Status: completed... FINALLY!!

Change Me to Your Point of View

Chapter Fifty

“What cha doing beautiful?” Syn cooed as he walked from his bunk to the sitting area; there sat Hannah with a pad and pencil on her lap and her head resting in her palm.

She glanced up at him for a second then back to the pad, “Brainstorming ideas for the tattoo”. Syn sat next her and gently took the pad from her hands to look at it himself. On the pad were different pictures, paragraphs and words that described him. When looking at it he couldn’t help but smile at how much effort she was putting in getting the perfect tattoo.

“Have you come to a design then?”

Hannah groaned as she brought her knees to her chest and leaned her head against them. “No…” she grumbled “I can’t think of anything descent…”.

“Why don’t you have a cake with my name on it?” Syn suggest making Hannah throw him a stern look making him laugh. “What?”

“I’m not getting a cake tattooed on me Brian!” she snapped making Syn laugh harder. Hannah shuffled away from him slightly and turned her head away.

“Aw come Petal I was only joking!” he chimed trying to hold her but she wasn’t having it. So he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head. He then placed his hand on her chin and made her look at him. Seeing the blank expression on her face he kissed her the tip of her nose making her face scrunch up and crack into a smile. “There is a smile!!” he sang then pressed his lips against hers.

Hannah giggled in the kiss and wrapped her arms his neck whilst he moved his hand from her face to her waist. It was then she noticed something she never saw under his thumb. She pulled away from the kiss (earning a whine off Syn in the process) and lifted up the hand that was one her waist.

“Is that a tattoo?” she asked studying it. Syn gave her a puzzled look at first the followed her gaze. On the bottom of his thumb on the side of his hand was a tiny number one.

“This?” he said pointing at it. “This is my first tattoo...”

“You got a number one as your first tattoo...” she stated in a dull tone. “Brian that’s just stupid”.

Syn chuckled “Yeah... it doesn’t seem very smart now you put it like that... but I was young and trying to be a smart ass.”

Hannah lifted his hand higher to study it more... ‘wait a minute...’

“I GOT IT!!!” she suddenly exclaimed flinging her arms back... but accidentally hit Syn in the face.

“OW! Jesus Christ woman be careful you almost broke my frigging jaw” he snapped rubbing it.

Hannah put her hands over her mouth but couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh shit I’m sorry Brian...” was all she was able to say. Syn still didn’t seem impressed so she leaned forward to kiss he chin better.

“My face still hurts!” he told her pouting. Hannah raised an eyebrow at him but asked where on his face was hurting. Syn sat up slightly and pointed at his cheek with a smirk. Hannah rolled eyes and leaned forward again to kiss his cheek but as soon as she got there he moved slightly so she captured his lips instead.

‘cheeky bastard!’ she thought but that message was soon pushed back into the back of her head when she felt him push her back onto the sofa and straddle her waist. The kiss was becoming more heated because it didn’t take long for him to trace his tongue on her bottom lip and her letting him in. She couldn’t help but moan as soon as she felt his rough hand stroke under her shirt.

“Guy! Were trying to sleep!” Came a voice from the bunks.

Syn pulled away slightly “Fuck off short shit!”

Johnny dragged himself out of the his bunk and at onto the sofa opposite Syn and Hannah. “What are you doing up so early anyway?” he grumbled scratching the back of his head hoping to fix his bed hair... but only made it ten times worse.

“We were talking about a tattoo for Hannah...” Syn replied glumly as he rested his head on in the crock of her neck; he clearly wasn’t happy that he couldn’t continue what he started.

“A tattoo? Cool!” Johnny chimed. “What you getting?”

“Yeah what are you getting?” Syn repeated looking up at her slightly.

Hannah smiled “I’m getting a number one... and your name.”

Syn through raised an eyebrow “um... what’s the meaning behind that?”

“Well you got a number one for your first tattoo right... but if I get your name next to it, it shows your my number one”.

Syn let it process in his head for a little bit, “I don’t think my name will look so good”.

“Oh okay... so what do you suggest?” she asked him knowing he was more the tattoo expert.

“Well... why don’t you get one of Syn’s guitars instead” Johnny suggested slowly. Hannah and Syn stared at him for a while, then at each other and back at him again.

“I like the sound of that” Hannah spoke softly.

“For once you said something smart” Syn commented.

“Hey I’m always smart! You’re just too dumb to process it” he shot back smugly. Syn sat up slightly, took a sip of Hannah’s bottled water and then spat it straight at Johnny’s face. Hannah was about to yell at him but changed her mind when she heard Johnny roar with laughter.

“Fair Play, Fair play” he said wiping trying to wipe the water off with his and grinning in the process.

“Johnny why do take all that shit?” Hannah asked in disbelief. Syn laughed slightly as he buried his head back into her neck, in an instance she started playing with hairs just above his neck.

“Because they’re ten times bigger than me and usually I deserve it” Johnny casually explained. “Now... I’m gonna go back to bed so if you’re gonna fuck. Do it quietly” and with that he strolled out back to his bunk.

“urgh! He’s such a little shit” Syn grumbled into her neck.

“That maybe... but he’s also a kick ass bass player” Hannah reasoned. Syn didn’t say anything so she assumed that he was agreeing with her. “I need to fine a tattoo artist...”

“Don’t worry about that” Syn told her. “I know the perfect person!”
♠ ♠ ♠
ohh who's it gonna be?

I want at least ten comments otherwise... I'm not updating till I do...

also check out my Nathan Leone story... "You've Changed me..."
