Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

chapter Thirty-seven

“Do you ever think that your the luckiest man in the earth?” Syn asked Zacky with slur. Syn decided he was bored out of his brains so he called the guys over for some... male bonding.

“Of course dude! I mean look at us... we’re living the dream” Zacky replied after taking a swig from his beer.

“Till this day I can’t believe it” Syn chimed. “I’m a great band with the best fucking friends a guy could have, I have a kick ass dog! But what really makes it is my girlfriend!!”

“You really love her don’t you” Zacky said more than asked.

“Dude she’s my fucking life I’d die for her... I’ll admitted it. I was bastard... NO! I was a fucking Prick when I was eighteen. I don’t deserve someone like her...”

“Syn don’t talk like that...”

“BUT IT’S TRUE! You saw the scars she carried. I’ve done so much shit in my life and yet she’s here with me” Syn yelled cutting him off.

Zacky shifted in his seat as the memory of Hannah’s shame came back into mind... he remembered it like yesterday when he saw them for himself.

*** ***

“Hannah are you okay?” Zacky called through the door. But there was no answer... It had been a couple weeks after Hannah and Jimmy when round to Syn house and lets just say... nothing has been the same. Hannah and Syn have both been acting s bizarre they won’t even stay in the same room. Syn tried to cover it up as always as if it never happened and Hannah spent the majority of her time alone in her bedroom.

“Go away!” Hannah shouted with a sniff.

'She’s crying?’ Zacky thought. “Hannah what’s wrong? Open the damn door!!” he ordered banging on it.

“FUCK OFF!!” she screeched making Zacky’s eyes widen. She’d had never sworn at Zacky like that before, so he defiantly knew some was wrong.

“Fuck that I’m coming in!” Zacky barked as he turned the door knob.

“NO ZACKY DON’T!” Hannah cried but it was too late he already burst through the door.

“Please just get out...” Hannah pleaded as she tried her best to hide what she had just done; but Zacky could not take his eyes off the bloody gash in her arm. He knew she had emotional problems... but he never realized she was this bad. Zacky ignored her pleas and grabbed a handful of tissues.

“Arm!” he ordered holding his hand out, Hannah didn’t have the energy to disobey him so she slowly extended her arm and winced as soon as she felt the tissue tab against her cut. Hannah was now fearing for her life... Zacky knew her dark truth; Zacky knew that she was a slitter and that he may toss her like a piece of trash.

“Why?” was all he asked. Hannah looked up at him to see tears pouring out of his green eyes. “Hannah why?! I know you’ve had problems in you’re past but... this!”

Hannah shook her head, “I don’t know... I’m so lost Zacky I don’t know what to do. IT’S ALL HIS FAULT!!!”

Zacky’s face scrunched up in confusion... “What? Who?”

“I’m suppose to hate him! Yet I’m always thinking about him... AFTER EVERYTHING HE’S DONE!!”

Zacky didn’t need telling twice... he knew perfectly well who she was talking about.

“His pale face keeps haunting me... WHY WON’T HE GO AWAY!?!?” She cried as she hit her head multiple times.

Zacky grabbed her arms so she’d stop hitting herself. “Hannah has this got something to do with Syn’s breakdown?”

Hannah didn’t say anything... because Zacky already knew the answer. It was clear now why Syn kept on saying he hurt her.

“Come here...” and with that Zacky pulled her in an embrace and let her cry on her shoulder.

“I-I love him Zack...” Hannah sobbed not looking up at him.

Zacky sighed heavily “I know Hannah... I know.”

*** ***

Yes Zacky always knew about their feelings for each other, It was so obvious! Syn never acted around a girl like that before so he knew she was something special. And he and the rest of the band had to witness Syn increasing depression after Hannah left for New York. He never truly smiled, he had nightmares and even at one point just didn’t have the energy to play a show. It took everyone to convince him to play which he did but only for the fans.

“But she’s forgiven you man...” Zacky told him as he patted his shoulder.

Syn shook his head “but I’ll never forgive myself... where are they anyway?”

Zacky shrugged but couldn’t help but feel worried... it was past eleven a clock and the girls never stayed out this late. Then suddenly Syn’s house phone started ringing, Syn reached over to grab it and put it to his ear.


“Is this Mr Haner?” a deep male voice asked.
“Um... yeah?”

“My name is officer Kane... I’m calling to inform you that your partner Hannah walker was involved in a hit and run accident... she’s been rushed to the hospital as we speak”.

Syn froze as he the phone let slipped out of his hand and hear it crash to the floor making everyone turn their attention to him. Syn went get up but he only lasted a few steps before he tumbled down to the floor.

“BRIAN!!” everyone called as they came around him. But he didn’t move... he just sat there staring into nothing.

“She’s... in the hospital” he muttered.



*** ***

Syn was thankful that Matt stayed sober... because it wasn’t long before the guys set off to the hospital. Syn didn’t take time to get out the car because as soon as it stopped he flung the door open and bolted into the building.

“Hannah Walker?” Syn asked the receptionist completely out of breath. By the time she told him where to go the guys had already caught up and were following him down the hallway.

“Brian!?!” a weak voice called that belonged to Lily, Syn walked over to her and pulled her tightly in an embrace. As poor Lily sobbed on his shoulder he scanned the room... there already were Alex her father, Val, Gena, Leana, Lacey and... Michelle.

Syn immediately let go of Lily and charged towards and pinned Michelle against the wall. “What happened?!? The police told me you were there...” he hissed tightening his grip.

But all Michelle did was sob harder “I’m sorry Bri... I tried to stop her but the reporters blinded both of us... we couldn’t see a thing!”

Brian could feel the tears build up in his eyes... “please tell me she’s going to be okay”. Michelle just stared at him in shock as his grip loosened on her. “Please... tell me she’s going to okay” he repeated as the tears now fell freely from his eyes. Michelle could feel Syn’s weight against her as he slowly sulked to the floor and pulled her along with him. He was how bawling his eyes out in Michelle’s arms much like she held Hannah... only this time Syn was moving and still warm. Hannah however was as limp as a bone fish and stone-cold.
♠ ♠ ♠
sob... poor Brian

