Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-one

“LET ME THROUGH I’M HER BEST FRIEND!!!” the sound of a female voice boomed from outside. Syn switched his attention from kissing Hannah to the door. It wasn’t long before it flew open.

“Val calm down you might scare her!” called the voice of Matt. Val walked through the door as if she’d seen a ghost as her eyes met Hannah’s.

Syn leaned back from Hannah “How did you...”

“OH MY GOD HANNAH YOU’RE ALIVE!!!” Val cried gabbing Hannah into a hug resulting Syn falling off the bed.

“Ack... Val... can’t breath” Hannah choked. Val immediately let go of her but continued to fuss over her... that is until she heard a growl from the floor. 'Okay that is scary' she thought as she watched her very pissy boyfriend pull himself up with the bed.

“Val... if you wasn’t gripping on my fiancé...”

“Fiancé?!” Matt questioned....

‘When did he walk in the room?’ both Syn and Hannah thought as they watched him take a few steps foreword. “You... asked her?” Val questioned, Syn nodded unsure of her reaction.

Val stayed silent for a while. “YOU SEE!!!” she suddenly exploded turning to Matt. “They’ve only been together for a couple of months!! And they’ve already taken the next step!!”

Matt threw his hands out in defense. “Val she’s only just woken up... please don’t bring this up now” he pleaded.

“NO! Don’t try and crawl your way out of this one! How long have we been together now?!?!”
“Val I said not now... we’ll talk about it when we get home okay?!

Val just huffed and the forced a smile “Sorry Syn... got carried away”.

Hannah quickly glanced at Syn who also held a sympathetic look for Matt. Hannah had never seen Val explode like that before... especially at her childhood sweetheart.

*** ***

“Okay Miss Walker... I think you’ll be able to leave first thing in the morning. But I suggest you limit your walking, your legs are still very weak and it will take time to adjust again. Which is why your going to need physyio therapy.” The doctor told her. Hannah nodded as she was told this whilst Syn leaned against the wall.

“So... will someone be coming to our house?” Hannah asked. As soon as he heard “our” Syn could not help but smile.

“Yes... unless you want to go to them?” The doctor proposed.

“I’ve been asleep for nearly a month without seeing my friends and my boyfriend... do you honestly think I want to spend more time away from them?”

The doctor chuckled “I guess not. I’ll leave you to rest now... goodnight” and with that he nodded at Syn with respect and walked out the room.

Hannah rested her head on the pillows and sighed. “I can’t wait to get out of here!” She heard Syn’s footsteps echo in the room as he walked over the bed.

“I know Petal... just one more night” he told her as he brushed her hair out of her face, whilst he was doing this she once again caught sight of his new tattoo.

“You know you still haven’t told me about this tattoo” she informed as she gently grabbed his wrist. Syn gave her a shy smile before lifting up the covers and climbing into the next do her. Hannah shifted the side slightly and let him wrap his arms around her small frame.

“I got it two weeks after the accident... and I didn’t get it alone” he answered as he rested his head on the pillow and studied her eyes.

Hannah through him a confused glance and asked who.

Syn chuckled “Michelle... It was a way to... handle it I guess.”

Hannah stared at him wide-eyed. “Handle it?”

“Love if you remember... she was there when you were hit. After me she took it the hardest, she got on the wrist to.”

Hannah was baffled, but then again she does remember someone screaming her name. “Does she know I’m awake?”

Syn nodded “and she can’t wait to see you! She’s coming to help you get back home.”
Hannah smiled... “you two are really close now aren’t you?”

“Well before we were in a relationship we were best friends... “ Syn explained.

“I know...” Hannah interrupted, now it was Syn’s turn to look confused. “Before I was hit... she told me about you and her, about why she got in a relationship with you.”

Syn’s confused look turned into a sad smile. “I bet your wondering why I turned her down right? Because I didn’t want to to be the reason she was in pain... I was fucked up Hannah. And I didn’t want the risk our friendship... do you think it was bad that I agreed in the end?”

Hannah shrugged “She kept you sane for this long... I should be thanking her.”

Syn stroked her face and then softly kissed her forehead “ get some sleep... you’ve had quite a day.”

As soon as Syn said that it made Hannah think back on Val and Matt’s tense moment. “What happened with Matt and Val this morning?”

Syn sighed heavily “as I said... it’s been a long day. Get some sleep Petal.”

It was obvious that he didn’t want to talk about it... so she decided to leave till the morning.

I’ll just ask Michelle instead!’ she decided as she felt her eyes becoming heavy till she fell asleep in Syn’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh dear!

