Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Thirty-eight

“Are you all with Hannah Walker?” a middle-aged doctor asked as he came out the room where Hannah was being treated. Syn immediately stood up from the floor and stared at the doctor with anxiety written on his face.

“Is she okay? Please I need to know” he pleaded.

“Sir please... you may want to sit down” the doctor suggested. But Syn decided to be stubborn and reply that he was fine standing.

The doctor sighed heavily “Well there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that she won’t suffer any long term injuries when she wakes up”. Everyone looked at each other not sure whether to smile or to stay worried.

“But the bad news?” Matt asked bringing everyone back to earth.

Once again the doctor sighed “the bad news is we don’t know when she’ll wake up... it could be tomorrow, days, months even years... we don’t know” Syn could feel his heart shatter in a million pieces, but tried to stay strong. “You can go in now... but not too many people at once” was all the doctor said and walked off... probably to see another patient.

Syn continued to stare at the door that the doctor just walked out of. “Lily and Alex should go first...” Syn said almost robotic. “I’m going for a smoke...”

“I’ll go with you” Jimmy piped in. Syn frowned a little... he actually wanted to go alone to clear his head but it was obvious that Jimmy wanted to talk to him. Once they reached outside Syn went through his jean pockets till he found his beloved Marballo cigarettes. The two men were silence for a while, not knowing what to talk about.

“Just ask me man...” Syn suddenly said making Jimmy throw him a funny look.


“Dude you obviously didn’t come out here for a smoke so just ask me what you were gonna ask...” Syn replied with completely no emotion.

Jimmy hesitated for a second... “I just wanted to see if you were okay”.

“I’ve just been told that my girlfriend is in a coma that she might not wake up from it for years. How’d do you think I’m feeling?” Syn snapped making Jimmy wince. Syn didn’t mean to snap but he couldn’t help it... so many things were going through his mind right now.

“Brian... look I what you’re feeling right now. We’re all feeling it...” Jimmy started.

“Yeah but you weren’t there when I let her go out...” Syn mumbled.

“Brian don’t you dare blame this on yourself!!” Jimmy ordered grabbing his shoulders. “If you’re gonna blame someone... blame those fucking reporters!!!”. Syn stared at his friend in amazement... Jimmy had never yelled at him like that before.

“NOW!” Jimmy yelled snapping him out of his thoughts. “Get in that hospital and support the love of your life! Talk to her... maybe it will trigger something in her brain!!”

Syn was speechless... but he could not deny his crazy friend. He needed to everything in his power to wake Hannah up, even if it took a lifetime... he wouldn’t stop till he saw her beautiful Grey eyes again.

*** ***

“Everyones gone in and seen her” Alex told the two boys. Brian just nodded at him... for someone who spend a couple years in rehab he was handling better than anyone; or it could be he was trying to stay strong for Lily.

“Thanks Alex” Jimmy spoke for him. Syn gulped... he had no idea how he was going to react to what he was about to see. His hand was shaking as he reached for the door handle and pushed it down.

“You want me to go first?” Jimmy asked.

Syn didn’t look back at him... “Hannah’s in there... I’ve got nothing to be afraid of” and with that he pushed the door open and walked in with Jimmy not far behind him. His breath got caught in his throat as he saw who he considered the most beautiful person in the world lying on a bed completely bruised and battered, an oxygen supply in her small nose and tubes coming from her body that was keeping her alive.

Syn took a nervous gulp and walked towards the bed, not caring that Jimmy was in the room he immediately took her hand in his and stroked her forehead with his thumb as if she was a newborn baby.

“H-hey Petal...” he said shakily. He set himself down in the chair without taking his eyes off her. “It’s m-me.” Jimmy didn’t say any comforting words as he saw Syn’s body moving from the sobbing, because he knew it wouldn’t change anything.

“It’s your Brian...” he choked finally letting the tears fall. He rested his head on her arm and continued to cry silently. Jimmy couldn’t take it anymore so he quietly opened the door and went out the room. As he shut the door he could her Syn telling her...

“I promise I’ll always be here... I’ll be here when you wake up to look after you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
bless him...

