Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-eight

‘What time is it?’ Hannah asked herself as she stirred in her sleep but then realized that she was no longer leaning against Syn’s broad chest. As she fluttered her eyes opened she used her hands to push herself into a sitting position.

“Guys?” she called but there was no answer, so she forced herself to her feet and search the bus till she saw a note on the fridge.

It’s fair to say I could watch you sleep for a lifetime. But unfortunately duty called and we had to start our sound check and since I refused to wake you we went in without you... So now you’re obliviously awake (because you have to be awake to read this anyway) just ring me and I’ll come and get you....

P.S. I love you more than cake... and everything in this world!

Hannah couldn’t help but smile at the note, after scan reading it again she fished out her phone and scrolled through her phone book till she finally found the contact Sexy Bri! Hannah had no idea how it got in there... Syn must have nabbed it when she wasn’t looking.

‘He’s so big headed’ she thought as she brought the phone to her ear... then again she had never met anyone sexier than Syn; Since to her he was practically a god. It wasn’t long till Syn literary yelled down the phone because he was so excited.

“Are you drunk?” she asked jokingly.

“No... well maybe a little tipsy but I know what I’m doing” he spoke lightly.

Hannah giggled “well... I’m awake now”.

“I’ll be right there” and with that he hung up. Hannah shoved her phone back into her pocket and walked to the bunks; there she picked up her hair brush and began to untangle her hair. She was so focused on it she didn’t hear the bus door open. So it wasn’t long till she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.

“Hey you...” he whispered in her ear.

Hannah tilted her head to the side slightly knowing what he wanted to do “Hey yourself” she breathed as soon as she felt his warm lips against her neck. She then turned her head slightly so he could claim her lips.

“I missed you...” Syn spoke as he pulled away making Hannah scoff.

“Then you should have woken me up!”

But Syn nodded with a goofy grin “You looked too peaceful... but I can honestly say its good you’re awake now because everyone wants to kill me”.

Hannah threw him a puzzled look. “I kept moaning... like I said... I missed you” he answered.
Hannah laughed and shook her head; all it took was a little thing like that to make him more adorable; if that was even possible.

“Aw... Bri!”

Syn blushed a little as he hid his face into her neck “come on we better get moving”. He threw her his stunning grin before lacing his fingers with hers, leading her out of the bus and into the building. As they walked through the venue Hannah couldn’t help but nose at what everyone was doing, people were walking everywhere whether they were light techs or venue organizers.

“This is the busiest part of that day” Syn told her “trying to get everything ready on time… which never happens”.

“How come?”

Syn chuckled and wrapped his large, tattooed arm around her waist “It’s a bitch called technology”. Hannah made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth before burying herself deeper into him and leaning her head into his neck.

“Still tired?” he asked her brushing her long hair out of her face.

“No… just getting my daily dose of Brian” Hannah answered making him chuckle again, she knew this because she could feel a light rumbling in his chest.

“Aw… I love you baby girl!” he chimed as he wrapped his arms around her small frame and then kissed the top of her head.

“GATES!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!” Jimmy screeched from his drum set. Hannah could hear Syn growl under his breath as he pulled away from the embrace and turned to his crazy friend.

“Fuck off! I’m busy!” He yelled back.

“Yeah and I’m fucking Father Christmas!! Get over here!” Jimmy barked. Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at them… this was going to be an entertaining tour.

*** ***

“Avenged Sevenfold…. You’re on in fifteen minutes” spoke the tech guy through the door then disappeared.

Matt yelled thanks and gathered the lads around. “Okay guys… ten press ups!” Hannah’s face twisted in confusion so Leana quickly explained that before a show they do ten press ups to get the adrenaline running. Jimmy was the first to go down and he made it look easy because after two minutes… he was done. Afterwords came Zacky, Johnny then Matt (which were done in like a second).

When it was Syn’s turn she couldn’t help but stare at how his arm muscles would clench and tighten every time his body went up and down; He then placed his left arm behind his back and started to do the press ups with one hand.

‘Oh god!’ she thought as she tried to focus on something other than him… but his light panting was making it very difficult; it alone made dirty visions appear in her head...

“Sweety…” Leana whispered in her ear “you look like you’re about to rip his clothes off”. Hannah blushed a deep crimson but then noticed that Syn had gotten to his feet and he was still panting slightly.

“God I need to go to the gym more…” he mumbled making Hannah’s jaw nearly drop to the ground. Syn threw her a puzzled look “What?” But she continued to gawk at him... not knowing whether to slap him because he was perfect already or to drag him somewhere were she’d pounce on him.

“Oh she was just undressing you with her eyes no biggie” Leana answered for her.


“What?! Come on girl he’s your boyfriend you’re allowed to!”

“I know… it’s just…” she began but then her shyness got the better of her; she felt like she was in high school again... watching the athletic boy from across the field and whenever he’d looked over she’d did her best to hide. Unfortunately for Hannah she wasn’t blessed with that gift because everyone caught her in the act.

Syn pulled a boyish grin and walked over to her. He then lifted her chin up slightly and crashed his lips against hers in a forceful kiss. Hannah was taken back for a second but then relaxed and began to kiss back trying her hardest to be the dominant one… but failed miserably.

“Dude seriously… that was like soft porn” Zacky grumbled as both Hannah and Syn pulled away. Once again Hannah felt the heat rise to her cheeks and hid her face in his shoulder.

“Zack you do have a knack of embarrassing her” stated Syn crossly as he stroked his hand up and down her shoulder.

Zacky’s mouth opened slightly... “NO! PLEASE HANNAH-BEAR DON’T HATE ME!!” he exclaimed rather dramatically.

“Wha...” but Hannah couldn’t finish her sentence she was ripped from Syn’s grasp and was being spun round by who she calls her best friend.

“Besides... I too adorable to hate” Zacky said in a baby voice causing Hannah to scoff.

“Yeah... you’re irresistible” she mumbled... her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Zacky pulled away with a huge goofy grin on his face “Thanks!”

“That wasn’t a compliment”.

“Okay guys we need to be on stage like... NOW!” Matt ordered before giving both girls a quick hug then walking out the room. One by one each member followed (along with Jimmy giving Leana a quick kiss) except for Syn.

“See you when I get back petal” he whispered against Hannah’s lips and then gave her a soft kiss. He then took a step back, kissed her knuckles then walked out the door.

“You know what’s so good about you two?” Leana suddenly spoke.


“You two practically spend all your time together... and you never get bored.”

Hannah chuckled slightly “Can you imagine what he’ll be like if I wasn’t here?”

Now it was Leana's turn to laugh “we almost murdered him today because he kept whining... that man is love sick!”

“I know...” Hannah answered “and so am I.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ack! Sorry for the late update... a lot of crazy shiz is happening at the moe and I'll probably won't write the next one till my exams are finished.. so if you love this story please! be a little patient with me... cheers!

