Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-five

“Hannah you’re kinda scaring me...” said Val as she watched her move about the house cleaning.

“What?! I’ve got surprise in store for Brian... just like Matt has a surprise for you” Hannah told her. Yes it was official... Matt was taking Val out and is going to pop the question to her; it took nearly a week for him to find the perfect ring... and even longer on how to ask her. It was lucky he had both Hannah and Syn’s help otherwise he’d have been stuck; in return however... Matt helped her plot Syn’s ‘surprise’.

“You mean you know about it?” Val questioned “TELL ME NOW!!”

Hannah laughed at her sudden mood change, Val wasn’t blessed with patience. “You know I can’t... it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I did...”

Val pouted but continued to help her clean. Hannah couldn’t wait to see her reaction to Matt, it was perfect. Matt and her decided that first he would be cooking dinner at home (hence why she’s round Hannah and syn’s), then for them to take a walk in the park where they’d meet and get hammered when they where younger... and then head to the beach and that would be then he would get down on his knee.

‘very cute’ Hannah thought, a part of her wished Syn would have popped the question in a similar fashion... but by the fact that he asked her anyway was good enough for her. Two days after he asked her he got the ring, it was sliver with green stone which was her birthstone in the middle. Val’s however was incredibly flashy with diamonds around the whole golden band.

“You know it’s not often Matt gives surprises...” Val stated. “It’s kinda weird... I can’t shake the feeling its gonna be bad.”

Hannah looked at her friend strangely “Why on earth would it be bad?” But Val didn’t answer... instead she just shrugged. ‘Poor Val’ Hannah thought... ‘its completely obvious that’s she’s ready to be a married woman ‘
“Okay that’s everything done... so what kind of surprise are you doing for Brian?” Val asked wiping her forehead.

Hannah smirked “He’s been feeling a bit... how should I put this... frustrated about certain things. So I’m gonna relax him...”

“What? You gonna put him in a sex dungeon or something?” Val joked.

“NO!” Hannah shrieked disgusted “Oh my god you know how I feel about that shit it’s freaky as hell!!! Valary DiBenendetto I am gonna pretend you did not just say that."

Val giggled “Jeez chillax I was only joking... but seriously what are you doing?”

“Too be honest I don’t really know... I’m kinda improvising and borrowing something off Leana” Hannah replied maybe a little to casually.

“Oh god if you’re borrowing something off Leana... then it’s bound to be kinky”.

*** ***

“Thanks for helping me set up dude” Matt said to Syn as got out of his car.

“No problem man... now go on and get your girl!!” Syn ordered.

But Matt shook his head “nah man she’s coming now”. Syn turned round and sure enough Val was walking down the path way with a big grin on her face.

“What you smiling about?” Syn asked her. But all Val did was tap her nose to say ‘keep your nose out’. “Val... what’s going on?”

But all she did was giggle as she stepped in the car “You’ll see... have fun” and with that Matt drove off. Syn watched the car drive off in confusion.

‘weird...’ he thought as he slowly made his way to the house. But as he got closer he noticed something strange...

‘Why are the curtains drawn?’

Syn opened the door slowly to see the house completely lit by candle light. “Hannah?” he called through the house. But there was no answer... somehow he felt that he needed to follow the candles because they were leading up to the stairs.

“Hannah?” he called again as he finally reached the bedroom... like the hallway it was lit by candles with the bed made and smelly sticks on the table.

“Just wait on the bed...” Hannah yelled through the door that led to the bathroom. Syn stared at it for a while...

“Erm... why?”

“Just do it!” Hannah ordered “You’ll see...”

Syn had no idea what she was up to but still sat on the end of the bed. Syn fiddled with his thumbs as he scanned his surroundings... finally his eyes laid on the spare bottle of water. Syn reached for the bottle and drank its content.

“Er... hey Brian...” came Hannah’s voice shyly. Syn turned his head to her with his mouth still full of water... only to spit it out again when he saw what she was wearing. There she was standing in black-laced lingerie with black stockings... Syn always thought she had a good body but DAMN!! She could be a model. Syn continued to stare at her wide-eyed as he wiped his mouth.

“Wow...” he breathed making her blush more; Hannah walked over to him with a little limp because her legs still weren’t very strong. As soon as she got to him he placed his hands on her hips and looked up at her with a boyish grin.

“Well hello sexy!” he cooed and started placing butterfly kisses on her stomach. Now usually Hannah would let him do his magic... but not tonight. Hannah helped him take his shirt up and he went back to kiss her stomach... but this time she didn't let him by pushing him back on the bed.

Syn stared at her in shock as she crawled onto his lap and started kissing him deeply. He was stunned for a moment but then brought his hands up to her face. Hannah made the kiss a lot deeper and more heated to a point it made him moan. she smiled against his lips as she grabbed his wrists making he pull back in surprise.

“Hannah what are you...” but he never got to finish his sentence as he heard a clicking sound around both his wrists. Syn looked up to see his wrist attached by the bed in handcuffs. For a moment he looked scared making Hannah giggle.

“How does feel not being in control?” Hannah asked him seductively and she stroked his well toned chest. Syn shivered from her touch but managed to reply “very nice...”

Hannah smirked at him before kissing him forcefully again then slowly working her way down. Syn didn’t need to question her motives when she finally stopped kissing his stomach and started to undo his jeans. Because it wasn’t long till he felt her do incredibly naughty things to him that involved... well you get the idea.

*** ***

“That had to be the best sex in my life...” Syn commented looking up a the ceiling. Hannah giggled in his chest before kissing it making Syn hold her closer to him. Yes... Syn was now released from the cuffs because as much as he was liking it... it was beginning to bruise around his wrists.

“So did you like the surprise?” Hannah asked with a grin.

Syn made Hannah look up at him “defiantly... I was however surprise at what you did first. I knew I was in for a ride but... not a blowjob” Syn commented with his sexy smirk.

Hannah felt the heat rise to her cheeks “I felt really awkward doing it...” she confessed. “I don’t know if I enjoyed it...”

“Don’t worry love you were great” Syn told her massaging her neck... “You just need practice”.

Hannah shot him a playful look with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh don’t look at me like that you know what I mean” Syn said chuckling a little.

“And what am I suppose to practice on exactly?” she challenged.

Once again Syn pulled his smirk and kissed her deeply “practice makes perfect” was all he said entwining his fingers in her hair before guiding her below the covers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry I just find it really awkward writing sex scenes... but hey it was still pretty damn hot!!

