Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter forty-nine

Only one word could describe to show... incredible! Hannah never had so much fun from just watching a show. Without a doubt she considered them musical geniuses, but their showmanship was just mind-boggling!

But unlike the last time were she was doing anything to avoid Syn as much as possible, she couldn’t take her eyes him. The way he held himself so proudly and how he enchanted the crowd with his guitar playing didn’t make her question why someone as amazing as him was with her... but made her think just how lucky she is. Because of him she would still be slaving away with her workload in New York and be constantly worrying about her father. She now had her dream job, she was surrounded by her best friends and more importantly... she finally gained the man of her dreams.

“Hannah?!” Syn yelled waving his hand in front of her face. Hannah blinked once the shook her head, she must have spaced out because Syn stood in front of her with a worried expression. “Hannah you feeling okay?” he asked as the held her face in he large hands.

Hannah gazed into his brown orbs whilst smiling then removed his hands from her face and placed them on her waist. Syn continued to looked at with a puzzled expression... but it soon turned into a timid smile when she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her nose into it.

“I love you so much...” she muttered

Syn’s smile turned into a goofy grin “I love you too”.

Syn pulled back slightly to cup her cheek in his hand... Hannah glanced at it to notice it was the one that had her name tattooed. Seeing it sparked an idea she’d had ever since she got out of the hospital.

“I want to get a tattoo!”

Syn narrowed his eyes slightly and blinked a couple of times “well that was completely random...” he commented finally breaking into a chuckle.

Hannah gave him an innocent look “I know but I’m being serious...”

Syn threw her a stern look “look Hannah...”

“OH NO! Don’t start lecturing me about tattoos because Brian... you really can’t talk” she stated with a scoff but was then silenced by Syn’s finger on her lips.

“Give me a chance to speak because we both know once you start your rant it’s impossible to shut you up” Syn told her making her blush.


“Hannah I was joking don’t be so serious” he reassured her. “Now as I was saying... you getting a tattoo? I have a love/hate relationship with it-wait hear me out” he said before she could go on her rant again. “I love it... cause I think tattoos on girls is really fucking sexy”.
Hannah’s shyness started to creep up again and once again rested her head into his neck. “However... I think your already sexy as it is and from personal experience; it hurts like a bitch depending on were you wanna get.”

Hannah pulled back slightly “I want it on my hip” she said lifting up her shirt and pointing at it. Syn brushed his hand against where she pointed a cringed slightly.

“Petal that’s going to hurt... what do you want to get anyway?”

Hannah smiled “something that represents you”.

Syn blinked a couple of times... ‘I wasn’t expecting that’. “Really?”

“Really, really”.

Suddenly Hannah felt his mouth crash against hers, roping her into a heated and passionate kiss. She was taken back a little but then wrapped her arms around her neck to deepen the kiss. She could feel his tongue trace on her bottom lips begging for an entrance... which she gladly obliged to. But then he did something unexpected... he span her round and leaned forward so she was now all her weight was supported by his arms. Syn then pulled away and started placing small kisses in her neck, but he was doing so fast she kept giggling and squirming.

“I so wanna make love to you right now” he whispered as he pulled her upward so she was now standing again. Hannah didn’t reply... instead she kissed him with more force and passion then brought lips to his ear.

“Then why don’t you?” she asked seductively and nipped his earlobe. Hannah knew this was having a effect on him because his breathing got heavier and clutching to her as if she was going to get ripped away from him. It seemed that Syn was convinced... because it didn’t take long to grasp her hand and drag her off into the most secretive area he could find.

*** ***

“And just were have you been?” Leana asked. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot vigorously as she watched the lovebirds walk through the bus.

“What you and Jimmy do on a regular basis” Syn replied with a cocky smile on his brilliant face.

“Yeah... but we don’t tend to do it at the venue”

“No. You do it in the bunks instead when everyone is sleeping” Syn shot back this time leaving Leana with no comeback.

“Aw Leana chill out he’s just fucking with ya” Hannah giggled pulling her into a hug.

“No dear... he’s fucking you” she replied with a cheeky glint in her eye. Hannah stuck her tongue out at her and wrapped her arms around Syn’s middle as he was having a conversation with Zacky.

“” she suddenly whined.

“” he replied mocking her.

“Me tired” she squeaked trying to mimic him because he would always say it to her whenever he wanted to go to bed and have his own little live teddy bear.

Syn turned to her with a smile “Okay Petal... lets go” he told her as he wrapped one arm around his shoulder. As they walked to the bunks they both said goodnight to everyone; once they got there Syn stripped down to his boxers whilst Hannah grabbed one of Syn’s old shirts and throwing it over her head then both of them climbed into the bunk. Hannah knew they were small... but Syn’s body size wan’t exactly helping much either. But if she could sleep in a coma for nearly a month a tiny bunk with a very large frame of a man can be dealt with.

“Night, night Petal...” he mumbled as he wrapped his big arm around her. Hannah brought her face to his and gave him a soft peck on the lips before snuggling into his broad chest and drifting off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got fed up with revision one day and wrote this!

I've just realized I've got way more chapters then I intended to do... aw well.


