Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-three

“Good morning Miss Walker...” said a young women “I’m Elena Sage. I’m your physico therapist on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays”. Hannah looked up from her book to see she was in her early twenties in the usual white nurses uniform, her natural blonde hair was tied up in a bun and she also wore a Grey cardigan. Behind her was Syn leaning against the door frame. With his arms crossed.

“Will this hurt?” Hannah asked with a hint of fear.

Elena laughed “no... but you may feel pressure”. Syn watched as Elena took off her hand jewelery off then started to rub her bare knee cap (she was wearing shorts). “Can you feel anything here?”

Hannah thought about it as she could feel slight pressure, “Yeah... so how is this gonna help me?”

“This is to wake up your muscles... after I’m gone your fiancée can help you walk. But I suggest you don’t push it; kept it small first till you feel more confident.” She told both of them.

*** ***
Elena spent the net two hours massaging Hannah’s legs and just chatting about certain things. Elena couldn’t take in how big the house was and by the fact she was in the house of a rock star. Hannah found out that nursing for her ran in the family... only she wanted to do physico therapy rather than work in a stuffy hospital.

“Okay Hannah that’s you done, I I’ll be back Wednesday to carry on. Remember to keep the walking to a certain limit and I would suggest not to walk on your own” Elena explained.

“Of course... thanks for everything!” Hannah called as Syn saw her out. She could her Elena call back to her before the door was gently shut and footsteps became louder. It wasn’t long till Syn Walked back in the room.

“How you feeling Legless?” Syn joked as he sat down. If Hannah could she would have kicked him, but there was no way her legs were that strong yet.

“Shut up!” she snapped playfully making Syn laugh and peck her lips.
“You know...” Syn whispered. “I think my physico therapy will be a lot more effective”.

“How so?” she challenged.

Syn gave her his infamous, sexy smirk as he slowly stroked his hand from her stomach to her thigh, where he traced small circles with his thumb. Feeling his rough, long fingers on her skin made her shiver and inhale deep, heavy breaths. Syn continued his work with his hands and softly started nipping and kissing at her neck.

“Bri...” she moaned then her breath got cut short when he moved round from her neck to her collarbone. Hannah lifted up her hands and ran her fingers through his soft black hair, at the same time she smelt his scent; cigarettes and cologne... just how she liked it.

Syn continued to place kisses down her body till finally he reached his destination. He then worked his way around from the hip bone, across the thigh all the way down to her knee cap. Hannah wanted nothing but to pounce on him and have her way with him but as stated before... she wasn’t strong enough.

“Bet you can feel this...” he stated huskily and worked his way back up her leg making her moan louder.

“Brian please...” she breathed making him bring his head back to her level and kiss her forcefully, still at the same time stroking her thigh.

“Brian... we can’t... do it now... the doctor... said... so...” she told him in between the kisses.

Syn pulled back slightly with a boyish grin... “No we can’t... but we could do ‘other’ stuff” he suggested. Hannah need telling anything no more... because it wasn’t long till Syn hand went across her shorts and slowly slipped his hand in them. Hannah’s heart was beating so fast it was inhuman...

“So... which do you think is better?” he whispered in her ear referring to the physico therapy.

“Don’t stop!” was all she replied.

*** ***

“Stop fucking each other?!?” Matt called through the house.

“Seriously dude as if we are when she can’t fucking walk!!” Syn snapped back making his friend laugh. Syn asked Matt to come round for some help in redecorating the bedroom, now was the perfect opportunity to ask him about what exactly is going on with him and Val.

“Okay man what we doing today?” Matt asked as he took off his hoody revealing him in an old t-shirt and trackie bottoms.

“The bedroom” Syn told him as he passed him the paint brushes. “I’ll just go get the paint” Syn told him and went out the room. Matt scanned around the room till his gaze finally fell on Hannah.

“How you doing Sweets?” he asked with a grin.

Hannah smiled back “Oh I’m dandy!” she replied calmly making him laugh. Matt put the paint brushes down and sat on the chair opposite to where Hannah was sitting.

“So how’s life Mr Sanders?”

Matt shrugged “it’s fine...”

From his tone she could tell everything wasn’t fine. “That doesn’t sound very convincing” she stated firmly.

Matt frowned “don’t worry about it okay...”

“Matt!” She snapped cutting him off. “Why did you guys hire me? So you could get advice on your problems; personal or professional! So please make my job easier and just tell me!”

He breathed in a heavy sigh... “I can tell you about any problem... even if its the most stupidest problem in the world?”

“Yes Matt of course...”

Matt was silence for a moment... “can we talk about it after me and Syn have done your room?” he asked hearing Syn coming out of the garage.

Hannah nodded just as Syn strolled in. “Okay dude I’ve got everything... Hannah if you need anything just shout us okay?” Syn told her.

“Sure thing!” she beamed back before Syn gave her a quick peck on the lips and disappearing with Matt upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
meh don't really like this chapter... what do you guys think?

