Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

chapter Thirty-six

“LET’S GET READY TO PARTY!!!” Leana screamed as she dragged Hannah into the night club. Leana was to put it simplify… completely shit-faced along with Lacey and Gena whilst Val was a little tipsy and Hannah and Michelle were sober. Hannah was sober because one she wasn’t a heavy drinker and two she didn’t mix her drinks. Why Michelle stayed sober was beyond her though; since she was known as a real party girl. Throughout the night it was nothing but awkward between the two girls, the others tried their hardest for them to lighten up but it was useless.

“Hannah!!” Val cheered trying to pull her up “come on come dance with me!”

Hannah laughed “I will in a minute… let me just finish my drink” she yelled over the music. Val shrugged and grabbed Gena instead. Leana however seemed to be too drunk to function.

“Do you think we should take her home?” Michelle suddenly asked. Hannah looked at Leana then Michelle… her expression was unreadable.

“I think we should get her outside and get her some water” Hannah replied as she stood up. Michelle shyly nodded and stood up to. “L come on lets go outside” Hannah shouted to her over the music.

“No! I don’t wanna” Leana moaned… her words all over the place. Hannah and Michelle both pulled her to her feet and helped her walk outside. Hannah was on Leana’s left whilst Michelle was on her right, finally they reach the car and sat Leana in the back.

“Here…” Michelle spoke as she held a bottle of water; Hannah took it from with a smile and unscrewed the lid.

“Leana drink this it will sober you up” Hannah told her as she held it to her lips. Like a small child Leana slowly gulped the water down and then took it.

“Thanks…” she mumbled then rested her head in one hand whilst the other held the bottle. Hannah stood up and turned to Michelle, she to turned to look at her.

“Thanks for helping Michelle…”

She smiled timidly and replied no problem. Once again there was an awkward silence between them.

“I’M SORRY!” the both blurted out at the same then threw each other confused glances. “Why are you apologizing?” they asked at the same time again. They both couldn’t help but laugh a little… how they just did that they’ll never no.

‘weird’ Hannah thought…

Michelle sighed loudly “I’m sorry about what happened with Syn the other day. What I said was stupid and I didn’t mean any harm” Michelle breathed.

Hannah nodded “I forgive you… but I think you’ll need to apologize to Brian as well.”

Michelle pulled a sad smile “I know… is he okay? It really seemed to hit a nerve”.

“He’s fine… its just a sensitive subject” Hannah replied making Michelle ask how so. “Er… it’s real complicated.”

“I’ve got time…” Michelle answered as she leaned against the car. Hannah didn’t know why but for some reason… she felt she could trust her. After all… no one knew Syn better than the both of them.

“When we arrived in New York… he had a nightmare, a really bad one! From what he told me someone close to him died and apparently… it was his fault”.

Michelle took in every word she told her… yet she wasn’t surprised. “Can I ask… was it you?” Hannah was a little taken back but nodded anyway. “I see… he had them a lot when I was with him”.

Hannah stared at her with wide eyes. “You mean you…”

“Knew? Of course I did. They started when you left to New York… he seemed devastated; but he was too stubborn to admit it. I know you guys weren’t exactly the best of friends in high school and I know you had a massive blow up.”

Hannah thought back on the memory when Syn found her scars… his face all pale and sickly. “Yes I remember...”

“He was never the same after that… and I never understood why. And when you left it made him even worse so I thought I’ll try and help him through it… so I asked him to be my boyfriend”.

“He was sad when I left?” Hannah asked surprised… but then again back then she thought Brian Haner Jr didn’t give a shit about her… oh how wrong she was.

“He tried his best not to show it but we all knew… and I immediately knew his feelings for you when he turned me down”

“HE TURNED YOU DOWN?!?!” Hannah screeched making Leana groan from the sudden volume. “Sorry… it’s just… I never heard this story before”.

Michelle chuckled “it’s fine… but yeah he turned me down. But everyone including me just wanted him back to normal. So we kept at it till finally he said yes, but I think he only did it to shut everyone up.

“I knew he didn’t have any feelings for me… but he didn’t want to hurt me. So we kept dating and eventually brought a house. That’s when I found out about the nightmares… he would toss in his sleep and have sweat pouring off him. He’d wake up in the middle of the night and just walk off without speaking a word to me.”

Hannah felt for her… to be stuck in a situation like that is always difficult. It sort of reminded her of when her father had his addiction.

“Month after Month his dream grew worse till finally… he called your name out in his sleep. I was fully awake and it broke my heart. That’s why we called you Hannah, I was the one who suggested it because I thought maybe if you two could be friends he might get better.

“When I saw you for the first time in years, I couldn’t believe how much you’d grown. Then Syn saw you… his eyes said it all; he still had feelings for you and…”

Michelle paused slightly but Hannah urged her to continue. “I just felt so angry… at the fact that it after the years we were together… everything that I ever gave him; was just thrown back in my face.

“Don’t get me wrong Hannah I was thankful you were helping him but his feelings for you were beginning to surface to a point were he couldn’t wait to get out of the door to see you.”

Hannah didn’t know what to say. Sorry? Poor you? None of them would seem to justify what she went through.

“But you know what really made it…” Michelle suddenly said with a smile. “When you came back; one night he moaned your name when we were having sex”.

Hannah’s jaw dropped open and felt the heat rise up to her cheeks; she was sure whether to feeling embarrassed for herself, Michelle or even both of them. “Oh my god! Now that is bad… I… I can’t believe that” Hannah choked.

Michelle laughed at her reaction “yeah… I almost ripped his head off at the time. So that's when I jumped to conclusions and suspected he was cheating on me with you. And as the days went on we just weren’t attract to each other anymore…. Well technically he was never really attracted to me because he was head over heels in love with you but you get the point”.

Hannah nodded “and that’s when you started seeing Richard…” Hannah spoke for her.

Michelle closed her eyes for a second and then nodded. “It ripped me to pieces everyday because I knew I was being a hypocrite, but I couldn’t help it. Every time I was with Richard I would always grow anxious and this fire would build inside of me”.

Hannah chuckled a little making Michelle pull a puzzled expression. “I know the feeling… people do crazy things when they’re in love”.

Michelle to joined in laughing, “Yeah… so when I told Brian about it the day you two left for New York… he was fine. Angry but… not heart broken. I was then I realized that even if we broke up or not, you would always have his heart. He needed you more than anything… so I came round the other day to be friends again. With you and Brian.”

Hannah now saw Michelle in a completely different light, she was so focused on Syn she didn’t even think about what Michelle was going through. So Hannah did the only thing she could think of… hug her. Michelle was stiff at first but then hugged back.

“I’m so sorry Michelle… I should have been more observant” Hannah said feeling guilt rush through her.

“Don’t be silly! You were only doing your job. If anything… I blame myself.” Michelle replied as she patted her back.

“HEY LOOK OVER THERE!! AIN’T THAT SYNYSTER GATES’ GIRLFRIEND?!?!” a voice yelled. Then out of the blue Michelle and Hannah were surrounded by reporters. The flashes blinded them so much they could hardly see what was in front of them.

"Michelle?!" Hannah called but her voice was drowned out by the reporters, Hannah started to feel dizzy and was staggering. “Ahh....” screamed as she found a way past the crowd, but then she suddenly saw a pair of head lights coming full speed at her.

“HANNAH NO!!!” Michelle shrieked but it was too late as Hannah’s body was flung forward and the sound on a bone cracking slap erupted as she made contact with the road. The crowd of reporters fled and kept there distance so all was left was a car and Michelle screaming for help as she cradled Hannah’s mangled up body on the floor.
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