Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-two

Hannah could hear footsteps entering the room, but from the way Syn was breathing... he was still asleep and she was too comfortable.

“Hannah...” a voice whispered making Hannah glance upwards. There over Syn’s shoulder was Michelle standing over her smiling. “Morning sleepy!”

Not wanting to wake Syn up she mouthed hi back and then attempted to wriggle free... but had no such luck.

“I wouldn’t even try... once your his personal teddy bear he’ll never let go” Michelle giggled making Hannah do so to.

“Ugh... as cute as your giggling is please shut up I’m sleeping” Syn groaned not opening his eyes.

“I see you still haven’t changed your morning routine” Michelle commented making Syn shoot up in surprise and fall off the bed for the second time. Both girls couldn’t help laugh their butts off at him.

Syn snapped at them to shut up making them laugh harder.

“Come on... you’ve got to get Hannah a wheel chair remember?” Michelle reminded him.

Syn pushed himself up on his feet. “Honestly... the things I do for love” he mumbled under his breath as he walked to the door.

“Love you more than cake!” she called after him making him flash a smile back at her before leaving the room.

“Okay I’m not quite sure what that was all about but at the same time it was cute!” Michelle said and placed a bag on the bed. Hannah watched her as she unzipped the bag and pulled out and pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

“Michelle... can I ask you something?”

She quickly glanced at Hannah then back at the bag “Shoot!” she told er as she started dressing her.

Hannah hesitated for a moment... “What’s going with Val and Matt?”

Michelle paused her actions slightly... “It’s complicated”.

“Oh come on not you to! Chells... I have never seen Val blow up like that. And Matt looked exhausted!”

Michelle laughed... but it wasn’t a cocky spiteful laugh; but more of a nervous one. “Hannah... you have to remember you’ve been asleep for what... nearly a month? So of course they’re going to be stressed. Both of them went through a lot... worrying about you and Syn. What you need to realize is that Syn wasn’t human when you were in a coma, he was like a robot. No feeling and no emotion.”

“But! But Val only blew off at him after Syn told her we’re engaged”

Suddenly Michelle threw her a puzzled look as she finally finished putting on her shoes, “really? Well that’s strange...”

“What’s strange?”

“Okay! Syn’s personal travel service is now here!!” Syn chimed as he pushed the wheel chair to the bed. “Right... now the next challenge is getting you out of that bed”.

“Well do it quickly cause I want to go home” Hannah grumbled making Michelle giggle in the background.

“Fair enough!” was all he said before grabbing Hannah and picking her up bridal style but because it was so sudden she ended up squealing. They stayed like that for a while. “Erm Hannah... as much as I would love to stay like this... you need to let go of me so I can put you down”.

Hannah felt the heat rush to her cheeks and Michelle couldn’t keep it in anymore. It wasn’t long before she was clutching her sides from laughing so much.

“You two... Have to be the cutest couple I have ever seen” she said in between he giggle fits as Syn slowly lowered Hannah into the chair. For a moment she forgot Michelle was in the room and wanted nothing but to grab him and crash her lips against his, but she was brought out her thoughts when Syn kissed her forehead then went behind her.

“Okay lets get outta here!!”

*** ***

“Welcome home Petal...” Syn told her as he pushed her into the living room. Michelle was now long gone which left Syn and Hannah on there own. Hannah looked up at him and smile before he once again lifted her up bridal style.

“You know I think you’re enjoying this too much” Hannah screeched as she held a death grip around his neck. But all Syn did was laugh and span her round in a circle. “Brian I’m not joking I don’t like this!!!”

Immediately he stopped spinning but still held her there. It wasn’t till now she noticed how close their faces were, Syn to seem to notice because he started to nuzzle his nose against hers. Both their breathing became uneven and sharp. Hannah brought her hands from the back of his neck through his lustrous black hair and then pressed her lips on his. It didn’t take long for him to kiss back, but he had no choice but to pull away.

“Why’d you stop?”

Syn smirked “because Petal... I’ll end up dropping you at this rate”. Hannah couldn’t help but giggle at his comeback and let him place her on the sofa. Syn then sat next to her and pulled her into his chest. Now Syn was laid on his back with his head against the pillows whilst Hannah rested hers against his chest.

“I think something is wrong with Val...” Hannah said suddenly.

Syn shifted himself slightly... “It’s not just Val you know.”

Hannah looked up at him “who’s worse though?” she asked.
Syn shrugged “at this point probably Matt... but I wouldn’t get involved Hannah” he told her sternly.

“Don’t you get it?” Hannah snapped now sitting up. Syn pulled a puzzled look and then gestured with his arm to say “Well dur!!”

Hannah sighed loudly. “How long have they been together ?” Syn opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Exactly! A long fucking time. How long have we been together?”

“Does that include the month you where out or not?” Syn asked becoming a little cocky.

“Just answer the question Brian!!”

“Three months... I think” he slowly replied.

“That’s right! And already you’ve asked me to marry you...” Hannah urged on pulling a desperate face. But Syn looked even more confused before....

“GRR SHE WANTS MATT TO ASK HER TO MARRY HIM YOU PLANK!!!” It took a while for him to process it all in his head but he finally pulled and ‘o’ shape with his mouth.

“Honestly Brian sometimes you have the emotional range of a teaspoon” she scowled playfully.

Brian gave pulled a goofy grin then gave her a peck on the lips “that maybe... but you can’t deny I’ a very nice looking teaspoon.”

‘Now that I can’t disagree with’ she thought as she rested her head back on his chest.

“But I don’t understand... how come she's blaming Matt?” Syn asked.

“Because like I said to you before... girlfriends crave attention. They’ve been together since they were twelve years old... and I think Val is ready to take the next step... but there’s one problem!”

“And what’s that?” Syn kept questioning.

For the second time Hannah sat up slightly to look at him again. “Mr M. Shadows isn’t. Which is why I’m gonna talk to him when I get the chance!”

Syn huffed “Well good luck with that... because we both know how stubborn Matt can get.”
♠ ♠ ♠
oohh she a clever one that Hannah eh?

now I want loads of comments now yes?
