Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

chapter forty-six

The only thing that could have been heard in the bedroom was the sound of the wind floating through the open window and running water. Hannah could feel the warmth of the covers wrapped around her naked body as she fluttered her eyes open.

“Brian?” she called as she sat up when she didn’t feel his strong arms around her. She scanned the room till her eyes fell onto the bathroom door... were there was stream drifting out where it was slightly ajar.

‘Oh he’s having a shower’ Hannah thought as she suddenly got an idea. As quietly as she could she slipped on a pair of boy shorts and Syn's shirt from yesterday and tip-toed to the bathroom door. She brought her face to the open space of the door and peaked through to only have her breath get caught in her throat. There was Syn in all his glory as the water ran down from his head all the way to feet. His usual spiky hair which was directly under the shower head was now stuck to his face and his eyes were closed as the water ran down his face and dripped onto his well-toned chest. Everytime he moved his arms to rinse out the shampoo his muscles would flex ever so slightly.

“I know you’re there Hannah...” Syn suddenly spoke making her jump out of her skin which also resulted to her falling through the door flat on her face.

“Ow...” she mumbled under her breath as she felt a pair of wet arms pick her up.

“Shit Hannah you okay?” Syn asked full with worry as he placed his hands on both sides of her face, seeing if there was any damage. Hannah’s heartbeat was going at a rapid pace as she felt his wet, naked body against her half-clothed body; even though it had nearly been half a year she still coud not get over how drop-dead gorgeous he was.

“Erm... I am now” she whispered thinking he didn’t hear her, but she was obviously wrong because his mouth grew into a smirk and pulled her into a heated kiss. Hannah was a bit stunned at first but when she felt his hands down from her face to her shoulders and pinned her against the nearest wall she immediately relaxed and wrapped her arms around her waist. Syn pulled away slightly and nuzzled his nose against hers.



“You’ve... left the shower running”.

Syn chuckled slightly as he ran his hand through her soft brown hair “That’s because I’m not finished love...”

“Oh... well... I’ll... just go then” Hannah said slowly and went to leave but Syn tattooed arm blocked her. Hannah threw him a look as if to say ‘what the hell you doing’ which made Syn chuckle again.

“You looked after me last night... now its my turn” he casually told as he held the helm of the shirt... slowly he lifted it over her head leaving her torso bare.

Hannah couldn’t help but flush as he saw his eyes gaze down to her chest... feeling her usual shyness take over instantly wrapped her arms around her.

“Aw Petal you don't need to be shy around me...” he cooed gently taking hold of her wrists and placing her hands on his shoulders.

“I’m sorry... I just feel so plain sometimes. You could have any girl you want....”

“But I don’t want any other girl. I want you! I’ve always wanted you. And you’re not plain looking your the most beautiful woman in the world” he told her sternly knowing she was going to get all negative. Hannah was about to protest but then Syn’s hands went down her side to were her boy shorts were. Hannah surlowed her breath as he felt his hand guide them down her legs till they dropped to the floor.

For a moment Syn took a couple of steps back from her but it wasn’t long till he grabbed her hand and guided her under the shower head. She felt a slight shiver as she felt the water touch her skin, but that shiver was nothing compared to the one she felt when Syn grabbed the shampoo and began to wash her long hair. Hannah closed her eyes from his touch and not to get anything in her eyes.

“I really wish you wouldn’t talk like that sometimes... it’s like you keep second thinking me” Syn said in a saddened tone. Hannah felt a pang of guilt run through... she would never second think him... in fact it wasn’t him at all.

“It’s not you...” she whispered as she felt him rinsed her hair “It’s me...” Syn threw her a puzzled look then told her to look at him. Once she opened her eyes she saw how close his face was to hers.

“Now listen to me...” he told her in a gentle but strict tone. “I love you... more than my job, more than my friends, more than anything!! You are the greatest creation... if anything; I don’t deserve you. So please... stop being negative about yourself. You’re perfect and nothing is going to change that.” All Hannah could was nod and let him conitinue to wash her.

“I’m sorry...” she suddenly choked making Syn look up at her in surprise to see tears running down her cheeks. “I love you more than anything... please don’t be mad.”

Syn couldn’t help but smile and place a soft kiss in her forehead “I never was...”

*** ***

“Guys... me and Val have an announcement” Matt spoke silencing everyone. Matt made a phone call to the band telling them to bring their girlfriends (including Michelle and her boyfriend Richard) and come round to the house. Everybody stared at him... having no idea what Matt was about to tell them. Well everyone but Hannah and Syn since they help Matt plan it all.

“Well... me and Val... we’re getting married”

Everyone but Hannah and Syn was quiet... then they all yelled one word “FINALLY!!!” making Matt, Val, Syn and Hannah laugh.

“Hang on you two knew?” Zacky asked throwing a puzzled look at Hannah and Syn.

“Knew? We helped him plan it!” Syn replied wrapping his arm around Hannah’s shoulders.

“We actually... that’s not all he did” Matt answered with a smirk. Both Val and Hannah threw their fiancées a confused look.

“Well... me and Matt did some talking and... we figured since you two are like Velma and Betty.” Syn started but then looked at Matt to finish.

“You two are getting married on the same day...” Val and Hannah stared at eachother with their mouths hanging low.

“OH MY GOD!!!” They both squealed as they both hugged their fiancées then hugged each other.

“Val we’re getting married... together!” Hannah gushed making Val scream again.

“I know this is amazing!!!” Val replied in the same excited tone. Everyone laughed at their reaction and started to cheer a clap.

“Congrats guys!” Michelle chimed hugging them both. As soon as Val and Hannah pulled away they looked at each other then nodded.

“Sis...” Val said with a warm smile “Since me and Hannah are on the same wave length here...”

“Will you be our maid of honour?” Hannah finished.

Michelle looked at them in shock... but then smiled and replied sure.

Once that was sorted both girls walked back to their-to-be husbands. “So... you like the surprise?” Syn asked Hannah secretly as he wrapped his arms around her.

Hannah looked up at him with a smile then pulled him into a gentle kiss “you continue to amaze me Brian Haner...”
♠ ♠ ♠
awww I love this chapter!

