Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Thirty

Hannah stirred slightly in her sleep till she felt her hand graze against a warm, smooth arm. She blinked her eyes open to see Syn’s angelic face writing on a note pad with music blasting through his earplugs. From the heavy guitar riff she could tell he was listening to Pantera. Hannah’s gazed traced down from his face to his tattoo covered arm; immediately she began to admire the artwork and stroke her fingers along the outline of the monsters.

Syn didn’t really pay much attention to this… because she did it on a regular basis. But he didn’t mind at all; in fact it relaxed him. Suddenly he felt her tug at his shirt making him face her and pull the ear phones out.

“How long till we land?” she asked desperately.

Syn took a look at his watch “We’ve got another hour and a half yet…” he replied solemnly. Hannah groaned and rubbed her eyes., mumbling under her breath about how she hated flying and that she would one day burn all the airports.

“Are come here petal…” Syn cooed putting his note pad down and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Hannah snuggled closer to him and breathed in his scent…. Once again he smelt of aftershave and cigarettes. There moment was suddenly broken at the sound of Alex’s snoring (who was sat next to Syn).

“Your dad seems comfortable…” Syn commented.

“Looks like I didn’t get my fear of flights form him then…”

Hannah could feel his chest vibrate from his soft chuckling, and then placed his lip to her head and kiss it.

“Your gonna have to come with me to the studio” Syn stated more then suggested.

“Oh and why’s that?” Hannah challenged looking up at him.

“Because love… I’d miss you way to much and I’m sure the guys don’t want to live with my moaning” Syn simply replied.

Hannah could picture it now… Syn sulking in the corner playing furiously on his guitar with the guys holding their ears demanding him to stop. ‘They probably do that nearly every day’.

Hannah silently giggled at the thought. “Brian your only gonna be away from me for a couple of hours…”

“I know! It Sucks!!” Syn replied dramatically. Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness, but at the same time she couldn’t help but fall more in love with him… if that was even possible. Most girls would find that incredibly annoying and clingy. But not Hannah… she found it adorable because the truth was she didn’t want to be away from him either.

“Bri you can’t be with me twenty-four seven you know… as much as I would like it” She commented in a matter-of-fact tone.

Syn then gave her a quick peck on the lips… “Well then I’ll die trying” he replied with a grin.

*** ***

“HANNAH! BRIAN OVER HERE!!” Val called from a distance. Hannah and Syn scanned the area of the airport till they finally saw a bulky, tattooed man that was Matt and blonde-haired pretty that was Val. As they started to walk over Val charged at them and jumped on Hannah.

“I MISSED YOU!!!” she exclaimed as both her and Hannah fell to the ground laughing, earning weird looks from the public.

“Hello!” Hannah shrieked with laughter then hugged Val. Matt grabbed a hold of his girlfriend to pull her off and Syn held his hand out to his.

“Oh yeah!” Hannah suddenly piped and reached out for Alex’s hand. “Matt, Val. This is my dad Alex” she spoke as she pulled him forward gently. Both Val’s and Matt’s eyes widened slightly and they both shook his hand. Hannah could tell her father was slightly taken back at the politeness, it was much like the way she reacted then she first met them.

Suddenly she felt someone’s rough hand entwine with hers… but she didn’t need to second guess who it was, because only Syn had the effect of making her melt inside from just holding hands.

Val noticed the sign of affection and smirked “took you guys long enough” she commented smugly making Syn put up his middle finger up at her.

“Hey watch it Gates!” Matt threaten playfully and put his arm around Val’s shoulders.

“Okay I’m lost now what’s going on?” Alex asked, confusion written all over his face. Everyone laughed and told him not to worry about it.

“So anyway… where you staying Mr Walker?” Matt asked.

“Urgh don’t me that it makes me feel old!” he moaned slightly; making Hannah giggle.

“Okay then… Alex where you staying?” Matt repeated.

“Apparently with my mother-in-law…” he replied in a monotone.

“But Lily only has one spare room… where will Hannie stay?” Val questioned.

“Isn’t it obvious Val…” Syn replied smoothly wrapping an arm around Hannah’s waisted.

Val made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth. “Okay then lets drop Mr-I mean Alex off at Lily’s then head to Castle De Syn!” she chimed as they walked out to Syn’s car.

‘her and Matt must have taken a taxi’ Hannah thought.

*** ***

After dropping off Alex and getting him settled Hannah walked into Castle De Syn alone since Syn was drop Val and Matt back at their place. Hannah walked down the long hallway and into the living room. The room was squared shaped with beach colors like creams and golds, in the room was to cream sofas, an armchair, a flat screen T.V that hung on the wall and many pictures, guitars and Syn Gates merch hanging from the walls. Hannah sat on the nearest sofa, not knowing what to do with herself. The fact was she couldn’t shake the fact at a couple of days ago Syn shared the house with his three year long ex girlfriend Michelle.

‘Poor Michelle… I hope we can still be friends’ Hannah thought but deep down she knew there was no snowflakes chance in hell it would happen. Hannah turned her head to the side and saw a picture frame on the side table; it was a picture of Syn and Michelle sat down against a outside wall, in the picture Michelle had her arm link with Syn’s. She was smirking slightly whilst he was pulling a funny face. Just as Hannah picked up the frame she heard someone walk through the front and throw they keys onto the table in the hallway.

“Hannah?” Syn called through the house. Hannah replied by shouting living room; and sure enough less than a second in walked Synyster Gates himself. As soon as his eyes fell on her he grinned so wide it would almost split in half. Syn walked over to the sofa and sat down beside her, only then noticing what she was looking at. Syn took it from her hands and looked at it with an unreadable expression. He then turned it over, took off the back, pulled the photo out and then tossed it to the floor.

“Brian…” she began but was cut off by Syn when he crashed his lips against hers, she could feel the passion and love oozing from it. Syn pulled away slightly and then started attacking her neck, it seemed to be one of his favorite thing to do lately.

“Why always my neck?” Hannah questioned in a whisper. But Syn hummed to say he didn’t understand but was to occupied at that moment.

“I said why do you always attack my neck?” Hannah repeated making sure the question was more clear. Syn lifted his head up slightly and placed another forceful kiss on her lips, making her moan slightly.

“Because…” he began then pecked her again “it smells nice”. Hannah laughed slightly knowing he was refereeing to her perfume and lifted he head back a little so he could have access. Syn took it gladly and continued to softly nip and kiss.

“Where’s this coming from” Hannah asked completely breathless.

“What?” Syn said against her skin “can’t I show how much I love my girlfriend?”.

Hannah didn’t have a reply to that so she decided to allow him to continue his work. Each kiss he place sent a jolt of pleasure up her spine. Syn loved the effect he had on her, for him it was a huge turn on. Syn finally stopped kissing her neck and nuzzled his nose against hers, both of them now breathing heavily.

“This is your home now… and I’m never letting you go” Syn said sternly. Hannah didn’t reply, instead she pulled him into soft kiss. Syn chuckled at this slightly then pull Hannah against his chest, both of them sitting in each others embrace.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish I could have a boyfriend like that... don't you?

comments dudes!!
