Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Thirty-nine

Syn had to balance his work in the studio and visiting Hannah. Sometimes others came with him, other times he just went by himself. It had nearly been a month... but everyday he would come and see her, talk to her praying one day she’ll wake up and he would get to see her smiling face.

“Hey Petal...” Syn called as he walked through the room; as he took his jacket off he glanced at her with a smile. Even though she never reacted to what he said... he still believed she could hear him. Syn pulled the chair out slightly and then sat on it. As usual he entwined his fingers with hers and brushed the hair from her face.

“Me and Zacky have finished our recording... we’ll be going on tour soon” Syn mumbled sadly. He satyed silence for a moment... listening to the beeping of the breathing machine.

“I miss you... so much. I miss hearing your voice, seeing your eyes. Fuck Hannah I miss everything about you...” he spoke his heart starting to feel heavy.

“I don’t even know if you can hear me its that messed up! You know... I feel I’m slowly dying inside. If you go then... I’ll try and follow. I don’t give a shit anymore I need you in my life, I need to be by your side.”

During his rant he didn’t notice that tears were running down his cheeks. “Fucking hell look at me, crying and shit! I shouldn’t keep thinking the worst... I need a cigarette.” He spoke randomly as he stood up.

“I won’t be long... I love you” he told her and kissed her forehead... then softly on her lips before walking out the door.

*** ***

‘Ow this is so uncomforty’ Hannah thought as she slowly opened her eyes... she was surrounded in complete darkness.

“Oh great I’m still here!” she snapped as she crossed her arms. Hannah started to walk around the empty space... searching. What for she didn’t know but she was searching. Suddenly there was a huge flash of light forced her to shield her eyes.

‘What’s going on?!!?’ She then heard the sound of seagulls and the ocean.

‘What the hell?! How’d I get here?!’ she thought as she scanned the area till finally she saw a young man sitting on the beach.

He looked to be in his late twenties, he was tall, strongly built, tanned and very hansom. He was wearing a black, baggy jeans, white Nike trainers and black buttoned shirt with his sleeves rolled so you could see his arms covered with tattoos.

For some reason... he looked really familiar to her, but she ignored it and approached him. “Excuse me but... could you tell me where I am?”

But the man didn’t didn’t reply... he didn’t look at her which annoyed her greatly.


“Hey Petal” he suddenly said making Hannah freeze.

‘That voice where do I know that voice?’ she thought. “Do I know you?” Suddenly the man turned to her, his soft brown eyes met hers.

“Me and Zacky having finished our recording...” he said standing up.

‘Zacky? Zacky Baker?’ she thought remembering her best friend. “How is he? I haven’t seen him for so long...” she asked him but he ignored her and grabbed her hand. For some reason... she didn’t pull back because... it felt so right!

“We’re going on tour soon” he told her making her look up at him. He had a sad expression on his face.

“Tour? No don’t go you’re the first person I’ve seen since... since.... Oh I don’t know but you get the point!!” she snapped. Suddenly she heard sniffing... it was then she noticed he was crying.

“W-why are you crying? What’s wrong?”

“I miss you... so much. I miss hearing your voice, seeing your eyes. Fuck Hannah I miss everything about you...” he replied sobbing.

“How.... how do you know my name?” she asked. ‘Okay this is getting wierd!! But where do I know him?’

“I don’t even know if you can hear me it’s that messed up!” he said looking down.

“What are you talking about I can hear you perfectly!!”

“You know...” he sobbed “I feel I’m slowly dying inside. If you go then... I’ll try and follow. I don’t give a shit anymore I need you in my life, I need to be by your side.”

Now Hannah started to panic... “What no I’m right here!! Can you even hear me?!?”

“Fucking hell look at me, crying and shit! I shouldn’t keep thinking the worst... I need a cigarette” he spoke as he stepped closer to her.

‘cigarette?’ Hannah thought making a memory spark! “Wait a minute?” she mumbled as she felt the memories coming back to her.

“Say you’ll have me...”

“Please... Let me show you how much I love you… I know you’re scared. Don’t be… I’ll never hurt you.”

“Jesus women...” he whispered. “at least listen to what I have to say.”

“I love the affection... but you’ve got to give me a chance to breathe”


“What? can’t I show how much I love my girlfriend?”

“Hannah… I love you more than cake!!”

“Ever had beach sex before?”

“Where else I’m I gonna go”

“You’ve been helping people all your life... Isn’t time someone helped you”

“Brian?” she said now slowly piecing it in her head.

Syn smiled at her sadly... “I’ll be right back... I love you” and with that he kissed her forehead then her lips leaving her breathless. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck to make the kiss deeper... but he arms wouldn’t move.

‘What!?!’ she thought as he pulled away. Syn pulled back from the kiss and started walking away.

“NO!!! BRIAN DON’T LEAVE ME!!!” she yelled after him. But he continued walking; never looking back.

“BRIAN!!!” she called again but still no reaction.

“BRIAN I LOVE YOU!!!” she called then felt as if her soul was yanked out of her body... where she saw all her memories flashing before her until she shot open her eyes.

*** ***

A soon as sunlight hit her she screamed and sat up from a bed, she could hear a machine beeping wildly next to her.

‘where am I?’ she thought as she looked around... then she saw tubes sticking out of her arms and felt something in her nose.

‘this a... hospital?’ she asked. ‘What the hell happened?’ She then remembered the sound of yelling and big white lights heading towards her.

The sound of a door knob echoed through the room.

“Oh my god...” spoke a female voice “DOCTOR SHE’S AWAKE!!”

Hannah looked to the side to see a female nurse standing in the doorway. “Where’s Brian?!” she demanded.

“Please stay quiet dear... a doctor will come shortly” she said in a smoothing voice.

“No fuck that where’s Brian?!?”

“Who’s Brian dear?” she asked sweetly.

“What do you mean who’s Brian.... Brian is my boyfriend!!!” she snapped becoming irritated.

“I make sure he comes... I’ll give him a call...”


“Mam please calm down...”


“Aw good your awake...” the voice of a doctor said as he walked in. Hannah threw him a puzzled look as he got out his torch and shined it in her eyes.

“Stop that!” she snapped swatting his hand away. “Get me Brian!”

“What’s going on in there?” a velvety voice asked from outside. Hannah immediately pricked
up... she’d know that voice anywhere.

“BRIAN!?!” she called. There was silence... then she heard the sound of someone struggling before the door swung open. There he stood... bags of sleep under his eyes and more pale than he use to be. Syn didn’t say anything... he just stayed frozen as if he’d seen a ghost.

“We will leave you two alone...” the doctor said and he and the nurse walked out of the room shutting the door behind them... leaving the two on there own.
♠ ♠ ♠
cliffhanger hahahahha!

