Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter four

Hannah leaned against a near by tree in the court yard. Many kids were sat outside sitting on the grass because of the sunny weather; a few were even throwing a football to one another. Hannah inhaled deeply and sighed... feeling a lot more comfortable.

“Hannah you Okay?” came Val’s voice from the left. Hannah turned to see Val with a concern look on her face.

“Yeah... I’m just not good in crowded places” Hannah replied which in a way was half-true... but the main reason was Syn.

“Oh Hannah why didn’t you say so we would’ve sat outside...” Val complained but in a calm tone.

“I didn’t want to be more of a bother” Hannah mumbled sitting down on the floor with Val following.

“Don’t be silly-hey wait a sec more of a bother?” Val asked clearly puzzled. But then soon
realized what she was talking about.

“Sweetheart forget about Syn he’s just being a dick!” she snapped. “And if you must know Matt had a right go at him after you left”.

Hannah scrunched up her eyebrows “he didn’t have to do that... I didn’t take it personally” she lied.

“Are you sure you looked really upset...” Val stated.

But Hannah just smiled and told her it was fine. “Okay if you’re sure... Oh yeah what are you doing tonight?” she suddenly asked.

Hannah thought for a moment, apart from helping her Gran with the dinner and homework “nothing really...”.

Val smiled “how about you come hang out with us... at ‘the spot’”.

Hannah looked at her strangely “The what?” but Val just laughed and told her she would see.

*** ***

“So Hannah how was your first day?” her Gran asked while stirring the hot sauce. Hannah looked at her Gran and then continued to lay the table.

“Interesting...” she mumbled but loud enough to hear. She thought back to meeting Matt in the classroom, hanging out with Val, helping Zacky and Jimmy with their homework and of course... her awkward moment with Syn.

Her Gran walked into the room and set the boiling pot on the table “did you meet any new friends?” she asked with a small smile.

Hannah looked up at her and studied her for a moment. Her Gran did not look her age, she had a soft expression with a few wrinkles and a warm smile, and her green eyes sparkled in the sun and always looked on the brighter side of things. She was also a very tall lady. Hannah always loved her Gran, because to her she was like a book that you always go back to and it would still have the same effect when you read it the first time.

“Lily?!” a voice shouted through the hallway. Hannah's Gran turned her head to the door and shouted back saying she was in the dinning room. In the doorway came a woman who looked to be in her mid-forties, she had black hair that came to her chin, and deep blue eyes that looked familiar to Hannah.

“Evening Lily I brought back your recipes...” she spoke cheerfully and then noticed Hannah “ah! You must be Hannah! My son has told me so much about you” she gushed.

Hannah looked confused for a second then she noticed someone else walked into the room. “Hey doll!”

Hannah immediately brightened up “oh hi Zack”.

Lily smiled “Hannah this is Maria Baker... one of our neighbors and I’m guessing you already know her son?"

Hannah nodded in reply and Maria laughed “I wanted to see the girl that Zacky hasn’t shut up about, and he was so keen on visiting”.

Zacky threw a stern look at his mother with his cheeks flushed from embarrassment... “Er... Lily is it okay if me and my friends borrow Hannah for a bit? I’ll make sure she gets home safely”.

Lily gave Hannah a quick look as if to say ‘I think you got a crush’ and then looked back
forward “of course Zack... but I don’t want her coming home drunk understand?”

Zacky nodded before grabbing Hannah’s hand and walking out. “Sorry about that... but Lily can be strict at times” he whispered as they both walked out of the front.

Hannah smiled “its okay I know... er Zacky?” Zacky raised his eyebrow to tell her he was listening.

“You can let go of my hand now” she mumbled nervously. Like a thunder bolt Zacky removed his hand and muttered sorry. Zacky guided her to his car and they both got in.
“Oh now I remember what I was going to ask what the hell is ‘the spot’?” Hannah asked
whilst fastening her seat-belt.

Zacky chuckled as he started the car and started to mover forward “It’s an area in the park that we often use for getting smashed... no one else knows about except our gang... and you of course”. Then suddenly the car slowed down and cam to a halt.

“Are we there already?” Hannah asked but before Zacky could answer the back door to the car opened.

“Hey man thanks for the lift” Syn spoke as he sat down. Hannah started to feel the same awkwardness she felt in the cafeteria. Syn glanced at her for a second then focused forward “why didn’t you tell me she was coming?” he asked in an irritated tone.

“Oh knock it off Syn! The rest of the guys wanted her to come so don’t start any shit!!” Zacky snapped. Syn scolded loudly before sitting back. Hannah felt the evil glares from him stab her back like daggers. It was so uncomfortable it made Zacky nervous.

“So Hannah... tell us-I mean me... about Jersey? I heard it can be a bit cold down there” Zacky asked with a soft smile.

Hannah was glad Zacky started to make conversation; maybe it would make it less awkward. “Well... here there’s a lot more sand than grass.” Hannah joked “and it can get a bit cold... but I don’t mind”.

“Ah so your a winter girl eh?” he asked with cheeky tone. Syn rolled his eyes at his friend and muttered something sounding like “stupid”. But Hannah ignored it.

“It’s not that... I just spent most my time inside looking after my dad” Hannah told him truthfully, but missed out the alcohol part.

“Can we change the subject please... its boring me to tears” Syn suddenly snapped. Both Hannah and Zacky glanced back at Syn who was staring out of the window with his arms crossed.

Zacky shook his head and then mumbled that they were here. All three of them got out the car and Syn stormed ahead with his hands shoved into his pockets. Hannah was about to follow him but Zacky stopped her.

“Hey Hannah, I’m sorry about Syn I don’t know what’s gotten so far up his arse” Zacky explained with a solemn look. “And he tends to get aggressive when he’s drank too much”. Hannah cringed at the thought of it, she didn’t tell the others this but she actually wasn’t keen on drinking... but she never gave it a try before.

“Hey Hannah are you sure your okay?” Zacky asked touching her arm. For some reason Hannah felt she could trust Zacky with anything so she grabbed Zacky’s and dragged him to a more private place.

“Okay Zack I feel I trust you but I need you to promise me that you won’t whisper a word of this to the others” She told him sternly. Zacky agreed and Hannah took a deep breath.

“I never had many friends for two reasons, one because of my grades and two because of my family. My mother died giving birth to me... so I never met her; the closest thing I have to her is pictures and this Necklace”. Hannah paused to show Zacky the necklace it was silver with a small locket.

“My dad gave it to me when I was ten, but gradually I was starting to look like my mum everyday and it brought back painful memories for my dad. So he tried to block the memories out by drinking. No one would help us so I took responsibility in earning the money. I got a part-time job and continued to study hard. But my dad still didn’t improve, there were time were he’d be gone for a week and then just turned up on the porch passed out. Someone then reported him and I was taken by social services.” Hannah took a shaky breath and rubbed her eyes.

“Did he ever hurt you?” Zacky asked in a flat tone, his face unreadable. As Hannah shook her head the tears were finally released. At first Zacky just stared at her’ but then pulled her in an embrace. Hannah clunched onto him and cried silently.

“It’s okay...” he whispered “I’m here now, and so are the guys”. Hannah nodded and rubbed her eyes dry.

“Thanks Zack... I will tell the others; but not yet” she spluttered. Zacky nodded and grabbed her hand.

“Come on the others will wonder where we are....” and with that they both waked down the path still hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes this is a syn story but I thought I'd make it more interesting

