Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter five

“Zacky! Hannah! We thought you both weren’t gonna turn up if you know what I mean!” Jimmy exclaim pushing his eyebrows up down. Zacky gave the middle finger to his loud friend and took out a bottle of beer from Matt’s bag.

“You want one?” He asked softly; Hannah shook her head “not right now”. Zacky nodding tell her he understood. Hannah looked at it for a second and looked around “where’s Matt and Val?”

Jimmy giggled “who knows...” he slurred as he walked over. “Hannah come sit next to me!!!!” he suddenly sang and dragged Hannah to sit on a fallen tree branch; not realizing that at the same time Syn had walked over to talk to Zacky. Once sat down he said hello gorgeous in a really deep, cheesy tone you get in them old fashioned gangster film.

Hannah laughed at his drunkenness “Jimmy your completely shit-faced” she stated.

“And you my dear are sober but I’m not complaining” he slurred and leaned his head on her shoulder. Hannah stiffened for a second but then relaxed and looked at Zacky who was talking to Syn… they seemed to be having a heated conversation.

“So Hannah Banana! What bands do you like? I know you like Guns ‘n’ Roses and Metallic…” he asked with curiosity.

“Erm… all sorts really, but my favorite band of all time has to be Pantera… and hang on what the fuck? Hannah Banana?”. She replied.

Jimmy grinned liked a mad man. “It rhymes with Hannah… and it’s the first thing that popped in my head” he calmly explained.

“Well that’s two nicknames now, first Sweets from Matt and now… Hannah Banana” she stated with a giggle.

“You know… I don’t think you’re a nerd like Syn says… you’re pretty cool” said Jimmy suddenly. Hannah blushed and mumbled thanks.

“HANNAH!!!” yelled Val suddenly jumping on her lap. Matt soon came after her with a big grin on his face.

“Um… hi” Hannah said with a smile “er Val? You’re sitting on my lap…”

Val grinned “I know because I’m happy!” she gushed. “I’m not the only girl anymore...”.

Hannah laughed and then asked Val to move so she could stand up. Suddenly Zacky walked over stood next to her… he seemed pretty steamed.

“You okay?” Hannah asked touching his arm. Zacky shook his head “I’ll tell you later…” he mumbled.

“SO! What’s going on between you two then?” Val asked them both, scaring them by the sudden outburst. Everyone including Syn who had just joined the group stared at us.

“What is it with you people and staring?” Hannah stated in a mock anger making everyone except Syn laugh.

“I can think of a reason…” he suddenly grumbled. Zacky immediately twisted his face in anger.

“Haner I swear if you keep this up I’m going to kick the shit out of you!!!” Zacky got up into Syn’s face.

“Why do you even fucking stick up for her? She can fight her own battles can’t she?!?!” Syn yelled still in Zacky’s face.



“PLEASE STOP FIGHTING?!” Hannah screeched getting in-between the two boys. Both boys fell silent and stared at her. She had each hand on the other boy’s chest to push them apart. As if it was a quick reflex he pushed her hand away from him; but surprisingly it was not in a harsh matter like ‘get your fucking hands off me…' but in an ‘I’d prefer it if you didn’t touch me’.

“I better get home…” she mumbled and then hugged Zacky quickly “thanks for inviting me” then walked off.

“Hannah no come on I told your Gran I would…” Zacky whispered but was cut off.

“Do you always walk away from arguments? How weak are you?!?” Syn snapped at Hannah. Hannah ignored him and said goodbye to everyone and that she would see them in the morning.

*** ***

Hannah slammed her bedroom door and fell to the floor… sobbing. What just happened?!? Why is Syn treating her like this?!?!

‘you know why Hannah…’ her conscience told her.

Then Hannah remembered the one thing that always made her feel better. Walking slowly to her jewelery box, she opened it and pulled out a small safety pin. She sat down on the bed and rolled up her long sleeve. Slowly she scratched the pin into her wrist, tears falling freely down her cheeks. As soon as she saw some blood trickle down her arm she immediately grabbed a tissue from a box and held it against her arm.

“Hannah are you okay?” Lily asked through the door. Hannah froze but quickly replied she was tired and about to go to sleep. Lily seemed to believe her because she could hear her soft footsteps on the stairs. Hannah slowly got into her pajamas and under her covers.

*** ***

Hannah woke in the early morning, she had a dream. She was walking on the beach looking for something… but she didn’t know what; however that wasn’t the most bizarre part. What was strange was because Syn was in the dream as well. He to was walking on the beach and seemed to be looking for something.

Hannah shook the dream out of her head decided to have a shower. So she grabbed some clean clothes for the day which were ripped blue jeans, a white Pantera t-shirt with black jumper sleeves. After her shower she decided to be lazy and let her hair dry so it would be slightly wavy. Once fully dressed she walked back into her room to put her makeup on. Still feeling lazy she just put on a thick layer of eyeliner and mascara and a touch of lip gloss. But suddenly her phone rang… Hannah ran to it and put it to her ear.


“Hi Hannah…” Came Zacky’s voice… “Can I give you a lift into school?”

“Er… yeah sure… do we need to pick Syn up as well?” she asked as she packed her bag full of books.

“Erm…I’d rather it be just me and you… me and Syn aren’t on good terms at the moment”

Hannah sighed “look Zack I’m sorry…” but he her cut off.

“Hannah make me a promise to not think it is your fault about me and Syn… it’s bound to past on” He told her sternly.

Hannah bit her lip but sure enough agreed.

“Okay… I’ll pick you up soon kay? Bye Hannah-Bear” he said softly and hung up. Hannah smiled at her new nickname. She was soon going to have an identity crisis if she keeps getting different names.
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hmmm you know what I would love...

to have people comment

that would make video kid very happy :)