Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Forty

Tension in the room could have been cut with a knife, all that could be heard was Syn’s heavy breathing and the beeping of the machine. Hannah looked at him desperately... needing to feel his touch again. But Syn couldn’t believe his eyes... she was breathing on her own, sitting up by her self and talking.

“Brian...” Hannah whispered reaching out to him, but she was so weak she couldn’t lift it up very high. Syn finally snapped out of it and he started walking towards her. Once he reached the bed he sat down on it without taking his eyes off her. He then brought his hand to stroke her face, she was warm again.

“You’re really here?” he asked completely gob smacked. Hannah grabbed his wrist and guided his hand to her lips and kissed his palm... there she noticed something on the inside of his wrist.

“Is... is that a tattoo? Of my name?” Hannah asked tracing her fingers over it. On his soft, tanned wrist in the centre was her full name... “Hannah Felicity Walker” written in Brush Script MT font. It was simple but meaning at the same time.

Syn nodded and cupped her face with his hand, processing everything that was happening... suddenly he crashed his lips against hers. Hannah’s eyes widen at how forceful he was being. ‘How long was I asleep?’ she thought. Syn pulled away slightly reminding her exactly how addicting his taste was so she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in again.

Syn never felt a need for her so strong before... he couldn’t help but push her back on the bed and straddle her. But their moment was ruined at the sounding of the beeping getting faster and louder.

“Stupid machine!” she mumbled as he pulled away. Syn ignored it and started placing soft kisses over her face. He then pulled her into an embrace so her head was resting against his chest where his heart was, she could hear it thumping wildly.

“No words can describe how happy I am...” he said shakily. Hannah looked up at him to see tears streaming down his face. “I-I thought I lost you... Y-you’re not going anywhere out of my sight... never!” Hannah then started crying because he was crying.

“W-what happened t-to me?”

Syn froze for a moment then pulled back to rest his forehead against hers. “You were hit by a car... reporters came and separated you and Michelle...”

“Michelle? Oh my god is she okay?!?!” Hannah demanded but Syn shushed her.

“She’s fine... and we’ve sorted everything. If it wasn’t for her then you’d be dead, so I owe her big time” he joked.

Hannah glanced down then back up at him again... “How long have I been asleep?”

“Nearly Month.”

Hannah felt her heart sink to rock bottom, she had missed a month what was supposed to be with him. “I’m sorry...”

Syn threw her a puzzled look. “What?”

“I said I’m sorry! Because of my clumsiness I missed a whole month of us being together. And that I made you worry about me!!! I’m sorry I’m Sorry I’m sor...”

But she was cut off when his softly kissed her. “Don’t you dare blame yourself!” he ordered pulling away slightly. “I can’t stand it...”

Hannah stared into his eyes completely breathless, he looked hurt. “I’m sorry...” she whispered “I just... I’ve missed so...”

“Marry me”

Hannah’s eyes widened at him... “I’m S-sorry?”

“I almost lost you once... I’m not waiting any longer. Over this month I wasn’t human... I didn’t see the bright things of life anymore, my guitar playing got lousy so... I can’t live without you. If you’d died I would’ve followed-no don’t speak!” He told her as she opened her mouth.

“You are my oxygen Hannah... I need you in my life, till we don’t exist anymore. I want to be able to protect you, to be the shoulder for you to cry on, to be the father of your children... I want to be a part of your life.”

Hannah had tears streaming down at his words, this could be one of the most happiest moments of her life.

“So... Hannah Felicity Walker. Will you Marry me?”

Hannah couldn’t hold it in anymore as she sobbed tears of joy.

“Yes... of course I will!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I no he doesn't have any sort of tattoo on his wrist but I thought it would be sweet!

guess what guys... this story is almost finished!! maybe another ten chapters?

