Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

chapter thirty-one

“Hannah…” Syn cooed from behind her. Hannah took her focus from the book she was reading to behind her to see her boyfriend pouting like a puppy. ‘Oh god what does he want’ she thought knowing how stubborn he can be.

“What…” Hannah cooed back and shifted her focus by onto the book. She could hear Syn walking towards her, it wasn’t long till she felt a pair of strong hands with lanky fingers on her shoulders.

“You that we’re going back in the studio tomorrow?” he dragged on as he began to massage her shoulders. The guys had decided to stop the recording for a while to help Hannah and her father get settled so now Hannah was officially living with Syn. He even took the time while she was out with the girls (meaning Val, Gena, Leana and Johnny’s girlfriend Lacey) to clean out one of his spare rooms to make her an office. And to top it off she got the job with Warner bros! Now Syn keeps showing off at the fact that he is Hannah’s boss (well that’s what he likes to think) and ordered that only he was allowed to fire her… which of course would never happen.

“You want me to come with you?” Hannah replied lowly, but he didn’t seem to notice because he had a big goofy grin on his face. Truthfully… she didn’t really want to go. From what the girls told her it was incredibly boring and you would end up getting sick of the songs because they would play them over, and over, and over again. But then again… she’d be with Syn and she was so addicted to him to a point were after ten minutes… she’d miss him like crazy.

“Brian I’ve got work to do” she lied hoping he would fall for it… but even after all these years; she was still a terrible liar.

“Oy!” Syn cut in and poked her cheek gently making her giggle “That is a load of bull and you know it!”

“But it’ll be boring!!”

“Then I’ll entertain you” he replied coolly. Hannah couldn’t help but blush because honestly… he had been very entertaining since they got back.

“Pwease!!” he begged in a baby voice as he rubbed his cheek against hers like a cat. “I get very wonely!” Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at him so she finally gave in to him.

“YAY!!” he chimed jumping on her and started attacking her with kisses; making her laugh harder.

“You’re just one big kid aren’t you” she was finally able to speak as he pulled back to hover over her.

“Yep! Who’s love struck” he replied and pecked her gently on the lips. Syn the rested his head in on her chest and continued to lay there whilst she careless played with the tips of his short spiky hair. Hannah loved his hair… she loved how soft it felt when ever she played with it and how he would shiver from her touch. Suddenly he placed his face into her chest and hummed.

“Hmmm pillows!!” he said in a sing-song voice…

Hannah playfully hit him. ‘That was such a dude thing to say’ she thought. Syn lifted his head up with that goofy grin still on his face and kissed her softly.

“I love you” he said suddenly making Hannah’s smile grow wider.

“I know… I love you more than cake!!”

“Hannah what the fuck?!” Syn asked laughing.

Hannah laughed with him “ What? I do so it means you’re very special… not many people can beat cake!”

“Er… okay then. Then I love you more than cake to!!” he suddenly exclaimed and kissed her again. Hannah couldn’t help but giggle… a part of her felt they were acting extreme immature but frankly… neither of them cared.

*** ***

“Come on Pinkly!” Hannah called as she stepped out of Syn’s car. After about a second Pinkly stood up on her back feet so Hannah could pick her up… the car was too big for her to jump. As soon as Hannah put her on the ground she followed Hannah (who was now holding Syn’s hand) into the studio.

I building itself was big and blue… outside the door were a table and a few chairs… it must have been where the guys smoke… then going through the door led you straight to the kitchen were Zacky was making a sandwich.

“Do you ever stop eating?” Hannah asked making Zacky turn round and smile.

“Hey Hannah-bear! Synyster G!!” he replied and gave Syn a man hug then Hannah a hug. “Gena’s sitting in studio if you wanna go through…” Hannah nodded and walked out of the door in front of her so Syn and Zacky could chat to the recording room… the room was big with its deck full of buttons and dales, amps at every corner of the room and near the back were sofa’s and a coffee table. On the middle sofa was Gena reading a magazine.

“hey…” Hannah spoke quietly making Gena look up and smile.

“Hey Girl! Syn force you to come?” she asked putting the magazine down.

Hannah nodded… ‘stupid cute kiddy voice of his’ she cursed in her head. “Are any of the other girls coming?”

“Nope! Val and Lacey have college… and Leana is getting a tattoo”.

“A tattoo? What she getting?” Hannah questioned.

Gena Shrugged “don’t know… it’s a surprise I guess”.

“WHAT’S UP LADIES!!” someone suddenly yelled someone and sat in between the two girls.

“Jimmy how can you be energetic on a Monday morning?” Hannah asked him astonished.

Jimmy was grinning like a mad man… “I got laid this morning!!”

Hannah and Gena didn’t dwell further into the conversation… enough was said already. It wasn’t long after the rest of the band came into the room; Zacky sat next to Gena and Syn of course… sat next to Hannah.

“Pinkly!” Syn called… soon you could hear the soft pattering from Pinkly’s tiny paws come into the room. Syn then picked her up and set her on his lap. “So what we gonna do today?”

“I need to finish laying down vocals on Scream… and the you need to lay down your guitar parts for Almost Easy” replied Matt making Syn groan.

“What’s wrong?” Hannah asked him.

“The guitar riff I gonna play for that song is cheesy as fuck!” he replied with a hiss.

“Oh quit being a pussy man and play it!!” Johnny snapped playfully.

“Fuck off Short Shit!” replied back in the same tone.

‘Boys and their banter…’ Hannah thought rolling her eyes. Syn then got up to pick up his guitar and then sat on the wheelie chair.

“Hannah…” he suddenly said whilst spinning the chair so he could face her. Hannah raised her eyebrow to tell him she was listening. “I love you more than cake!!”

“Love you more cake!!” Hannah exclaimed back Making Syn grin wider then turn back to the recording desk.

“Er… I’m confused” Gena mumbled.

“It’s mine and Syn’s thing… you know how to tell how much we love each other. Which is more than cake!”

“Wow it must be special if its more than cake” Gena stated with a grin then suddenly turned all serious. “ZACKY!!”

“Yello!” Zacky answered looking up from his guitar.

“Do you love me more than cake?”

Zacky gave her a puzzled look… “What?”

“Do… you… love… me… more… than… cake?” Gena repeated going slower.

Zacky started thinking hard then moaned “don’t make choose between that!!” he snapped. Gena looked at him gob smacked then pretended to cry.

“You horrible boyfriend! At least Brian loves Hannah more than CAKE!!” Gena joked making Syn put his thumb up briefly before continuing to tune his guitar… people say crazy things when they're in love…
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha I love this chapter!
