Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter thirty-two

It had been four hours at the recording studio… and Hannah and Gena were bored shitless. Gena must have read the same magazine at least twelve times now and Hannah just kept playing with Pinkly. Syn and Jimmy were outside having a smoke, Johnny was laying down his bass tracks, Matt had gone to pick Val up from college and Zacky was laying down his guitar parts.

“That’s it!” Hannah suddenly snapped. “I need to get out of this fucking building!!” and with that she put Pinkly on the floor and walked through the kitchen to the outside door. There she found Syn sitting on one of the chairs with a cigarette in his hand.

“What’s up Petal?” he asked as soon as he saw her. Hannah shrugged and just simply replied she wanted some air.

“Why? You not feeling well?” he asked with a look of concern on his face.

“A little… it’s way too stuffy in there” Hannah grumbled. Syn awed at her then patted his lap for her to sit on it… which she did without hesitation. As soon as she sat down she wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped one around her waist so she wouldn’t fall off and his cigarette in the other.


Hannah grinned “much better thank you!” Syn laughed and kissed her cheek then just rested his forehead on hers. Then Hannah noticed something.

“Where’s Jimmy?”

Syn shrugged “He’s gone for run… he said something like chasing a stallion duck”.

“A what?” Hannah questioned but all Syn did was shrug and replied that she knew just as much as he did. ‘Typical Jimmy…’

“What do you want to do tonight?” Syn asked bringing her out of her thoughts.

“Wha…” was all she said since she wasn’t really listening… she was too busy imagining Jimmy chasing a herd of ducks.

“I said what do you want to do tonight?” he repeated.

Hannah thought for a moment. “I donno… you choose!”

Syn smirked “I’m glad you said that, I want to treat you tonight. We’ll go out; just me and you.”

Hannah wasn’t sure if he meant that they were going clubbing or out to a meal… but either way if was with him she wasn’t fussed. “Okay… where we going?”

“Now that my dear… is a secret” he cooed as he pressed his finger on her nose making her scrunch it up. “Aww that is so cute!” he exclaimed.

“What is?”

“When you scrunch up your nose!” he replied and touched her nose again. “Hehe but to be honest your cute anyway…”.

“That so? Well you ain’t so bad yourself mister Gates”

Syn hummed a in reply and nuzzled his nose against hers before softly kissing her.

“AW THAT’S SO CUTE!!!” a high pitched voice squealed from behind.

Hannah pulled away “way to kill the moment Val” she mumbled still focused on Syn.

“Sorry I couldn’t help it…” she replied sheepishly making Hannah and Syn looked at her, there she was standing with Matt next to her holding her hand.

“How was college?” Syn asked her making her groan.

“Shit to be honest… we did fuck all!” she fumed making Matt laugh.

“She’s on her friend soon…” Matt told them so Val didn’t have to. Hannah nodded knowingly… she too acted like a bitch when she was her time of the month… Syn would know.

“You women are dangerous when you start PMSings” Syn muttered under his breath.

“Oh will you get over it I said I was sorry!” Hannah snapped playfully at him.

“What? What happened?” Matt asked now that curiosity took over.

“It was before she started her P; she was working in the office; she lost something and as you can imagine she blamed it on me… so I tried to calm her down by kissing her and then…” He paused slightly and felt the heat rise up in his cheeks.

“Then what?” Val pushed.

“I punched him” Hannah replied proudly making Matt and Val into fits of laughter.

Syn sent her a playful glare “it’s not funny!!”

“Yea it is!” everyone else replied a the same time making Syn mutter “Fuck off!”

“Bri…” Hannah sang swinging her leg.


“Love you more than cake!” once she said that he grinned like a mad man.

“Oh god not again with the cake…” Matt said shaking his head a little. Val looked incredibly confused so Matt quickly explained the meaning behind it.

“Oh right…” Val spoke slowly as if she was trying to figure it out in her head. “Do you love me more than cake?”

“Babe I love you more than anything” Matt simply replied making Val blushed. Hannah then awed at them knowing to would annoy the hell out of Val. Val then put her middle finger at her making everyone laughed. Val and Matt went inside so it was again only Hannah and Syn outside.

“You know what?” Syn spoke making Hannah turned to look at him. “I’m really in the mood for cake...” Hannah giggled and then kissed him deeply. Which caught Syn off guard, but it wasn’t long before he kissed her with just as much force. This made Hannah want to do the unexpected, as Syn was about to pull away she bit on his bottom lip dragging him back. She then traced her tongue against his lips begging for an entrance. Syn was surprised at first because he became stiff, but for less than a second he loosened up and granted her wish. Slowly their tongues battled for dominant which resulted to Syn winning in the end.

“Well I wasn’t expecting that...” Syn breathed as they both pulled away slightly. Hannah couldn’t help but giggle like a school girl as she nuzzled her nose into his neck... immediately feeling him shiver.

“You like that?” she said seductively then started placing light kisses in the corner of his neck.

“Urge stop or I’m going to have a hard time resisting you when we get back home” he growled. Hannah hummed and continued to kiss his neck round to his Adam’s apple. Syn began to inhale uneven heavy breaths and started running his fingers through her hair.

“YO! EARTH TO SYN!!!” Zacky shouted completely stopping Hannah in her tracks and hide her face in Syn’s shoulder.

“Dude why’d you do that!!” Syn snapped knowing it embarrassed her. “I was enjoying it”.

“Well one because it’s like watching soft porn and two we’re finished for the day...” Zacky replied cooly. Syn didn’t need telling twice because soon he grabbed Hannah’s hand and reacted to the car and went full speed to their house.

*** ***

“You’re wearing purple!!” Syn exclaimed as Hannah walked down the stairs. Syn told her to look fancy tonight so she chose a her tight fitted purple boob tube dress the went down just above her knees and her black high heeled sandals. Her hair was straightened and flowed freely around her.

Hannah blushed slightly at how sexy Syn looked with his black buttoned shirt that had a few undone at the top and his sleeves rolled up so you could she his eye catching tattoos, dark jeans and white Nike trainers. As usual his hair was spiked in all different places and he also had a thin layer of eyeliner.

“Look at you!” Syn gushed as he took her hand and span her around so he could take a better look at the outfit.

“Do you like it?” she asked timidly.

“Like it! Hannah I think you look stunning!” Hannah tucked a loose strand for hair behind her ear before she let Syn lead her to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
lol I hate PMSing!

