leave. "Hey how about you join us for lunch?" Val asked linking arms with her. "We just need to meet up with Matt and we'll head to the cafeteria".

Hannah nodded and let Val lead the way. "You’re a quiet one aren't you?" Val joked with a warm smile.

"Sorry... I guess this is a little overwhelming” she breathed hugging her books to her chest.

Val’s smile grew wider “don’t worry about it. Come on Matt’s over there” Val stated as see saw him outside two big double doors which led to the cafeteria. After Val and Matt shared a quick kiss, all three students walked through the doors. It was so noisy with all the different clicks on there own table, it made Hannah double think about eating with her new friends… she never liked crowded places.

"Come on, this is ours" Val said linking arms with Hannah. Hannah stared at the group were they all wore ripped jeans, band shirts, tattoos and a few were wearing eye liner. She studies all three boys that were already sat down carefully. The first boy was incredibly cute; he had short, spiky hair, a slight chubby face, big plump lips which had snakebites on the bottom lip and piercing blue eyes. In his large nose was a spectrum pierce that made Hannah think ‘ouch’. The second boy was extremely tall and skinny… which made him very intimidating, but there was softness to his face that could brighten up anyone’s day; but there was also something alien about him (due to his tallness). His eyes were a deep blue and had spiky dirty-blond hair and a piercing in the middle of his chin. The third boy Hannah could not see because of the tall one sitting in front of him.

"Hey guys!" called Matt walking ahead of the two girls. Everyone sitting around the table looked at Matt and smiled "hey Shads!" one of them called.

"Shads?" Hannah questioned. Val quickly explained that Matt and his friends are starting a band together and they gave each other stage names.

"Hey who's the girl? she's pretty!" the guy with the snake-bite piercing chirped.

Hannah was a little taken back at his comment, she even looked behind her to see if there was a pretty blonde girl standing there… there wasn’t.

“Yes doll I was talking to you” The pierced boy chuckled. Hannah blushed slightly and started to fiddle with her hair. Val noticed and sent a glare at him quickly, he immediately backed off.

"Guys this is Hannah! She’s from New Jersey" Val chimed pushing Hannah forward a bit. Hannah felt all pairs of eyes on her except for the one at the corner of the table. It was the boy who is she couldn’t see. He had long black hair which was tied up into a bandanna and a white cap. He was wearing a black Guns ‘n’ Roses t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. He seemed to be concentrating on some work.

"What you doing syn?" Val asked offering Hannah a seat next to the guy with the snake-bite piercings. "Er... Maths homework which needs to be in, like a couple of hours" he replied not looking up… making Hannah curious of what exactly he looked like but so far… she loved the sound of his smooth voice and fashion sense. "Zack why aren't you doing yours?" he asked finally.

The guy with the snake-bites laughed "cause I don't dare turn up the teachers gunning for me" he replied. ‘Syn’ looked up at his friend with a bored expression.

‘Wow...’ Hannah thought as soon as she saw him. He was gorgeous with his high cheek bones, small lips the curled into a devious smirk, tanned, soft skin and deep brown eyes with a thin layer of eyeliner. ‘Hannah stop staring!!!’ she yelled in her head.

“Zacky did you even look at the paper?” asked Val with a smirk. But Zacky just replied with a shrug.

"Can I have a look at your homework?" Hannah suddenly asked. Everyone stared at her, even Syn. ‘for fuck sake must they always stare?’ she grumbled in her head.

"er.. yeah Okay" Zacky replied going through his bag. Finally Zacky pulled out a piece of crumpled up paper and passed it to Hannah. Syn watched her scan read the paper in interest. She picked up the nearest pencil and looked at Zacky...

"did you know you need to use a scientific calculator for these questions?" she asked with a giggle.

Zacky looked completely clueless and embarrassed. Hannah got her calculator out and started to explain what you needed to do and how it works. “Oh right... I knew that! I was just seeing if you knew” spoke Zacky proudly with a nervous grin.

“ha ha your welcome Zack” she mumbled with a smile.

"You some kind of nerd?" Syn asked her suddenly in snobbish tone. Hannah was a little hurt by his comment; she guessed that Syn didn't actually want her help.

"Syn! There was no need to call her that!" Val snapped.

"No Val it's fine honestly... I shouldn't have nosed in" spoke Hannah quickly not wanting to cause a scene.

Syn Scoffed loudly and continued with his work, "ahem your not gonna get anywhere in this school for being nice" he warned.

Val shook her head at him and the guys looked concerned. ‘maybe he’s not so wonderful after all’ Hannah thought sadly.

"Er.. Hannah?" said the boy with the piercing in his chin. Hannah turned to face the boy to let him know she heard him. "Well um.. you any good at History?" he asked playing with his food.

Smiled softly at him "what is it you’re stuck on?"

The boy smiled and swapped places with Zacky so he was now next to me. "Just some world war two stuff... oh I'm Jimmy by the way but most people call me Rev" he explained as he got his folder out.

"Well you're lucky cause I know World war two at the back of me hand" she stated with a smile.

In the corner of her eye Hannah could see Syn glare at her. What did she do to make him hate her so much... she’s only been here for a day. After Hannah helped Jimmy she started feeling uncomfortable with Syn glaring at her when ever he had the chance. Not being able to take it anymore she stood up and grabbed her bag.

“Hey Hannah! Where you going?” Matt asked confused.

Hannah turn to him with a fake smile “er... not feeling well, so I’m getting some air” she replied timidly and dashed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
24 readers... holy smokes but doesn't mean you should stop lol

