Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter thirty-five

Silence surrounded the room as both Syn and Hannah lied in each others arms on their bed. It had been an hour since Michelle’s unwelcome visit and Hannah suggested Syn to get some rest, but he refused unless she was there with him. Hannah gazed upwards from his chest to his face to see he was now in a peaceful slumber; his mouth was open slightly and his chest slowly going up and down. As she ran her hand slowly and gently down his arm she thought back at what Michelle said…

“Actually… I came to see Hannah…”

Was she actually planning to rip Hannah’s head off… or try and make peace? ‘But if she wanted to make peace then why did she insult Brian like that?’ Hannah questioned. It was all very confusing to her; yeah sure Hannah pretty much stole her boyfriend of three years off her but Michelle at the time was seeing another man… her motives just didn’t make sense. It was Syn’s stirring that brought Hannah out of her thoughts and look back up at him. Syn’s eyes slowly fluttered open and immediately groaned.

“How are you feeling?” Hannah asked him in a whisper, but Syn didn’t reply. Instead he just pulled her closer and nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. Syn often did this when he’d just woken up… hold Hannah as if she was his own personal teddy bear. Hannah’s heart was going at an uneven rate as he started placing soft kisses down her neck, across her collarbone, up her neck again and finally claiming her lips. Hannah became weak from his touch as she let him continue to kiss her, it wasn’t long before his tongue traced across her bottom lip begging for an entrance. Hannah granted his wish as they both battled for dominant. The kiss became more and more heated so it wasn't long before Syn hovered over her and straddled her. Hannah wanted to sit up and take more control but he wasn’t having any of it… not only because Syn had Hannah pinned down by his weight but because he grabbed a hold of her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head; whilst he used the other to rub tiny circles on her waist as it crept under her shirt.

“Bri…” Hannah finally breathed as he pulled away and started to attack her neck again, she could feel his free hand lower down slowly to her jean covered thigh and over the zipper.

“I love you…” he whispered against her skin. “So much… I can’t live without you”.

Hannah took in his words, ‘what triggered this?’ Syn pulled back and looked into her Grey eyes. “I don’t what I’d do if I’d lost you…” he spoke solemnly.

This made Hannah snap out of her trance and push him back so now she was sat against the head board. “S-stop talking l-like that! I’d never leave you I-I love you!!” Hannah babbled as she felt panic take over. Syn stared at her wide eyed and immediately attempted to calm her down.

“Shush… Hannah please calm down” he soothed as he placed his large hand on the side of her face.

Slowly Hannah’s muscles started to relax but she still continued to babble “you can’t talk to me like that… we can never be apart… never!”.

“Where else I’m I gonna go” Syn said casually and kissed her forehead. “You are my life now… I’m not going anywhere”.

*** ***

Hannah rushed to the sound of the house phone ringing, she was just finishing up some report whilst Syn was at the studio.

“Hello?” Hannah spoke down the phone.

“Hey girl!!” Leana chimed. Hannah smiled… she hadn’t spoken to Leana in a while.

“Hey L how you been?”

“Like rainbow sprinkles! You?” Leana asked back.

‘Typical Leana answer’ Hannah thought… “I’m good thanks… got plenty of Brian to love me!”

Leana awed at her “that’s so cute! But anyway you busy tonight?”

“tonight? Er… don’t think so…”

“Good! Your coming with me and the girls bar hopping” Leana answered. “No boys allowed!”

Hannah laughed “yeah sure thing… what time?”

“we’ll pick you up about seven… erm Hannah? Michelle will be coming with us as well” Leana said unsure of Hannah’s reaction.

Hannah was quiet of a second but then smiled. “That’s fine… I need to talk to her anyway”.

*** ***

“I still don’t see why we can’t come” Syn grumbled from the bed. Hannah threw a stern look at him through the mirror, she was busy putting her make up on for tonight and Syn was sat on the bed watching her.

“Because Lover… there are times where us girls need to let there hair down” Hannah informed him whilst drawing on her eyeliner.

Syn huffed “you always loosen up with me I don’t see the difference”.

“Brian” she snapped “I’m only going out for a couple of hours so quit fretting!” Syn didn’t reply, he just stuck his bottom lip out and crossed his big arms.

“Brian… are you jealous?” Hannah questioned turning to him.

Syn turned his head away stubbornly “No!”

‘Oh yeah like that’s gonna convince me’ Hannah thought and walked over to him with a smirk. “Brian you’re jealous!!” Hannah teased as she straddled him and pushed him down on the bed. Syn didn’t react, he just uncross his arms and let them lay either side of him and stared at her.

“You are silly!” Hannah gushed as stroked his arm. “Oh come here put your arms around me!” she ordered playfully as she grabbed each arm and placed it on her waist. Syn was trying hard to keep a straight face as he continued to stare at her… so Hannah went to his neck and start nipping the most ticklish part of his neck making him squirm and finally crack a smile.

Suddenly Hannah was flipped over and Syn was hovering over her. “Stop that!” Syn commanded with a grin… “Or I’ll suck your eyeballs out!” Hannah giggled like a little girl… he always had that effect on her. Syn chuckled and softly kissed her… but it didn’t last long when they heard the sound of a car horn.

“That’ll be Leana…” Hannah said as she got up and straightened out the top she was wearing. At the same time Syn sat up and pulled her over my her jean pockets.

“Have fun to tonight Petal…” he told her with a smile and peck her on the lips.

“Bye Brian… don’t wait up for me okay?”

Syn huffed again… “you know I won’t get to sleep without you here… now” Syn stood up and pushed her out the door “go have fun!” and with that he gave her a slap on her ass.

“Brian!” she yelled astonished at what he just did.

“Sorry Hannah… couldn’t resist” Syn replied with a chuckle and finally got her out of the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha... trust Synnie boy to do something like that... but whats gonna happen with Michelle?

