Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-four

“Brian leave!” Hannah ordered as she shifted in her chair. Matt was sitting opposite her with an unsure look on his face whilst Syn was standing.

“Oh come on does it really matter?” Syn moaned.

“YES!!” both Hannah and Matt yelled at the same time; Syn groaned but still stayed put. Becoming annoyed she grabbed her crutches and pulled herself up.

“Please Brian... its just the way things are between doctors and clients. Even you should know that!” he told him as attempted to push him out the door. But Syn continued to pout. Hannah knew why he was doing this... he felt neglected because he was jealous that Matt is getting to hang out with her.

“Fine!” he replied over dramatically then stormed out.

“Love you!” she called after him sweetly, it wasn’t log till he replied back the same answer only in a more mocking, playful tone.

Matt chuckled “I can honestly say I’ve never seen him like that before... you’ve whipped him!”

Hannah giggled “He just wants to make up the time we lost... and I think he’s... well...” she didn’t want to finish the sentence because truthfully... it was incredibly embarrassing.

“Horny?” Matt added making Hannah’s cheeks flush red. “Sweets I’ve known him nearly all my life I can tell when he’s sexually frustrated.”

Hannah hobbled over to her seat and sat down. “It’s frustrating for me as well you know... anyway lets get to the point. What’s up with you and Val?”

Matt took a deep breath. “It all started after the accident... we were so distraught about it we didn’t talk for weeks, then she started acting really strange. She was looking through all these jewelery magazines and kept talking about seizing opportunities, it was freaking me out! What you saw in the hospital that day scared me as much as it scared you”.

Hannah had a good idea what she was looking for... wedding rings. “Matt I’m going to ask you a few questions and I want you the answer them truthfully” she told him. Matt nodded as he leaned back into his seat.

“Describe your feelings for Val...” she asked him. Matt stiffened for a moment, like Syn he wasn’t the kind of guy to show their emotions; they keep it locked inside.

“Well... I don’t know. We’ve never been apart and I can never imagine it that way. She’s the greatest person I know, and I love her to death”.

Hannah nodded “I know Matt, and she feels the same for you but have you ever considered the next step?”

Matt threw her a puzzled look “The next step?”

“Matt... Val wants you to ask her to marry you.”

Matt’s breath got caught in his throat which caused him to start coughing. “urge... urge... It’s a l-little early t-to be thinking about that”.

“No I don’t think so... come on Matthew how long have you been together now? You tell me you love her... then prove it!! GO GET YOUR WOMAN!!” Hannah ordered forcefully. Matt stared at her wide-eyed; but his shocked look soon turned into a small smile.

“I guess your right...” he mumbled. “But how? I don’t know where to start...”

Hannah giggled “Start with choosing a ring... BRIAN!!” She called. Soon enough Syn came through the door with his hair a little wet... he must have had a shower “Brian where did you get my ring from?” Hannah asked him.

“Hannah you know I can’t tell you that it would ruin everything” he replied waging his finger back and forth.

“It’s not for me doofus its for Matt!” she snapped. Syn made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and went out the room and soon came back in with a huge pile of magazines in his hands.

“Have fun!” Syn cheered as he dropped the pile right bang in front of Matt, the pile was so tall Hannah could no longer able to see him.

“Brian?” she breathed amazed “did you read through every single one?”

Syn pulled a small, sad smile. “It took my mind off things...” he replied referring to her coma. Hannah didn’t really know what to say to that... it’s not everyday you hear someone looking for an engagement ring when your girlfriend is in a coma that she may never wake from.

“Brian can I talk to you outside for a sec...” Hannah asked as she pulled herself up. Syn nodded unsure and Hannah told Matt she’d be back in a moment. Syn watched her in confusion as she quietly closed the door and turn to him.

Hannah gave him a soft smile and gestured him to come closer to her. Still holding the puzzled expression on his face he stepped towards her... “What?”

Hannah didn’t answer him, instead she trace her hand up his arm to the side of his face. “You cease to amaze me...” she whispered and kissed his upper lip. Syn was stunned for a moment but then quickly loosened up and began to kiss back.

“Where’d that come from?” He asked completely breathless.

“What? Can I not show how much I love my fiancé?” she asked innocently.

Syn smiled he said the same thing to her once. “So why I’m I giving Matt the Magazines?”

Hannah pulled him into another kiss “because he’s growing the balls and asking Val to marry him...”

“Ah...” Syn replied as he combed her soft hair with his hands. “About time if you ask me...”

*** ***

“Thanks for the advice Hannah...” said Matt as he stepped out of the front door.

Hannah grinned at him “No problem... I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”

“Sure yeah... Oh and one more thing!” he said as he leaned into Hannah’s ear “Just between me and you... he likes it when girls take control” he whispered.

Hannah threw him a puzzled glance making him laugh. “Don’t worry...” he reassured “you’ll know exactly what I mean then the time comes...” and with that he walked to his car and drove off. As Hannah walked back through the hallway she repeated what Matt told her.

‘I know exactly what to do!’ she thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
what did Matt mean?

